
Lucas Mazur


Uhhh cars, and random lame stuff I think is cool.

ashida mana in pacific rim

Dude. I just gotta say this… For the brevity of her time in this film, this little girl delivered, like, literally the most convincing performance of any actor in the past ten years. I’m dead serious. She deserves a fucking award, and a medal, and everyone’s praise, and she’s my hero.            侍   

I need to rewatch pacific rim

Did everyone miss the FD?


We blindfolded 15 homophobes and asked them to hit piñatas with a stick. The piñatas were actually deadly Asian giant hornet nests. What happens next will warm your heart.

This is disgusting bigotry against Christians at its finest.

I love the part where this post never mentioned Christians but you saw the word homophobe and jumped to your own defense anyways.


you’re the type of person i’d sit in a car with in the middle of the night just to cruise to good music

Need a night like this soon

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