
Desi Trash Queen

@zzitties / zzitties.tumblr.com

19. Desi asf. if you’re lost just look for me, you’ll find me in the region of the summer stars html, body, a { cursor:url("http://i.imgur.com/2qleX.jpg"), auto !important; } a:hover{cursor:url("http://i.imgur.com/IepP2.jpg"), auto !important; }
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one thing i need to start living by is “become the thing that you want” if i want friends who throw themed parties maybe i should start throwing those parties. if i want someone who writes me love letters maybe i should start writing letters for the people i love. if i want to hang out at museums and pretty cafes maybe i should invite my friends to these places. and maybe even then i won’t find the kind of people i want to be around. but then i would have become the exact person i want to be around. and maybe that’s good enough.


KANTHONY APPRECIATION WEEK 2022 day five: free choice

two hot idiots in love <3 [insp]

He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, hoping it would clear his head. Instead, he simply got an intoxicating whiff of her scent, which was an odd combination of exotic lilies and sensible soap.

But there was that damned scent again. Lilies. He could swear it was lilies. And soap.

He found himself wondering how she’d feel if he pulled her into his arms, how she’d taste if he traced the outline of her lips with his tongue. Would she smell like the garden? Or would that maddening scent of lilies and soap still cling to her skin?

Even in her wedding gown she smelled of lilies and soap, that maddening scent that had haunted him for weeks.

Once the two sisters were gone, he settled into the comfortable chair so recently vacated by Kate. It was still warm from her body, and he rather fancied that he could smell her scent in the fabric. More soap than lilies this time, he thought with a careful sniff. Perhaps the lilies were a perfume, something she added at night.

(aka book Anthony being just as obsessed with Kate’s smell as show Anthony is)


It is clear that you have affection for Miss Sharma.


anthony bridgerton really did go and get fuckstruck over a woman who beat him in a horse race, beat him on BETTING at a horse race, beat him at pall mall and then beat him at hunting. he really had this woman hand his ASS to him on a platter and was like “yes please more please” and i respect that.


Anthony was rather famously besotted with his wife, who was in turn rather inexplicably besotted with him. 💕


My whole life looks like I haven’t even tried.


The “Reflection” series of older people looking at their younger selves in mirrors. Alzheimer’s prevents new memories from being retained and in many cases, those afflicted are left with memories of their youth.

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