
sturmfest, erdverwachsen, und fantasievoll

@official-niedersachsen / official-niedersachsen.tumblr.com

♥ Das Einhornbundesland* ♥ Ein Blog über Niedersachsen (wer hätte das gedacht). Von der Nordsee über die Lüneburger Heide bis zum Harz. Folgen und Fragen erwünscht :) *special thanks an cozyrainyday für den Icon c:
Wenn’s alte Jahr erfolgreich war, dann freue dich auf’s Neue. Und war es schlecht, na dann erst recht!

If the old year was successful, then look forward to the new one. And if it was bad, well, then all the more!

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955), German-born theoretical physicist


Friend: how do you say i love you in german

Me: ich liebe dich

Friend: i also love dick


das ist so traurig alexa spiel 99 luftballons

I know 3 words in German and I know EXACTLY what that fucking sentence says.


I just realised that the rest of the world doesn’t know about one of my favourite New Year’s Eve in Germany things:

Angela Merkel getting out her shiny blazers for her speech.

They’re only for New Year’s Eve. The shiny Merkel is very rare and can only be spotted on the 31st of December.

This year we got shiny with some sort of rococo pattern.

Silvery Merkel of 2018.

Wer will das

Did anyone notice that the shiny blazers match the shiny European and German flags?


Osnabrück in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), Northern Germany is situated in a valley between the Wiehen Hills and the Teutoburg Forest, pop.: 160,000. Its founding was linked to its location on important European trading routes. Charles the Great founded the local Diocese in 780. The city later was a member of the Hanseatic League. In 1648, it became well known for its role in the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the Thirty Years’ War. The famous Battle of the Teutoburg Forest took place in the area. The city is known as the birthplace of novelist Erich-Maria Remarque (“All Quiet on the Western Front”) and painter Felix Nussbaum. There are more than 22,000 university students around, making it a young city.

hallo heimat ♥

Source: Wikipedia

die Sollbruchstelle

  • sollen = to be supposed to, to be intended to
  • der Bruch = crack, fracture
  • die Stelle = place, position, spot, site, location, point, …

die Sollbruchstelle = predetermined breaking point


I proudly present to you the cause of every linguistic trauma a student of German studies may suffer from: EIERSCHALENSOLLBRUCHSTELLENVERURSACHER

(= a tool that causes a predetermined breaking point in the shell of an egg)

can you imagine to analyze the morphology of this word??? This was our first example for the morphologic analysis in a lesson called “introductory course of linguistics”

We cried…

  • das Ei (pl. die Eier) = egg (eggs)
  • die Schale = shell
  • die Eierschale = egg shell
  • sollen = to be supposed to
  • der Bruch = crack
  • die Stelle = site, place, position, spot
  • der Verursacher = noun derived from the word
  • verursachen = to cause, related to:
  • die Ursache = cause

der Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher = …

How does it work? You place the device on top of the egg, stabilize it with your finger on the little plastic ball at the top, lift the massive metal ball all the way to the top and let it drop. CLACK!!! Now you have a neat preformed crack around the top of the egg.


Okay, but that is REALLY cool and super handy!


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