

@vectormeme-blog / vectormeme-blog.tumblr.com

I used to put buttons in this section but for some reason Tumblr deletes them. Anyway welcome to my blog, it's just another yugioh blog. I usually try to upload new stuff about zexal and Arc-V. You can add me on Facebook here #button a:link { margin-top:5px; display: block; border-radius:5px; height: 40px; background-image: url(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5JxHQqIAAABwE0.jpg:large); -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-property: transform; transition-property: transform; -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); transform: translateZ(0); box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } #button a:hover, #button a:focus, #button a:active { -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); }

gx dub is good. rly good………………. zexal dub is bad… rly bad…

except this


The entire summary of Zexal

Astral: *conveniently shows up* Hello I have no fucking idea whats going on and I don't even remember who I fucking am or what I'm doing here but I know how to card game so I'm gonna help you
Yuma: fuck no
Astral: Yuma do the thing
Yuma: I'm not gonna do the thing
Astral: Fine then don't do it
Astral: Numbers have my memories so help me find them
Yuma: Okay
Kaito: *flies in* My little brother is sick so I'm gonna take your fucking numbers now
Yuma and Astral: *transform into Zexal*
Kaito: well shit
Haruto: *blows shit up*
Black Mist: remember your mission, Astral
Astral: go away
Dr. Faker: Kaito, get those numbers to 'save' your brother and give them to me lol
Tron: Hold the fuck up, I need to get revenge on you so I'm gonna force my kids to do dirty work and I'm gonna torture children
Chris: Dad, your kinda fucked up
Tron: Dont care, imma absorb Haruto's life force and shit
Shark: I hate IV cuz he burned my sister, imma get revenge
Thomas: Omg no pls
Miheal: *murders Astral*
Yuma: nooooooo
Astral: *comes back* hello
Yuma: Tron be nice to your children
Tron: no
Tron: okay *lets go and falls into depths*
Dr.Faker: *kidnaps Yuma and Astral*
Shark and Kotori: We've got to save Yuma
Kaito: I want to save my little brother but I guess I can come along with you guys and help Yuma too
Astral: Yuma be free *throws yuma out*
Dr.Faker: Wait guys, no I love my kids. I just sacrificed the lives of my two best friends to save my youngest son from dying, I made a deal with a Bairan to save his life and now I gotta kill the Astral world or he'll get Haruto
Astral: wat
Vector: *shows up* hello!
Yuma: fuck off
Vector: okay
Yuma: well, everythings good now
Shark: Shit guys, the Barian's are invading and my sister is having some weird psychic power overload
Yuma: well thats not suspicious at all
Gilag: ayyy time to posses people
Rei: hello Yuma I'm super uber obsessed with you and I love you so much lets spend all our time together *fucks shit up*
Yuma: god dammit Shingetsu
Rei: oopsies
Astral: Shingetsu kinda fucks shit up a lot, I dont like him
Yuma: fuck you Astral
Alit: ayyyyyy Gilag wtf are you doing, don't fall in love on a mission *falls in love* *salsa music*
Alit: omg Yuma im rly gay for you. Let's be rivals
Yuma: okay
Alit: *gets beaten unconscious*
Gilag: Rei fucking did it. Im gonna get revenge
Yuma: okay Rei, I'll protect you
Rei: *fucks shit up*
Astral: *faints*
Rei: surprise I'm actually a space policeman
Yuma: sounds legit
Black Mist: Astral, let me out and I'll help you
Astral: no
Black Mist: pls
Astral: okay
Rei: omg Yuma help me I'm getting kidnapped!
Yuma: we've gotta save Shingetsu
Astral: *drives spaceship into Kaito's house* come on kids lets go
Yuma: oh shit, I let him give me a Barian card
Astral: how dare you *goes insane*
Yuma: *Pushes Astral out a window* *becomes Zexal II*
Vector: well shit
Don Thousand: *awakens8 hello I am the god of the Barian world
Astral: turns out Barians were humans that were killed violently then transformed into devilish aliens
Vector: Black Mist team up with me
Black Mist: *sexual pose* Okay
Black Mist: *stabs Astral*
Astral: *fucking blows him up*
Yuma: Astral don't die!
Astral: I'm sorry Yuma, take care of the numbers
Yuma: *depressed for 1000 episodes*
Mihael: Surprise! We're good guys now. Also I heard Astral died, it wasn't me this time btw
Kotori: we made a grave for Astral
Kaito: Me and Chris made a portal, we'll send you to Astral world
Yuma: *goes to Astral world*
Ena: hello, pls help us
Eliphas: go the fuck away
Yuma: not without Astral
Eliphas: I'm going to while astral's memory of you and reprogram him with his mission
Yuma: fuck no *saves Astral and hugs him*
Eliphas: maybe you aren't bad after all, now go off and save us from the Barian world
Yuma: Hey we're back!
Kaito: *unconscious*
Yuma: oh...
Heartland: HEY FUCKERS, IM NOT DEAD *gets burned alive*
Shark: guess what I'm a Barian now
Yuma: *faints*
Everyone: *dies*
Yuma: Everyone died because of me! *crying*
Vector: *kills his own fucking partners*
Kaito: *dies on the moon*
Mizeal: This isn't what I wanted
Yuma and Astral: *transform into Zexal III*
Don Thousand: well shit *absorbs Vector*
Kaito: *appears as a mystical dragon*
Zexal, Shark, and Kaito: *kill Don thousand*
Shark: fight me now
Yuma: no
Shark: *dies* goodbye Yuma
Everyone: *comes back to life*
Astral: Well Yuma, goodbye. Never stop smiling
Yuma: goodbye Astral!
The end
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