
And tonight, we hunt.

@daevarransunfall-blog / daevarransunfall-blog.tumblr.com

An in character page for Lord Daevarran Sunfall.


In the still, quiet of the early morning, Daevarran lay in bed with one arm tucked beneath Aurelis' head to cuddle her close to his chest. The curtains were parted to reveal the sun just beginning to peek over the far mountains and trees and he was glad that the wild-haired woman was facing him so the light wouldn't disturb her rest. He had been waking before her lately and simply laying there to enjoy his fiance's company. This time of day used to be filled with stress and anxiety, his mental lists plaguing him with worry. Now, he could lie still and happy, content to be close to the woman he loved. She chased away his negative thoughts while they were together and kept him grinning like an utter fool. Reaching out, Daevarran stroked his fingertips through her steadily growing hair. His beautiful huntress.

As long as he had Aurelis close by, life was good.



Alone in his bedroom for what felt like the first time in forever, Daevarran sat at his desk and twirled a feather quill between his fingers. His gaze was on the window where the drawn curtains gave him a view of the back yard and his mother’s garden he worked so hard to maintain. He was no green thumb as she had been, but the plants were resilient and bloomed without fail each spring. The quiet of the room and still of the morning were almost unsettling after so many days of breakfast with Aurelis and their animated conversation, or passionate lovemaking long into the day.

  He couldn’t expect the woman to spend every waking moment with him and it was slightly alarming that he actually wished for that. Daevarran worried he was getting too dependent on the dark haired huntress. When they weren’t in direct contact, he often daydreamed about the way she felt in his arms and that pleasant scent that was uniquely hers; the soft tickle of her wild, cropped hair against his neck as he embraced her. The smart remarks and often sarcastic tone she adopted made him smile. She kept him laughing and in love, yet it felt as though he needed her endlessly while she could survive without him if need be. The worried man didn’t want to smother his love or to make her feel like she couldn’t continue to live as she liked to.



He lay there long into the night after Aurelis fell asleep, unable to join her in dreamland despite his eyes slipping closed now and then from exhaustion. Daevarran worried that if he fell asleep, in the morning it would all be a dream. He wouldn't have the beautiful huntress in his arms anymore and things wouldn't be so incredibly perfect in his life.

The next morning came and went with the reassuring warmth of Aurelis against him and then more of the previous night's activities.

For about a week the couple hid away together, in the manor and in the wild, and learned every intimate detail of one another. Daevarran knew he was the luckiest man in the world. He often caught himself grinning like a fool. He was a fool. But he was smitten; and he was happy.


When Daevarran did not return to the manor that evening, Aurelis knew something was amiss. When he finally did return, she caught a glimpse of him through the window as he rode up to the gates, and the set of his shoulders and weary look around his eyes told the huntress that he was likely not going to be in a good mood.

So she decided to put him in a good mood, whether he wanted it or not.

The red dress would do.

Whatever he had done to deserve such a woman, Daevarran would never know. He dragged himself into the manor wearily and wished there was more he could do for the Bloodvale family. Their manor had fallen to traitors within and that was all too unpleasantly familiar for him. He didn't expect Aurelis to be awake this late, or to find her in that incredible dress when he walked through the front door. His bow hit the floor with a soft clatter of wood on wood and he moved to embrace her wordlessly. Her comforting scent and softness made him relax as he held her close. Daevarran loved her and loved how she could lift his mood almost effortlessly. Brushing a rough palm gently against her cheek, her efforts were rewarded with a dimpled smile from him. "Beautiful," he breathed, claiming her lips. Tonight wasn't so bad after all.



  1. What does their bedroom look like? Daevarran’s room is very reminiscent of a forest with the dark wood and deep greens. He has a large luxurious bed that takes up about a third of the space in the main bedroom. In the corner, near the door to the balcony, is a large desk that appears well used. A window seat for reading or lounging is next to the bed and heavy curtains are there for blocking out pesky morning light. Overall, the room is cozy, very masculine, and very indulgent.
  2. Do they have any daily rituals? Yes. He always tends to his animal companions and makes a point to set up an archery challenge for himself once a day.
  3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often? Lately he has been exercising more than usual thanks to his exploration of Pandaria with Aurelis, but now that they’ve returned he would take to jogging and making sure he stays fit for battle.
  4. What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy? Daevarran would pay to have the kitchen become un-busy. Or just buy a meal in the city.
  5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.) Unlike Aurelis, Daevarran doesn’t worry too much about being in a place where he can wash up constantly. He has developed the habit of bathing when she does since there is little else to do beyond sit on the shoreline and stare. He does like to be clean, especially to keep his thick golden mane gorgeous.
  6. Eating habits and sample daily menu Daevarran has a taste for the finer things in life and yet he can still appreciate a meal haphazardly cooked over an open fire. The elf isn’t terribly picky, but he will refuse to eat something that is poorly cooked or lacking flavor. He tends to eat meat and dried fruit for convenience when he is away from home. While at the manor he indulges in finer cuisine.
  7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time Lately his favourite thing to do is waste time with Aurelis. It doesn’t feel like a waste at all. Daevarran used to struggle with guilt over not spending his time fulfilling duties to his House, but he’s gotten much better with that.
  8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging Drinking. Whiskey and mana-laced cigarettes. Sometimes he dreams about them still. Daevarran has a very addictive personality and he worries that he’ll give back in to those addictions again. He has been trying to stick with expensive wines and wouldn’t admit to any struggle he’s going through addiction-wise.
  9. Makeup? Ha. Not that he’d admit to.
  10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such? A fear of losing people he loves. Either by driving them away or through death. He often sets himself up for failure because of this.
  11. Intellectual pursuits? He is currently writing a bestiary and Daevarran was raised with tutors that prepared him for life as a noble of Silvermoon. He enjoys reading when there’s time for it.
  12. Favorite book genre? Non-fiction.
  13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general? Daevarran likes women, but he doesn’t fault anyone else for thinking differently.
  14. Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)  Daevarran has some scars that are faded and silvery by this point. His back sometimes bothers him when he’s in extreme cold because of an old inury.
  15. Biggest and smallest short term goal? Biggest: Figure out how to appropriately share his feelings with Aurelis.

Smallest: Get back at Kae for always being right, and a smartass.

  1. Biggest and smallest long term goal? Biggest: Marry Aurelis.

Smallest: Model for hair ads. Not really.

  1. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress Daevarran has been wearing his chainmail armor as of late that covers everything except for parts of his face. When he’s dressed casually, he prefers dark silk pants and a shirt that accentuates his chest. He’s confident in his ability to look good in almost anything.
  2. Favorite beverage? Whiskey.
  3. What do they think about before falling asleep at night? Aurelis, worries, failures, the future, and his day.
  4. Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them? None.
  5. Turn-ons? Turn-offs? Turn-ons: Straight forward affection. Being able to joke around and feel comfortable. Red or dark hair. Curves. Confidence. A nice smile. Butt grabbing.

     Turn-offs: Mind games. Haughtiness. Desperation. Cold hands. Throat grabbing.

  1. Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen? He would write a list of all of the things he needs to do, and fix, in his life.
  2. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life? Daevarran is a master of organization when he has motivation to be. Without the call of the court driving him, he’s content to let things fall into a bit of disarray.  
  3. Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all? He is an excellent shot, both with guns and bows. Daevarran also prides himself on his ability to charm someone as long as he isn’t flustered.
  4. How do they see themselves 5 years from today?

Daevarran wants to be content with his life and his choices and hopefully have a dark haired huntress always at his side. Although he would never admit it, he actually thinks about having a family.

  1. Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout? Marry Aurelis and have a big happy lovefest. Also see that Talaysen excels in his training. If those don’t work out? Be emo. No really, ask Kae.
  2. What is their biggest regret? Letting himself fall in love with the wrong people.
  3. Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy? Daevarran considers both Aurelis and Kae to be his best friends. Kae sometimes gets neglected due to the hunter’s tendency to run off and go on wilderness trips, but Daevarran would do anything for either of them. He doesn’t know who his worst enemy is, but there are a few of them around.
  4. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?) Ensure that everyone else is safe before trying to rectify the situation.
  5. Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies) Become quiet and distant. Possibly run off to Pandaria again.
  6. Most prized possession? Does Aurelis count? Because he doesn’t want to count a living being as a ‘possession’, it would have to be his large tome on the history of House Sunfall. Generations of elves have written in it and his parents contributed many fond memories to the book.
  7. Thoughts on material possessions in general? Daevarran very much values material possessions and was raised to do so. He is able to let go of some things, now, but he likes a life of luxury.
  8. Concept of home and family? Home is where the people you care about are. He has a skewed view on family because of being the favourite growing up. To him, family is always a wonderful thing to have. Even brothers who sometimes try to kill you.
  9. Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?) Even though Daevarran likes to tease people he’s comfortable with, he’s a very private man. He doesn’t share how he really feels unless pressed for the information.
  10. What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time? Dancing. He hasn’t attended a gala in ages and he thinks that they’re definitely a waste of time. Even so, he loves the dances.
  11. What makes them feel guilty? Neglecting Kae and upsetting anyone he cares about.
  12. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making? Definitely emotionally driven even though he wishes he wasn’t.
  13. Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality? Type A more than B.
  14. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained? Rest, time with Aurelis or Kae, time with his animals, drinking.
  15. Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither? Daevarran struggles with feeling like an inferior noble when he deals with Silvermoon politics. Being younger than a lot of the lords and ladies there makes him feel the need to prove himself.
  16. How misanthropic are they? Daevarran will be around people when it’s required of him and he doesn’t dislike it, per se. He prefers his privacy though.
  17. Hobbies? Archery, writing, exploring new parts of the world, sampling new cuisine.
  18. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education? Daevarran was educated by private tutors while he was growing up, but learned most of what he knows about being a ranger from hands-on experience with the Farstriders. He sees the benefit to both forms of education.
  19. Religion? Daevarran isn’t religious.
  20. Superstitions or views on the occult? Daevarran isn’t superstitious.
  21. Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds? Usually through actions. Daevarran doesn’t always express his thoughts clearly in conversation, when it involves personal feelings.
  22. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal? Daevarran has found love to be a very difficult thing his entire life. Expecting to marry a woman chosen for him, he made poor choices when eventually allowed to pick for himself. He is inherently trusting and sweet; dangerous qualities when dealing with noblewomen. His ideal woman would not be overly dramatic and she’d say what she meant. He can’t stand mind games. She would laugh both at him and with him and she would be someone he’s at ease with. He’s in love at the moment and trying to decide what to do about it.
  23. How do they express love? He is terrible at expressing love. Daevarran is affectionate and uses ridiculous gentlemanly ‘lines’ like they’re going out of style. Until he knows that it’s alright to express love, he is more restrained. He enjoys maintained physical contact and kissing.
  24. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like? Daevarran wouldn’t be the first to attack and he’s decent at fist fighting, but prefers to stay ranged with his bow. Likely, he’d get his ass kicked by a more experienced fighter.
  25. Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not? He stopped being afraid of death a long time ago and accepted that it will happen one day. He is afraid of Kae or Aurelis dying, though.

Finding a reputable tailor was not terribly difficult, but settling on one gown design was near impossible. By the time Daevarran returned to his home, he had acquired four different dresses, a collection of colourful hair beads and feathers, and an assortment of jewelry. Aurelis was going to think he lost his mind.

The red gown had been his first choice and the green, modeled after a beautiful bird, had been a must. The other dresses he thought would look lovely on her. The cream and gold one would offset her tanned skin beautifully... The man had far more fashion sense than was healthy.

A matching moonstone circlet and pendant were actually heirlooms that he had admired on his mother many times when he was younger. The various hair adornments were new, crafted specifically for Aurelis.

Spreading the items across the table downstairs, he called her name and then slunk away to the stables to tend to the animals. If she did think he was crazy, then she could have her initial reaction in private.


Trying again

Now that they had returned to the city, Daevarran could feel the influence of his upbringing and the bright, shimmering splendor of Silvermoon taking hold once again. The urge to spoil Aurelis rotten was growing stronger. She deserved to feel like the most amazing woman in the world and it was up to him to make her feel that way. They had curled up together for the night and the hunter found it difficult to rest even with her wrapped up in his arms. Her short, ebony hair tickled at his chin as he plotted and planned in silence.

  What sort of gifts would Aurelis even appreciate? How was he supposed to prove that he wanted a legitimate courtship when neither of them was fit for high society anymore? Aurelis seemed to hate anything to do with stuffy nobility and he didn’t know if he should let go of his claim to House Sunfall once and for all. Baydon would allow him to remain in the manor if he did, but how would it feel to be a powerless man? Why was he worrying about this now?

  Caressing the tanned flesh of the huntress’ shoulder, Daevarran smiled. She may never ask him to give up anything about his life, but he would give it all up for her. Money, power, influence; everything. After two months being lost in the wilds of Pandaria together, Aurelis was much more than a traveling companion to him. He was completely crazy about her. That didn’t stop his usual foolishness of overanalyzing things to cease. Avoiding physical intimacy had been difficult, but he had hidden behind the guise of a perfect gentleman for all this time.

  Daevarran always considered himself a fearless man, but he knew that wasn’t really true. Faetrix had been apt at pointing out his flaws when it came to a battle of wits, or political intrigue. Kaerenna had shown him that he was unable to truly commit to one path in his life. He had been with very few lovers in his lifetime before the most recent women he cared for and all those arrangements had ended because of him. He needed to work on a lot of things if he wanted to keep Aurelis around.

  She was everything he had been raised not to want. Defiantly self-assured, fierce, rough, powerful… His father would have disapproved solely based on the fact that Aurelis could not be controlled. He loved her, Sun help him. Daevarran didn’t want a woman who needed to control him or that he used like a puppet for his own gain. The brunette was his equal, and quite arguably his superior, in so many ways.

  Hopefully she wouldn’t be alarmed if he began showering her with gifts… She had sounded wistful earlier in the evening about the loss of her favourite gown from long ago. He would have a new dress tailored for the huntress and some jewelry made to go with it. Flowers… Food… Whatever it took. She needed some new, beautiful beads to wear as well. He loved how she looked with little adornments in her short mess of hair. If he was careful, he could convey his feelings without making her feel like he was clipping her wings or stealing her freedom. Daevarran would test the waters, come morning. It was time to get this courtship in full swing.


Rekindling his love for the Jade Forest with Aurelis by his side had put Daevarran in high spirits. It had been ages since he really appreciated the beauty of nature and it was all thanks to the lovely ranger and her amazement with everything they had viewed so far.

Bit by bit the man's ability to trust was returning and he truly enjoyed both the days and the nights spent laughing, exploring, and learning about Pandaria and his traveling companion. Their current goal was to discover a hot spring, or just a private waterfall oasis sort of spot, and claim it as their own. He watched the woman climbing over the moss covered rocks in their way as they had opted to travel by foot for a day. Every slight flex of Aurelis' toned form drew him forward like a horse to a dangling carrot hanging from a stick.

At this rate, Daevarran was going to want to be 'lost' in the wild forever.


Picking up the pieces

It was disconcerting to see the effortless change that was made between delicate lady and unbreakable shield-wall as Kaerenna led their group into battle. Each fight played on their complimenting talents; Daevarran at range with his arrows and ability to strike just the right throat to silence what might have been a deadly spell; Callyph weaving his mists among them to invigorate their bodies and mend their wounds; Calaeron up close and personal with the enemies, his swift sword cutting them down readily from behind; And Kaerenna he was most fascinated with, as her ability to distract each foe and keep their attention solely on herself was unmatched by any shield-bearer he had ever met. Some of the vykrul beings stared in shock at the intimidatingly fierce nature of the woman before they even began to attack.

  By the time the fighting came to an end, the Dreamweaver lady was painted red with gore and the mess streaked across her face like war paint. Daevarran had teased that he liked her in red and he found that it was no joke. The sight of her in combat had been distracting and left him quite breathless. He hated to make the comparison of Kaerenna to Faetrix, but they were alike in many ways. That fiery mane of hair, their delicate builds that somehow withstood countless heavy blows, and their ability to bring a dimpled smile to his face. The similarities ended there, and for that he was thankful. Kaerenna was sweet, yet she enjoyed playful humor. She adored his animals and she never once said anything she did not mean. The lack of mind games, subtle manipulation, and exhausting mental sparring was a welcome change.

  He knew he was attracted to the woman and that she viewed him favorably. Kaerenna would not have trusted him to be so informal with her or to ever be alone together if she didn’t like him more than most. Not with her unpleasant past. Callyph was encouraging him to pursue her, albeit slowly, and he wondered if his new friend was right. Daevarran worried that he was simply replacing Faetrix in his heart. He still longed for the happier times and the nights spent with her wrapped up safely in his arms away from the clutches of her relatives who sought to use her for their own nefarious purposes. It was time to stop dwelling on the suffering of Lady Severidan though. There would be new saviors, he imagined, whether she scorned them or not. The way the rogue publically treated her would attract attention of men who had a soft spot in their hearts. Faetrix would not die, nor would she waste away. She was too strong and spiteful for that.

  The hunter’s fingers dug into the engraved metalwork of the balcony as his head bowed and he gazed into the heart of the gardens below. His mother’s favorite roses were in full bloom and bled through the other blossoms in a circular pattern. The servant he had on staff to care for the flowers was money well spent. He felt that letting the garden die was letting go of the last of his family; his mother. He truly was far too soft of a man at times.

  Alone in the silence, save for his thoughts, Daevarran came to a decision. Golden hair spilled across his still bloodied armor as his head lifted anew. There was no use in punishing himself for the unhappiness of others when they made it clear that there was no saving them. Kaerenna’s company was one of the few things he found real enjoyment in as of late and he planned to investigate his feelings, carefully and with time, until he knew what should come of it. This time he would do things correctly. This time he would make a real courtship of it. After all…Kel’thenar had given his blessing.


Her tears had nearly been his undoing.

  What had been thinking, bringing her to his home? It was a helpless feeling to know that someone he cared for was suffering and there was nothing he could do about it. She refused to help herself and he knew he should want to save her, to protect her, to keep that bastard’s hands and mouth from harming her. Why was he walking away again? Daevarran wandered deeper into the woods before he sat heavily on a fallen log. It was quiet here and he reached a shaky hand into the small pack he was never without, strapped to his belt. Inside he found a cigarette and matches through touch alone.

  Placing the rolled dried bloodthistle between his lips, he lit it. Whatever happened he could not allow himself to fall back into that dangerous web, even if there was real love mingled with the mind games. A plume of smoke drifted from his mouth and nose as he gazed listlessly to the sky, allowing the cigarette to dangle from his lips. Tonight she would be gone. Tonight the rogue would take her and she would not fight what was done to her.

  Tonight he would allow it.


A true friend

  Kae was the most ridiculous person Daevarran had ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was abrasive and stubborn and most of all he didn’t let Daevarran bullshit himself. The mess with Faetrix had all been forewarned. From the start the redheaded ass of a death knight had been there, guiding him and supporting him as he progressed and fucked up. There were very few men outside of his own family that the hunter considered to be completely trustworthy, but Kae was one of them. He loved the guy. Perhaps not in the traditional sense of romance and flowers, but he really did love him.

  Their times together were often spent complaining and bitching about various aspects of their lives, or Daevarran aggravating his friend on purpose to see the amusing reactions. Kae appeared to enjoy flustering him just as much. What it all boiled down to was a friendship that Daevarran intended to continue indefinitely. Kae was everything he could be if he surrendered his life as a lord and passed on the Sunfall House to his brother. Free, warm mannered, open, and silly. When they conversed it was rare for the blond not to have a goofy grin painted across his face. He had never laughed so openly or as often as he did with his death knight pal.

  The smaller Sin’dorei man was a welcome addition to his small collection of friends. Kae had seen him at his worst and his best. Daevarran hoped to repay that favor as time went on. As wary as Faetrix had been of their friendship, nothing sexual or romantic had ever developed and while Kae liked to poke fun at him and harass him, but he was content with his love; The Doctor, or whatever his name had been. They were glad to share in each other’s happiness and equally glad to be a support, or a smartass, in light of unhappy times.

  Who knew that such an amazing friend could be bundled up in such a small, sassy package of elf?


His eyes drifted closed as they held onto one another; lifelines to the world. Kaerenna insisted that his problems mattered even when he found them to be petty and tiresome. A broken heart was not something a man was normally given time to mend. He was expected to pick himself up and move on. After all, he had a House to rebuild.

Yet, here she was in all her pink silken wonder, telling him that it was alright to need time. It was alright to mourn a loss even if it was partly his fault. The paladin had no idea how perfect she truly was. Daevarran was so glad to have met her. If he could do nothing else but be supportive of her to show his gratitude then that is exactly what he would do.

Daevarran would see to it that Kaerenna never doubted herself again.



Kaerenna halted in place, every muscle frozen on Lord Daevarran Sunfall’s command.  Callyph Morningstrider froze just a few paces behind them.  

Straight ahead of them, about fifty feet or so, was the tiniest deer fawn grazing at the stream’s edge.  Her spots were bright against the sandy brown color of her coat, her ears big and legs adorably knobbly.  

Lord Sunfall would kneel down and coax the little creature towards him in a voice that could soothe any burn.  When he lowered Kaerenna’s hand towards the little creature and it ate a treat from her hand, the lady paladin felt a child’s grin spread across her features.  

“While she is eating, she will be distracted enough to pet,” Lord Sunfall had said.

Kaerenna watched the fawn intently, its stance and its eyes subdued as it ate.  And when she ran her hand over its neck, over the softest of fur, she would suddenly forget all of her troubles.  Perhaps there was some beauty left in this world after all. 

There was something about Kaerenna Dreamweaver that spoke of innocence as much as the little fawn that he visited occasionally by the streams of Eversong. He had been a very closed off man for most of his adult life, preferring to abide by the unspoken rules of Silvermoon nobility to avoid showing weakness if you wanted to survive. Faetrix had begun the unraveling of his masks and he remembered behaving like such a fool around her; smiling, laughing, grinning… At times in public, no less. He had truly loved her despite all of her cruel games she was forced to play.

  His emotions had been raw the night Kaerenna visited to view his animals companions. It felt odd to share such a private part of his life with the near stranger, but she had shown interest. When Lady Severidan had been spending many hours at his manor, the subject of his work outside of being Lord to House Sunfall had never been discussed. Either they were too caught up in the blossoming romance or Faetrix had no love for beasts. The golden maned lord really did enjoy showing off his companions and as pathetic as Rufus, his friendly plaguehound, was at times he found himself smiling in the dim light of the halls as Kaerenna rubbed the canine’s belly.

  The crimson haired Dreamweaver woman was just as gentle with his most beloved of creatures and while she seemed wary of the large ravager, with good reason, she bravely followed his instructions to pet the insectoid beast.

  The most embarrassing of their encounters was still fresh in his mind as he waded through the snows of Borean Tundra, cleaning up what scourge remained in the near forgotten lands. He had broken down in tears over his lost love and she had cried over the terrible deeds that had been done to her. Together they had wept and embraced until they were able to regain their composure. What kind of lord, or man, wept so openly with a woman he barely knew? He was as much of a fool now as he had been two months ago. Daevarran needed to be more guarded.

  His ears flicked as a guttural moan of an undead sounded off to the left and he turned to pursue the grotesque creature, bow at the ready. Kaerenna had told him to smile more often and both Callyph and her were becoming familiar enough with him to be considered friends. Icy winds stung his eyes as he squinted off into the distance, nocking an arrow and taking aim. He held his breath as the sharp arrow tip held steady and he adjusted for wind and distance by shifting higher and to the right of the ghoul’s skull. With a quiet, steady exhale he released the arrow and watched the undead crumple into the snow, yards away. One less abomination wandering the area.

  The air fogged with his heavy sigh as he turned away from the sight of his kill. His heart was freshly broken and he was not a young man with fanciful thoughts of true love and sappy romance, yet he desired a faithful elven companion in his life. Animals never betrayed him, but they also never spoke, nor offered anything beyond vague comfort and company. He would have to proceed carefully where his new friends were concerned. Perhaps one day he could bring himself to trust so fully again.

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