
bust out ya cards and lets get it on

@dommedbythenarrative / dommedbythenarrative.tumblr.com

lydia || she/her || tired, wired, writes yugioh fic sometimes || icon/sidebar by @episayer

— have you tried the peat over here — yes. i have tried all of this peat — i do not think you have tried this peat. if you had tried it you would have remarked upon it — i have tried it — you would have said, "this peat is as salty as day's honest work, and as sweet as the first sip of vodka past my lips at sundown" — is that something i say? — yes. you say it all the time — i don't think i say it all the time — yes, you do. and you would have said it when you tried that peat — let me try it again, then — oh, now he's interested — mm. wow. ok — you're not going to say it? — say what — you know what — it's nice peat. no strong associations

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