
                                   my story is one of many t h o u s a n d s                                   &&        the world will    not         suffer                                              should       it      end     too           s o o n.                                          ( previously ilmaestroaufitore )                                                       the coop.


                                             MY STORY IS O N E

                                                    of many


                                         ( previously ilmaestroauditore )


                                             MY STORY IS O N E

                                                    of many


                                         ( previously ilmaestroauditore )


                                             MY STORY IS O N E

                                                    of many


                                         ( previously ilmaestroauditore )


; outofbene }

         hey all; just wanted to let everyone know -- i've revamped

         ezio's blog. basically, wanting to start this thing over because

         he has been neglected. it would do my soul good to see if

         people want to rp with my ezio still. i know i've said this before

         but who wants a starter. please let me know either by liking this

         post or inboxing me!


Startled out of reading a novel, Shao quickly set Ezio’s desk back into order and ducked out the door of his study. The young woman hoped he didn’t notice her leaving his private chambers nor the book she left off the shelf. Ducking quickly around the corner when she noticed his back was turned, Jun took only a moment to move towards him. “Yes, Mentor?”


                     Hazel eyes scanned his vineyard for Jun, but as soon as he heard

                     her voice behind him --- he turned to face her. His hand went to

                     turn into a loose fist. She was defiantly in his study again.

                                         " Did you sleep well? "


If there was one thing Maya hated, it was pride—she took pride in presenting herself to others as a professional, and especially punctual woman.

With a side of humor.

But, Ezio Auditore was expecting her…and her damned alarm had not been set the night before.

"Fuck you, Z-Quil", she muttered as she opened the door.

At his blunt statement, Maya cleared her throat before speaking, “I blame the makers of Nyquil,” she replied, before taking a donut off the plate in between them. She took a huge bite, “Oh”, she paused, “Was this yours?” She mumbled through the food.

                         He folded half of the newspaper to get a view of Maya as she

                         rambled her excuse. As she went to grab the doughnut off the

                         small plate in front of him, her wanted to tell her it was his. But

                         figured that would be pointless. So he readjusted himself in his

                         seat and closed the the newspaper. He sat there for a moment

                         and drank from his coffee.

                                      " No, no take it. There are more doughnuts on the counter

                                        if you want. "

                           Ezio then leaned in towards the table and pushed an ipad towards

                           her. Which provided most of the information she needed for her

                           next assignment.

                                          " Are you ready for your briefing? "


Fire- her fears. Jade eyes widened at the sight of the crimson heat engulfing the room around her. Seemed everyone else had forgotten she was here- which was given. No one cares if a thief makes it out.

She stares at the door, scurrying over to bang at it, Fortunately, the flames hadn’t reached there just yet, but it wouldn’t be long. She could already feel them tickling at the edges of her skirts.

"Help!" Cerina tried to cry out, catching a mouth full of smoke as she was sent into a coughing fit. Oh, how she hated being the damsel.

                                Ezio scurried around the burning building, trying to help his

                                recruits and other Assassin's as best as he could He would

                                rather perish knowing he save most of the people who were

                                 alive and trying to find a way out. Though this task proved very

                                 difficult and as the way in front of him darkened, he used his     

                                 ability to enhance his sight. As he thought he had gotten most of

                                 the people out to safety he hear a cry for help. One more. 

                                   He ran back into the crumbling building, in search of the missing

                                    person. Eventually he came upon a room, he heard banging on

                                    the door and fortunately for that person, the fire didn't get to it.

                                    Ezio ran up to the door, and tried opening the door, which

                                    was locked.

                                                           " Hello? Anyone in there? Listen, the

                                                              door is locked. I have to kick it open

                                                               to get you out. Stay back! "


Today had been a busy day, although not as busy as when a school or two had a class trip at the local library or when an author arrived to do a reading of one of their publications. No, today was a good day. None of those impolite customers who couldn’t wait five minutes in line to rent their books or anything.

Sofia was busy restocking the nonfiction section, humming softly to herself. She was currently working on her PhD in history so working at a library allowed her ample opportunity to borrow the books she needed for her research papers. Specifically, the Ottoman Empire. Luckily this week she didn’t have much to do and could allow herself a little leisure.

Upon hearing a voice, she turned and spied her husband. The redhead burst into a wide smile and dropped the book she was holding. “Ezio!” she interjected, scuttling over to him and flinging her arms around him.

                           Ezio pulled her closer to him, and kissed her forehead. He hummed

                           softly into the kiss before pulling away to smile at her. Glad that he

                           made her surprised by his little visit, he pulled away but kept an

                           arm around her shoulders ---- keep her close to his body. Eventually

                           he keeled down for a moment to pick up the book she dropped. Ezio

                           handed it out to her.

                                                        " You seemed to drop this dear, don't want

                                                           your coworkers think you aren't do your

                                                            job. "

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