
"You must attain control to succeed"

@themistressincontrol-blog / themistressincontrol-blog.tumblr.com

[Indie OC RP Blog for the character Lydia Williams. Multiship, Multiverse and OC Friendly] Tag: themistressincontrol

+ themistressincontrol

        Lydia’s smile grew as she leaned her elbow against the table, glancing over to him around the glass. She was curious of him, both in the man and the occupation. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing, but also was hesitant.

      "No no, CEO gives me exactly what I need. Money, power and influence" Lydia tilted his head with ease as she slid her fingers through her hair. "Do you enjoy your occupation?" This wasn’t a question she asked often, let alone to someone she had just met. But often times, her curiosities would lead her into troubling situations.

That was a weird question. Sebastian let it spin around his mind, thinking about it - usually, people didn’t ask him about what he did, as long as he did it well. He was just the arm, and Moriarty was the brain. "No one had ever asked me that." He said, before wrinking his nose. "I guess that saying that I do would make me sound even worse than what I am already, but…I do. Kind of. I need it would be a better way to put it - I’ve tried to give up and do something else, but apparently I am not able to.

      "Some people simply have a talent for one thing and not for others" Lydia spoke aloud as she glanced towards him. "But...why could you not get out? Was it Moriarty? Or was it yourself?" She was nosy, and often weeded her way into answers.

      Though, her questions were blunt, and his answers could prove to be defensive. That, in many factions, would be less helpful than good. Though it would determine that he is a man who is secretive, or the answer may be. Classified information was a commonality in this line of work.


      "If we are a mistake, than do you believe we will be corrected soon? Fall off the face of existence? I assume the one who put us here would not wish to leave such a mistake to flourish”


                                     ❝ Well— that’s assuming that there is some sort of god-like, omnipotent being watching over us. ❞ He cut his eyes sideways, a pause on his bitter lips. ❝ Personally, I think that notion’s absurd. The very idea of a ‘God’ goes against every fundamental essence of science. ❞


      "I see. So you are both a man of science and without a God to worship?" Lydia's lips curved slightly. "How fascinating. So what science is the one you fancy, if you do not mind me asking. People have many theories, all which leave gaps and strings unattached...what strings have you attached?"


+ themistressincontrol

      The way in which he spoke caused a smile to widen on her face. He seemed more than qualified to perform an execution, with modern certifications. Lydia leaned in towards him while he took a drink of most likely an alcoholic drink.

      “I see. What if it was…to be a suicide? In the home? The one to be killed having an alcohol problem and some gambling issues. How would you go about framing it as a suicide?” Her brown hairs lean forward with her head.

The description Lydia gave him of the target Sebastian couldn’t help but frown, hiding his expression to her sight with the help of the glass in his hand. He tried to shrug it off - this was work, and he had to be professional. And professionally speaking he knew the obvious answer. "Of course that can be done - with the right information of course. And I am definitely your man for this job more than what I’ve ever been a man for any job in my long and successful career." he said only, before smirking: "That is very naughty though - you seem rather gifted for the criminal life, rather than being an almost-honest CEO. Have you ever thought about getting a second job?”

      Lydia's smile grew as she leaned her elbow against the table, glancing over to him around the glass. She was curious of him, both in the man and the occupation. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing, but also was hesitant.

      "No no, CEO gives me exactly what I need. Money, power and influence" Lydia tilted his head with ease as she slid her fingers through her hair. "Do you enjoy your occupation?" This wasn't a question she asked often, let alone to someone she had just met. But often times, her curiosities would lead her into troubling situations.


      "That is perfectly fine. I want this murder to be shown. I want this killer caught, no matter what."


"I’ll see what I can do. I can contact you tomorrow to tell you if I’m available for the job, if you’d leave your number."


      "Wonderful. Thank you very much, Mr. Will Graham" Lydia slid a small business card between her fingers to him, a smile attached to her face.


+ themistressincontrol


      "Then I truly am speaking to the right person" Lydia’s teeth were exposed as she extended her hand to take the glass he just filled. "Tell me, is your job one that…gets your hands dirty? Or is it at a distance?" Lydia seated herself, a leg crossing over the other to get comfortable in the knee length black skirt she wore.

After raising his glass as silent toast Sebastian hummed thoughtfully, looking at the woman with a smirk he really couldn’t hold backand looking for the best answer.


"Well, whatever is required, I guess - it depends from what you have in mind, if you want to keep it an interrogative point, if you want to make it look like a suicide or, if you’d really really want to do something horrible, hold someone else with it. It’s all up to you, we’re professionals."


      The way in which he spoke caused a smile to widen on her face. He seemed more than qualified to perform an execution, with modern certifications. Lydia leaned in towards him while he took a drink of most likely an alcoholic drink.

      "I see. What if it was...to be a suicide? In the home? The one to be killed having an alcohol problem and some gambling issues. How would you go about framing it as a suicide?" Her brown hairs lean forward with her head.


      "It is a murder. I suppose next time I ask a question, I should specify it to the smallest detail for you, as I believe it would help. I know you specialize in murder cases, which is why I have come to you. There was a murder of one of my employees, a manager of one of my firms. I need to know the killer."


"Alright, so a manager was murdered at your firm and you want me to catch the killer. You do realize I have to tell my boss about this before I can act. Legally I can’t do anything here unless I have permission."


      "That is perfectly fine. I want this murder to be shown. I want this killer caught, no matter what"


     "Maybe this isn’t something that was needed to end. Maybe it was planned. The phrase ‘God works in mysterious ways’ could apply here. What do you believe?"


            ❝ I don’t believe a ‘God' has anything to do with this.                          —- In fact, I don’t think humanity is anything more than sentient meat.                               Just a blip in existence. A mistake. ❞


      "If we are a mistake, than do you believe we will be corrected soon? Fall off the face of existence? I assume the one who put us here would not wish to leave such a mistake to flourish"


+ themistressincontrol


         Lydia’s smile grew as the question came up. Her looks always seemed to be deceiving to most, as she looked younger than she was.

      "You might say that, but as a CEO of a very competitive software company, I have…enemies and competition to remove" Lydia’s eyes turned to him.

"Aah - yes, well, apparently all the CEOs have this common problems." he said with a smile, reaching for a glass and shaking it as offer to her.


"Then you need me myself in first person, indeed. I’m usually the one who takes care of…permanent eliminations of competitors."


      "Then I truly am speaking to the right person" Lydia's teeth were exposed as she extended her hand to take the glass he just filled. "Tell me, is your job one that...gets your hands dirty? Or is it at a distance?" Lydia seated herself, a leg crossing over the other to get comfortable in the knee length black skirt she wore.


"No, I meant it. I meant every word."


"I doubt it. It’s statistically unlikely."


      "Possibly. If you were less intrusive and blatantly rude, that would be a great way" Lydia lifted her chin gently, a small curve approaching her lips. "Is there anything else you wish to tell me?"


"I didn’t hear any complaints last night," the blond retorted with an innocent smile, the expression turning more into a smirk as seconds ticked by. "No - nothing that requires your immediate attention anyways."


      "Your remarks are as impecible as your looks, which means not a single bit" Lydia's eyes narrowed as she leaned a bit forward. "Now, if you have nothing better or useful to say, I would suggest you either leave, or avoid speaking with me" Her tone was a calm threat, one that was filled with hatred, but came out soft.


"No, I meant it. I meant every word."


"I doubt it. It’s statistically unlikely."


"Of course you don’t, that is because you are stubborn" Lydia’s lips curved as she crossed her arms slightly.


"Would you prefer me some other way?" Vivian asked vaguely with a raise of her eyebrows, a mischievous look glinting in her eyes.


      "Possibly. If you were less intrusive and blatantly rude, that would be a great way" Lydia lifted her chin gently, a small curve approaching her lips. "Is there anything else you wish to tell me?"


      "Of course you would lose. Those who acknowledge they are the best aren’t and those who don’t are the best. Confidence can be good, but it can also be a cripple. Anyways, I need you to look at an incident in my firm which is being slipped under the rug. The company does not want it released to the public, which is why they are continuing to hide it. I need it looked at."

"If it’s not a murder, I’m not entirely sure how I can help, Ms. Williams. Are you absolutely certain I’m the right person for this job or is there something that I’m missing?"

      "It is a murder. I suppose next time I ask a question, I should specify it to the smallest detail for you, as I believe it would help. I know you specialize in murder cases, which is why I have come to you. There was a murder of one of my employees, a manager of one of my firms. I need to know the killer"


      "You shouldn’t label me as some ordinary person with ordinary reasons. I came to you because I wanted the best, the well known, the one who stood out when I read a list of special agents I could speak to. I’m interested in you, Will Graham, because you are credited as the best”

"Of course, excuse me for assuming."

       ”As for the best, I would have to disagree but I have a feeling that I’d be fighting a losing battle. Alright, Ms. Williams, what did you need me for?”

      "Of course you would lose. Those who acknowledge they are the best aren't and those who don't are the best. Confidence can be good, but it can also be a cripple. Anyways, I need you to look at an incident in my firm which is being slipped under the rug. The company does not want it released to the public, which is why they are continuing to hide it. I need to looked at"

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