
My Wonderland


This is my wonderland filled with whatever I want it to be be filled with, like cupcakes and kpop and anime.

Master Post For Secret Witches






Ill be adding more secret witch resources and secret witch help as I find them and storing it on my online Grimoire. For more secret witch help HERE

Follow me for more secret witch help and more <3



So it took a while for this one but here is another Jenny’s Witchy How-To! Last time was Self Love Rose Soy Milk Tea, check it out HERE! Based on the voting poll I did a while back on my Twitter, the top requested How-To was for a bath mix! <3

So because things have been crazy & stressful I want to remind everyone that it’s important to take a break from time to time and let go of the things that might be a little too heavy right now. Stop, breathe deep and take a moment to live in the moment & clear your mind! It’s ok to treat yourself, it’s ok to stop and relax!

Before you continue, please be aware of any allergies you might have! Always play it safe and read labels! This is just my personal blend but please feel free to substitute things to suit your needs! If you are unsure of something, a quick google search for alternatives should help! <3

Things You Will Need:

-Epsom Salt: Epsom Salt is great for relaxing muscles and soothing any tension you may be carrying. If you choose to use salt’s that are scented, be aware that the mingling smells combined with the oils and incense might effect the overall scent of your bath! Approx 1 cup

-Himalayan Salt: Salt in general is great for cleansing & purification, himalayan salt has the added bonus of self love & positivity! Just a small pile in about the palm of your hand should do.

-Lavender Essential Oil: Much like the rest of the ingredients, you don’t have to use this sent, I say lavender for a couple reasons: it’s a scent that is perfect for calm soothing relaxation, this oil is safe for skin contact, and it’s my preferred scent, hah! Please make sure whatever oil you use is safe for skin! Approx 5 drops.

-Dry Lavender: Now when I say dry lavender, I’m really saying any safe herb or flower you choose, hah! These can be dry or fresh! Again lavender is known for it’s relaxation benefits but feel free to look up herbs online or try some of these other relaxing herbs: -chamomile -rosemary

-green tea -mint

-lemon balm -rose

-Small Bag/ Cheesecloth: So this part is optional for anyone who does not want the salts & flowers floating openly in the bath water. You are essentially going to be making a bath teabag using either a small loose fabric bag, cheese cloth or even a coffee filter will work! You are going to be putting everything but the oil in this and tying the top tightly closed so nothing spills out!

-Candles: If you have the counter space (that’s safe for it) I highly recommend candles! Putting out 3-4 small candles always helps me get into a more magical state of mind!

-Incense: If you like, try lighting your fave incense while you soak!

-Crystals: And heck yes you should put out some crystals to help raise your vibration to a positive level! You can have them set out nearby the tub OR if you know they will be ok in salt water you can add them into your bath with you! Remember to look up the properties of crystals before adding them into the water! I personally like to use tumbled amethyst, clear quartz and rose quartz stones which help with clarity of mind, positivity and self love!

-Drinking Water: Yes, drinking water! I always find myself getting dehydrated when I take these baths, not just because it’s hot & steamy but also because of the salts which can dehydrate you! I like to make an ice cold water with cucumber, blueberries and a little lemon!

And lastly, feel free to put your phone somewhere safe and play some meditation music!

Now that you have your items gathered up & you are ready to turn on the bath water take a moment to stop and breathe deeply. Imagine that all the thoughts, feelings and vibrations that are weighing you down or stressing you out are large stones in your arms. They are heavy but they are not serving your highest good. Remind yourself, “I no longer need these and they no longer weigh me down” and visualize yourself letting go of these stones. As you do this breathe deeply exhaling as you let go of the troubles from yesterday. Once you have let go of these troubles remind yourself “I allow myself to relax free of worry and free of fear”


Turn on your meditation music, light your candles and start your incense! Start filling your tub with hot/warm water, if you put your ingredients in a bag submerge and let the bag soak as the bath fills. If you choose to do the ingredients loose; as the bath fills add your salts and oils stirring them into the bath with your hand in a clockwise motion. Once the tub has filled add your crystals and herbs. Imagine that the crystals combined with the salts and herbs have made the water a bright glowing water of positivity and relaxation. As you step into these bright waters imagine it dissolving away any stress, worry, fear, anxiety, anything at all. Breathe deeply and say some positive affirmations! These can be anything from “I wash away the troubles of yesterday” to “I am at peace” or anything in particular that you feel is best for you! Once you have finished, make sure you compost all herbs and never let them go down the drain!

I hope you all enjoyed this relaxing bath & that you are all filled with positive energies as well as being in a calmer state of mind!

Much love <3


We are protected


We are protected from harm, No matter how far, Light and Love envelops us, It is safe where we are.

Spell and poem by not-a-movie-witch. Please do not remove captions. Thank you.

A spell to keep negative energy away from my roommate, his sister, and I. Feel free to give it intention for your loved ones as well.



August 21st there will be a solar eclipse. If you live in the USA, literally anywhere, you can see it. Some places will have a total solar eclipse while others will only have a partial. If you live near that solid line you will have the total solar eclipse.

Mark your calendars everyone!! Time tbd




Emoji spell to protect you, your home, and your loved ones

Likes charge, reblogs cast


I will never not reblog this. The 2 guys in the back are just ❤❤❤

Always reblog.

people who get hyped up for other people are the greatest people you can have in your life.


Love their reactions. They aren’t worried about being emasculated, they aren’t insecure, they are just genuinely impressed that she’s lifting like a beast!


She’s a Overwatch artist, I know a lot of my followers are into it so please look out for her posts and avoid interaction.


A reminder for myself and others to keep an eye out and avoid this person!


Hell nooo


❣ Skincare Magick ❣

  • Every so often, use some moon water to wash your face.
  • Avoid using essential oils directly on your face, they can clog your pores.
  • Apply body wash or soap to your skin in clockwise circles to open your body up to positivity.
  • Enchant your moisturizers, acne creams, and cleansers for an added boost.
  • Draw sigils in your face cream.
  • Try adding herbs and herb-based products into your routine. Witch Hazel is very popular for treating skin related issues.
  • If you use pore-cleaning masks, use them to pull the negative energies from your skin.
  • Use your ring finger to massage products into your skin to ground yourself.
  • Brew Black tea and then refrigerate it until it’s cool. Then apply it as you would astringent.
  • Use coconut oil to easily remove makeup. Cleanse and wash after.
  • Rub a sliced orange on elbows and heels to soften rough and cracked skin. Rinse when finished.
  • Massaging your face is a wonderful way to ground yourself or begin meditation.

Restful sleep & sweet dreams ⠀spell bottle or sachet

Dreams be sweetDreams be kind ☼ ☼ Bring me restAnd peace of mind

⠀☾ Herbs ☼ Lavendersleep, peace, dreams, relaxation, protection, happiness, healing, anti-stress & anxietyRosemarysleep, peace, dreams, protection, healing, anti- stress, wards off bad dreams & negativitySea saltprotection, banishing, cleansing, purifyingHops flowerssleep, healing, anti-anxiety, stops restlessnessSugarfor extra sweetnessJasminecalming, relaxation, prophetic dreams, loveChamomilesleep, peace, protection, healing, relaxation, anti-stress & anxiety, wards off bad dreams & nightmaresMugwortdreams, protection, healing, astral projectionWillow leavesprotection, peace, love, healingThymesleep, dreams, healing, protection, wards off bad dreamsPeppermintsleep, dreams, healing, protection, happiness, anti-stress & anxiety, purificationValeriancalming, protection, deep restful sleepVervainpeace, protection, wards off bad dreams & nightmares

⠀☼ Crystals☽ Amethystpeace, calming, relieves insomnia, wards off bad dreams & nightmares, prevents oversleeping, stabilizes physical, mental & emotional beingBlue lace agatepeace, calming, healing, calms the mind, reduces stress & anxietySmoky Quartzprotection, calming, relieves insomnia, wards off bad dreams, nightmares & negativityFluoritepeace, protection, protects against stress & negativity, stabilizes emotions, calms the mindRose Quartzcalming, peace, healing, calms emotions & rids of negativity, deep & restful sleep, relieves insomnia, relaxation, brings sweet dreams

♡ Mix any of these herbs and crystals in a bottle, sachet or pillow to make it right for you. Seal with candle wax (or a ribbon for those who can’t have candles) in whatever color feels best for you (I like blue or lavender!) Feel free to use my incantation as well! ♡

Go to a coffee shop. Sit by the bar with the glass windows and look out. Look at all the people running to catch a train. All the girls with one too many shopping bags. All the couples too in love to care. Then you’ll see it — a bit of yourself in everyone. And somehow, sitting alone in a coffee shop had never felt so good.

Unknown (via freshbrewedlife)


Today a 16 year old boy was brought into the clinic by his aunt to ‘have the talk’ because his school didn’t teach sex ED and his mother wouldn’t talk to him about sex.

She spent 40 bucks so he could get tested for the first time.

I spent an hour talking to this young boy about sex. I got to have the sex talk with him. I showed him how to properly use a condom and protect himself and his partners. We talked about STDs and pregnancy prevention. We even talked about pubic grooming and ways to avoid razor burn. This poor boy has never had someone talk to him about anything related to the changes his body is going through.

And then we spent 20 minutes talking about consent and how important it is.

Growing up I never, ever had someone talk to me about consent and its importance. I even had sex ED in school!

This shit is important ya’ll.

Planned Parenthood is important

It is the parents’ duty to have “the talk” with their kids, not a government funded organization that murders babies.

First of all fucktruck: I am not a government employee. My wages are not paid by the government.

Second: zero babies have ever been murdered in a planned parenthood.

I didn’t say a god damn word about abortion but you had to get your fucking tighty whiteys in a bunch because an organization that you know nothing about is doing good things for millions of people and you hate it.

Shut your face up about shit you don’t understand you fucking dump truck.

Abortion is murder, just because they’re in the womb doesn’t change the fact you’re killing an innocent human being.

As I said, it’s not a faceless organization’s job to provide sex ed while simultaneously killing unborn children.

Listen up kiddo:

Abortion isn’t murder. Murder is illegal. Abortion is not illegal. IE abortion is not murder.

As i said (and we’ll go with what i said as not total bullshit because it’s obvious you have absolutely no real knowledge when it comes to sex or reproduction and i think we can thank your parents for that) this young man had a single mother that didn’t feel comfortable talking to him about sex. So i did it. I provided medically accurate and up to date information unlike so many parents today.

And by the way, planned parenthood isn’t some shadowy faceless organization.

For example, this is my face. The face i made while reading your stupid ass response.

Get em, Damien

Not that abortion has anything to do with your organization, but it is murder. At just two weeks the baby in the womb can feel the pain of a pin prick, and recoil. Abortion is the murder of an unborn baby. It doesn’t matter if it’s at two weeks, or if it’s seven months along. It’s still murder. It’s murdering a child. It means that that child will never have the chance to grow up, go to school, fall in love, get married, have children of there own, have a job, and so many other things.

Hi, this is damien, the OP and you can literally suck the shit out of my asshole if you think anything you just said is even remotely scientifically accurate.

At two weeks of development it’s barely even considered a pregnancy. It has no muscles, it has no brain, it is literally a clump of cells. And I’m talking like… only a few cells. In some cases it may not have even come out of the Fallopian tube. Since your knowledge of reproductive health seems to be about as developed as this other fuck truck: the Fallopian tube is the tube that connects the uterus to the ovary in which the egg travels to become fertilized.

And on top of how monumentally stupid you sound, you’re also carelessly ignoring the pregnant person. Who may be 12 or 13 years old. Why doesn’t that person get to be a teenager and have a life? Why doesn’t that person get to make their own choices?

How about you keep your shitty ass opinions to yourself.

“Suck the shit out of my asshole”.

Yes. Yes. More.

Plus also, fuck YES consent education. Consent education should be a focus in schools, how to make sure the person you’re with genuinely wants this and isn’t just doing it out of a sense of pressure and obligation. And also so that the person knows THEY can say no, any time, even if you initiated, doesn’t matter. It’s never too late to say no.

Meet Damien ~ modern day hero

I love Damien 💕


Steam the Shit out of your face!

I love steaming my face. It leaves my skin feeling soft, and gives me a glow. Here is why you should steam your face too! Steaming your face will literally steam the Shit out of your face that you don’t want.


Cleanses pores

Increases blood circulation

Gets rid of toxins

Promotes relaxation

Gives a skin a glow

Here are the directions:

1.       Grab a pot and fill it with water

2.       Wash face

3.       Bring the water to a hot temperature where you can see steam come from pot

4.       Add any oils to the hot water

5.       You can either pour the water into a bowl or leave water in pot

6.       Lean your head over the pot or bowl for 5-10 mins with a towel over your head

7.       Exfoliate, tone and moisturize

8.       Steam your face once or twice a month

Please be careful while following these instructions

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