
My Angel 3/31 - 4/1

@larrylovable / larrylovable.tumblr.com

Gwendolyn. 24. Mommy to an Angel. 👣

homophobes are not allowed to use computers because the inventor of the computer was gay

People think this is just a joke but Alan Turing was the inventor of the computer and his sexuality was illegal in his time (which was not even 100 years ago) and he was arrested. They put him on drugs that destroyed his genius brain and committed suicide a year after being covicted. He was gay and a war hero as well. He helped to break enigma which was a German code that they put all their messages through. He shorted WWII by two years and saved so many lives in the process.

Friendly reminder that if not for Alan Turing you wouldn’t be reading this post and we might be ruled by the nazis


The Alan Turing statue on my campus

wait fuck this is soooooo important always reblog


I hope you guys like…eventually live the life you want to live and I hope nothing haunts you for too long and I hope you’re all kind to yourselves


Boy: I’ll do it. Malorie: NO! I’LL DECIDE! Girl: I’ll do it. Malorie:Girl:

Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) dir. Ron Howard 
You got me, Officer! I did it! I’m the Grinch that stole Christmas. And I’m sorry.

not to be racist but i can’t tell customers apart

like ok today this lady was at my register and said “oh i forgot something I’ll be right back” and when she came back i went “sorry ma’am i’m actually waiting for someone” and she was like ??? me?

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