
Nicolo Cassian


Honorary Best Friend of @CleoofAuranos. Very fun guy if you get to know me. Lover of all things Auranian.

@cleoofauranos I’m drunk.

@thejonasagallon help, Magnus is drunk.

Oh. Not my problem. @lucia-eva-damora Magnus needs your help he’s drunk.

And? He’s her responsibility now. Maybe her red head can help @nicolocassian Cleo needs your help because Magnus is drunk.

What the hell am I supposed to do? I’m sure the rebel has idea @thejonasagallon you fix it, he’s drunk.

Um… Not it. Duck duck duck @cleoofauranos you’re the goose, stop Magnus’s drunknesses.

“Drunkenesses”? Seems to me as if @theprincemagnus isn’t the only one drunk…

Maybe just like- a little bit.

@cleoofauranos I wrote you a song.

@theprincemagnus please don’t do this, not here.

I’ll make the rebel preform it. Dance monkey @thejonasagallon

Only if I can preform in my birthday suit.

What's a birthday suit?


@cleoofauranos I’m drunk.

@thejonasagallon help, Magnus is drunk.

Oh. Not my problem. @lucia-eva-damora Magnus needs your help he’s drunk.

And? He’s her responsibility now. Maybe her red head can help @nicolocassian Cleo needs your help because Magnus is drunk.

What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm sure the rebel has idea @thejonasagallon you fix it, he's drunk.


Oh dear @nicolocassian, your friend @ashurcortas is quite amusing 😉

Ashur what? Friend yeah- I mean we’re pretty… Pretty close I mean. What? *trips over chair* *falls down stairs* I mean- yeah me and ashur are pretty chill.

Why, thank you, Lysandra.

No homo tho amirite, Nic ;)

What? No of course- who said anything about homo?

Well this is just adorable. 😏

I don’t know, Nic. The nice rebel seems to find the two of us rather endearing But of course I wouldn’t dare make a move without first seeing what your friend @cleoofauranos thinks

ASHUR! GO FOR IT! 😘 @nicolocassian

We’re all rooting for you, Ashur 😏

You're all horrible.


Oh dear @nicolocassian, your friend @ashurcortas is quite amusing 😉

Ashur what? Friend yeah- I mean we’re pretty… Pretty close I mean. What? *trips over chair* *falls down stairs* I mean- yeah me and ashur are pretty chill.

Why, thank you, Lysandra.

No homo tho amirite, Nic ;)

What? No of course- who said anything about homo?


Oh dear @nicolocassian, your friend @ashurcortas is quite amusing 😉

Ashur what? Friend yeah- I mean we’re pretty… Pretty close I mean. What? *trips over chair* *falls down stairs* I mean- yeah me and ashur are pretty chill.

Are you all right there, Nic? Looks like you got a bit distracted.

Oh no, I'm not distracted. Why would I be distracted by Ashur I mean really?



1. Which other country, besides the one you’re originally from, would you live in if you had to move?

2. If you had to choose only ONE person to bring back to life, who would it be and why?

1. Paelsia I suppose 2. Theon. For Cleo.


More questions!

1. Would you rather be a sorceress or a watcher

2. Do you see any goodness in Magnus at all?

3. Jonas’s brother died in the first chapter of falling kingdoms, how much do you think your story would’ve changed if he would have lived?

4. I’m sure you all agree that Aron was a horrible person, but do you think he could’ve been redeemed in the end?

5. Favorite food?

1. Watcher, so beautiful and free 2. From how he has treated my best friend, as hard as I try. No, I cannot. 3. It would be completely different. Though I would still follow Cleo... Always right behind her. 4. Yes, Aron has been a long childhood friend, he just made some bad decisions. 5. The minty pastries they serve during our holiday of Cleiona. The country has huge feasts everywhere in honor of our goddess.


Ok ok ok...

Hello, characters! Thank you thank you thank you for putting this together, I’m so excited to see your answers!

My question is: if you could magically change your shape to be any one animal, which animal would you choose, and why?

Thanks again! @cleoofauranos

Easy! A Phoenix. I think it’s beautiful how it burns brightly and is then reborn from its ashes. Very poetic and inspiring no?

Since I adore my red hair, perhaps I would be a lion because I could still have the gorgeous golden bronze mane



We, your Mytican characters, have decided to do something nice (I know, it was like pulling teeth) just for you in preparation for the release of FROZEN TIDES.

This Saturday, Dec. 12, at 10pm on your Eastern Time, we will gather together to answer as many of your Messages as we can. You may ask anything, but please remember that we are bound by @morgan-rhodes to not post spoilers.

If you have a question, or just something you’d like to tell us, please send it in a message to @cleoofauranos. She will post her answer, and the rest of us will reblog with our own.

We truly are grateful for all of you. We, quite literally, wouldn’t be here without you.

Send your questions now! See you on Saturday


Post 4 of 6: Pre Frozen Tides Thoughts

Oh, @nicolocassian. The boy I’ve never met, yet who never ceases to amaze me.

For better or worse, you have been a good friend to me regardless of distance. Thank you for that. (gifs/images are not mine)

I've learned from Cleo, that kindness to everyone pays off dearly in the end. But you truly are a friend Lysandra, I adore talking with you😉


I would really like to become more active with you all. It would be nice to interact:) so if you have any suggestions I would adore them!

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