
@i-lost-my-shoe-assbutt / i-lost-my-shoe-assbutt.tumblr.com

Elizabeth. 29.

stop believing that you ran out of time to shape yourself into who you want to be! stop believing that its ruined! stop believing you don’t have potential! you are not a fixed being! you have endless opportunities to grow.


I wanna start eating healthier, wear loose sweatshirts, create more art, go outside, adventure new things, talk less, see more and listen to music most of the time


‪**Walking some place that we’ve never been**‬

‪8yo: “I’ve seen this before.”‬


‪8yo: “You know how sometimes you go to sleep and you see things in your dreams and then later on you see them for real? Like that.”‬

‪Me, quietly terrified: “Umm oh yeah! That’s called ‘Deja Vu’! Great!”‬

I have this too, and like a bunch of the other people who say they have this in the notes have described: it’s like…less prophetic full fledged dreams and more like a 2second snapshot of you doing an activity with no context. Like cutting paper then looking up or opening your purse with specific scenery in the background. Then you wake up and you’re like “what was that pointless dream scene.” Then later (sometimes weeks or months later), when you’re doing The Thing you’re like “oh”

and the thing is, its very easy to go to a setting youve seen similar to one in a dream.

think about it. dreamscapes include things like:

  • local architecture. your brain often uses elements from familiar locations- in fact, theyre sometimes the blank canvas on which stuff is added until they no longer really resemble the real-life location at all.
  • things youre at least somewhat interested in, even if its not a lot. you dream about things youve thought about or noticed, subconsciously or not.
  • pop culture settings, such as the apartment in a tv show (this is arguably just another form of the ‘local architecture’ thing).
  • feelings and concepts. for example, if you dont know much about cars but dream about popping open the hood of a car and seeing its interior, your brain will just be like [insert image of hood interior here], because it doesnt actually have the image on-hand to supply the dream with. the result is a concept of a hood interior, without the actual image itself. this can also happen with large landscape formations in the distance (such as mountains or forests).

those are all things youre more likely to come across irl than you think. coming across them in combinations happens as a result.

local architecture: /shrugs/ self-explanatory. you live with this stuff all around.

things youre at least somewhat interested in, even if its not a lot: you seek out things youre interested in, or other people bring them to you, etc.

pop culture settings: theyre based on real places that may be closer than you think, not to mention there may be places close to you that are also based on the same places as the pop culture settings. this can be even more striking when the pop culture settings are not of the type you usually go to (for example, a public library), so when you do, you find yourself both feeling very foreign in the new setting, but also weirdly familiar with some of the way it all looks.

feelings and concepts: if something gives off the exact same feeling a dream gave you, like a certain colour palette + light level + miscellaneous object, that can also trigger a feeling of vague familiarity, because you didnt picture every inch of it, but you also do remember the general concept of how it felt like.

This is not what I am describing. It’s not “oh I’m getting the feeling that this is familiar”, the dream comes first. THE DREAM COMES FIRST.

I already described it but I’ll be more specific. Let’s say you dream for 0.2 seconds about holding a spiked red ball. You have never seen this ball before and have no reason to have imagined it. It’s not an object of interest and it is not something you have seen before, like a general object like a swingset or something you own. You have this short dream, and then you wake up. Or! You can also shift into a completely unrelated dream and keep sleeping.

When you wake up more permanently, you are like “wierd, what was that 0.2 second dream and spiked red ball?? Ok whatever.” And then continue with your life.

4 months later you are invited to an interactive art gallery. There are many pieces that you can touch and play with. They are art pieces and therefore are not pieces with much replica in your everyday life, recycled internal stimuli wise. After chilling at the party for a half hour, your boyfriend says “hey! Look at this!” So you turn around. Before you can really digest what’s going on, he hands you a spiked red ball.

Then you are holding the ball like “what the fuck.”

There isn’t even the deja vu feeling of “having been here before”, I have had Deja vu and it’s unrelated to this.

For me the emotion that follows is more of a spike of adrenaline that I have seen this object/place, memory of myself waking up 4 months ago and going “what the fuck was that dream” and worry about whether because I preemptively dreamed about it that something bad is about to happen (it never does)

Also I know 2 people irl that experience this as well. One my age and one who is a 60 year old professor with no motive to lie to me for clout. I think that this is less of a “special people who are “””psychic””” thing and more of an extremely common part of the human experience that we don’t talk about in common culture bc 1. People who experience it keep it to themselves. 2. It freaks us out.



….I really thought it was just me….

“I think that our younger self is so key to who we are and a heartbreaking thing to look at. I’m often struck by the damage I inflicted on my younger self. Why was I beating her up? I would never do that to you. I would never look at a child or a teenager, and say, “Hey, you’re broken. There’s something wrong with you.” You know? What an atrocious way that we treat ourselves. Especially women in this society. The amount of time wasted for a young woman wondering, “Am I fat? And is that a reason I should wanna be dead?” is so harrowing to consider. Just the wasted years of a lifetime. We live and we die and that’s it. I will say that finally now, at 39, I’m so relieved to be older. That we put so much preciousness on the teenage woman’s body and the 20-year-old woman’s body—fuck all of that. It’s so unfair and so minimizing to our true worth. We’re all in our own little weirdo fucking bodies with our own little weirdo faces and our own little weirdo ideas.”
me, finally getting a chance to say something I’ve thought about for twelve days straight: oh, hey, that reminds me, funny thing, this just came to mind but

It’s been said before but we really need to normalise the idea of not having been in a relationship / having sex / dating before your 20’s because it is literallyyyy so young and it absolutely doesn’t make anyone weird for not having had that experience before so I don’t understand why we get off shaming people for something so common


I aspire to be a woman who loves to wakes up early in the morning and loves what she does for a living everyday. Travels often, spiritually secured, and financially stable.

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