because we’re heroes

@blackwidowlw /

prev. tsarina-romanova

A BUNCH OF SO-SO POPSICLES for peeps in my spidersona discord!! These were super fun to draw and I am absolutely Living


I just can’t believe marvel made TWO superhero teams with only one girl on them originally and then killed off the girls in the exact same way, each time for the development of a male character!! like, just say you hate women and leave!!!!


Avengers: Endgame alternate ending where Thor gets hold of the gauntlet in the final fight to snap instead of Tony, and when he snaps, he doesn’t just wipe out Thanos’ army. With that agonizing flick of his fingers, he brings back all of Asgard and the dead Asgardians as well – both those killed by Thanos and by Hela. The gauntlet burns and shrivels his arm in the process, and while he survives, he ends up losing the arm (leaving him looking like comics!Thor–)

(Also he doesn’t dust Thanos but leaves him for Nebula and Gamora to finish off. He’s had his turn before, it’s time they get theirs. And as he staggers back to his feet, Bucky immediately points out that if he’s in the market for an arm, he knows a gal.)

The effect of Thanos’ forces turning to ash is easy enough to observe, but Thor doesn’t know if his snap worked to bring Asgard back as well until he looks up and, warily, calls out Heimdall’s name…

…And the bifrost opens.

He smiles to his companions, then takes the bridge back to the newly restored realm eternal. His friends are all there on the bridge waiting for him, and through the crowd, a familiar lean figure steps forward, smirking.

“I told you the sun would shine on us again,” Loki remarks, before Thor crushes the breath out of him in an embrace.

The king is returned. And the sun shines on Asgard in the dawn of a new age.


Tony Stark in Endgame is the funniest fucking thing. The entire universe has ended but he’s still mad about that 1 time Cap didn’t let him steal the entire planet’s data and start a surveillance state. If nothing else you gotta appreciate the sheer dedication with which he lives his silicon valley billionaire lifestyle.

We’ve been together since before we were born. We are each other’s only family. We’ve served on the same teams for years. Saved each other’s lives. But so often our lives have felt so far apart. And so often the fault has been mine. I’m the fastest man in the world, but I’ve run out of time to fix things with the only person who ever really cared about me… or have I?

Quicksilver: No Surrender #3 (2018)

“Hey! It’s three in the morning, but that diner we used to go to on 68th is still open. And they still have those milkshakes…”

Wanda and Pietro’s pajamas in Quicksilver: No Surrender #5



i swear im done

You don’t know what you’ll find You don’t know what she hides So don’t go messing with a heart Or messing with a mind

An experiment with pairing watercolors and watercolor pencils, a callback to Natasha’s connection with ballet, and a lot of hours that I didn’t mean to put into this.

I’m adding Scarlett Johansson to the list of people I can’t draw, because this doesn’t look a damn thing like her. I still rather like it, though.

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