
Another Time, Another Story

@letssaynotonormal / letssaynotonormal.tumblr.com

27 year old guy living in Florida and studying Graphic Design.

Did y'all even fucking pay attention to all the climate change regulations Obama and Biden implemented? Cutting greenhouse gasses and pollution? The Paris Climate accords? The pandemic response team that they created?

Trump systematically rolled back EVERY major climate regulation Obama and Biden enacted, from increasing fuel standards for cars to limits on methane. He backed out of Paris. He dismantled the pandemic response team.

Republicans don't believe climate change is a thing at all. Biden has a $2 trillion dollars climate plan based on the Green New Deal. Biden has said multiple times that climate change is one of the greatest existential crises the next President must face.

This isn't "vote for Biden because he's not Trump." The parties could not be farther apart. Biden heard y'all in the Primaries and MOVED LEFT.

If y'all think that Biden is just as bad as Trump, or that he doesn't want anything to fundamentally change, you didn't pay attention the entire time under the Obama administration. You aren't paying attention now.

You're a fucking moron who doesn't give one shit about the progressive causes you actually care about. You only care about getting woke points on the internet and being angry. Fuck you.

Wait I decided I'm not done

Trump is a literal fucking fascist. Not to be the Jew that tells you all the signs of Nazi Germany are already fucking here. But they are.

Biden at least fucking believes in Democratic norms and not being a fucking fascist

Even if you think Biden is some kind of boring centrist who doesn't want to change a thing. If you can't tell the fucking difference between that and a fucking fascist. Fuck you.

Also, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 87 and has cancer for the fifth time and Trump just announced that he wants to replace her with Ted Cruz. Things like Roe v Wade, climate regulation, voting rights, and criminal rights are all hanging by a 5-4 thread on the Supreme Court that depends on one of the five Republican Justices having a spasm of conscience. If Ted Cruz replaces RBG and solidifies a 6-3 Republican majority for the next forty years, it won't matter how progressive your President or Congress is because SCOTUS will strike down every fucking law and regulation they pass, in addition to overturning Roe v Wade, marriage equality, and other fundamental rights.

Y'all aren't as progressive as you think you are


Jezzuz flipping fuck. Does no one remember Obama's presidency?

He bloody ignored the Paris Accords. Oil production under his presidency nearly tripled. He opened up the Arctic twice for drilling and he stood by while water protectors at DAPL were vilified and besieged.

You want fascistic tendencies? Obama never closed Guantanamo, so he's a torturer. He dropped so many bombs in Syria, the Air Force literally ran out of bombs. His record at actually killing terrorists was dismal and innocent civilians caught in the bombings outnumbered combatants nine to one. Not only did he not end Bush's wars, he started five more without congressional approval. He destroyed Libya and left it to devolve into a failed state that's now an open-air slave market. So he's a war criminal. And when Chelsea Manning tried to blow the whistle on those crimes, he was content to sit back and let her get thrown into solitary for 35 years.

He equivocated over supporting gay marriage until it was politically convenient, and then didn't lift a finger to implement it, punting the ball to the courts. He shrugged as millions of people were kicked out of his homes and refused to prosecute the criminal bankers who crashed the whole system. He kept giving more and more money to ICE even as they were building the concentration camps Trump is now using. He forcibly deported millions of people which is classified as a goddamn genocide.

And you seriously think Biden is going to be better? Millions more people are about to lose their homes. Hasn't said a word about it.

Biden was embarrassed out of two previous presidential runs because he couldn't stop lying about his record and plagerizing speeches. And he's already been caught in lies again in this election.

So who's to say his green initiative isn't also a lie? Especially when it was revealed that his team is already talking budget austerity.

That is, austerity for social programs. He's already opined that the military can expect more money once he's president. Do you really think he's going to stop America's contributions to the genocide in Yemen? Assuming that there's any Yemeni left by the time he's inaugurated. Do you think he's going to lift the US sanctions against Venezuela?

He hasn't moved left at all. And neither has Nancy Pelosi, and neither has Chuck Schumer. And the only thing that Obama came out of retirement for was to break up the NBA players' strike. You're the one who isn't fucking paying attention.

Don’t forget that Biden voted to increase funding for prisons and harsher mandatory minimum sentences from the 70s onward and even has said “lock the sons of bitches up” regarding those laws. He helped create the police state and he sure as fuck will no doubt keep up on that. Both options for this election are dog shit like always. 


ok im gonna eat BUT THIS GIRL ON TWITTER

shes chinese and also like a chinese historian and she watched the live action mulan 

the way she had me crying through this thread because its apparently V bad


its trying v hard to be historically accurate but theyre using terms/concepts that chinese people would NOT

and the battle scenes are bad please 

remind me to link it later, but oh my god

the pain she was in is like clearly felt through the tweets shes so upset

This is the tweet specifically that made me yell


Btw she got angry enough to make a video


The ironic thing is, this fucking movie is “approved” by Chinese CCP government because Disney sucks CCP dick so hard and really want that delicious RMB money. All the good and feminist elements in the original cartoon was turned into Chinese patriarchy propaganda (CCP calls it “The Good Chinese Tradition”). Oh, it was the CCP government who gave Disney the advise of “not sticking to a particular dynasty style” so you can’t really blame the White People for the butchered Chinese element because no one destroy real Chinese culture more than CCP, remember Cultural Revolution? lmao

After people found out the movie credits the government organization related with the 新疆 concentration camp (CCP calls it “Labor/Reformation Camp”) and caught fire on the internet, CCP banned movie theaters from advertising Mulan in China. So far, the movie is a flop in China, which is the most hilarious thing ever because Disney lost everything after licking the CCP ass so diligently like the world’s best obedient little bitch lol


Anyone who points out the orange lady has two right feet will be bANNED. she lost her foot in an accident and got a foot transplant from her twin sister who sadly passed away of an unrelated illness at the same time (please don't ask, it's too emotional to discuss). Thank you for your time


the number one surefire way to make people remember something is to annoy them so here’s an annoying announcement that some of the douchebags i keep seeing are gonna get mad at and then remember because it made them mad

[sidenote: gay/bi/pan/etc, trans, and ace are not mutually exclusive identities and this comic does not imply that. just in case anyone tries to get picky. you can be het-ace-trans and acephobic/biphobic, aro-gay-trans and homophobic, etc etc. endless possibilities exist for being a shitty person.]



Why would you be an asshole to other minorities when you yourself probably have experienced phobia towards you?

I know the question’s rhetorical but the answer’s kinda interesting, and that is: The term ‘cycle of abuse’ exists for a reason, and that centers around people with low self esteem can see that those who hurt them felt powerful in doing so, and so may attempt to build a sense of power or self by hurting others. It’s a maladaptive coping mechanism and when it ‘works’ it does so by making people who are the same kind of abuser that they dealt with as a victim, but it’s there and it’s real.


Thinkin about how the demonization of rednecks has successfully changed the face of bigotry in America from “rich exploitative upper class” to “poverty stricken blue collar workers” and how absolutely intentional that had to have been

Like don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of racist rednecks but when you’re locked in a room with a rabid bear and a swarm of wasps, you don’t wish for a can of bug spray.


More proof that this shilled account is an authoritarian nightmare that wants the whole country ruled by urbanites.


That’s not true. Not at all.

What is the electoral college vote??

It’s how the presidential election is done, winner take all for the states electoral votes which correspond to the number of state representatives they have which are assigned by population, well for the House every state gets 2 Senators so there’s some evenness there. But yeah, this guy doesn’t quite get the 3/5 compromise, it was more about congressional representation than electoral votes those were just gravy at that point since the federal government at that time was actually sticking to it’s constitutionally granted authorities instead of poking it’s nose into state’s business. 3/5 compromise is 1 slave equals 3/5 of a person for the purpose of the census and assigning of congressional seats for that particular state. Slave states refused to sign on to the formation of the country without it being included.

It’s very confusing for me. Could be I just don’t comprehend it well or it’s just confusing.

No, it’s confusing. Short version is that each state gets representatives in the federal government that reflect that states population, the number of representatives you have is also the number of electoral votes they get. Personally speaking I’d like to see the Fed up the number of seats in the House because there is no easy way for the average person to get a word to their congressperson because they represent way too many people. UK has 68 million people and 650 members in the house of commons, US has 330 million people and 435 congressional seats. People are wildly underrepresented at the individual level over here.

Oh that makes a little more senses.

Ireland has TDs basically they a representatives for the local county. A neighbour to my parents ran last time. Don’t ask me how many are there. I’m only starting to learn ours and I don’t actually think anyone in Ireland really knows how our government works.

Looks like y'all are a constitutional republic with a parliamentary setup, same as much of Europe has. UK is a touch different because royalty and no president. And again the US is beat down on individual representation you have 60 in what looks like it would be about the same as out Senate (Seanad Éireann) and 160 in the Dáil Éireann which is the same as out house of representatives. With 5 million people, that’s just embarrassing for us over here in my opinion

First off, it’s so nice seeing you talk about our government by actual names cause you are cool and know your stuff.

Wait is our set up better? I’m new to politics and still learning every day.

I cheated and used wikipedia for names and numbers, but felt it only right to use the proper names since they were available and easy to find.

The setup is basically the same, the big issue I have with the US’s comes down to how many people each representative is supposed to represent.

You’ve got 160 people representing 5 million ish people. Quick math 5,000,000/160 = 31250. So each elected representative is accountable to 31,250 people, or thereabouts.

We’ve got 435 people representing 330 million ish people. More quick math  330000000/435 = 758621 rounding up the decimal each elected representative is accountable to 758,621 people, or thereabouts.  

Again with the quick math 758621/31250 = 24 rounding down, for every 1 person represented by a member of the  Dáil Éireann in RoI there are 24 being represented by a member of congress in the US.

It’d be silly to try and get to the same level you guys are at, but bringing it down to half million to 1 would be nice.

The most i can tell you about the electoral college is that California has one of the biggest populations in the country but is so culturally separated from the rest of the US that a load of people responded to jokes/rumors of a “calexit” with some variation of “good, we don’t want you.”

To be fair, it *would* be nothing but a net positive if California was physically removed from the United States.

I don’t disagree.

One of the things originating from California was “mansplaining.” It’s a behaviour actually endemic to men from Silicon Valley and the women living there managed to convince impressionable people that it’s universal to all men.

When I first read about mansplaining I was laughing at them because I had never seen a man behave like that - in India or the USA. I have seen smart-ass middle school BOYS act that way, but never men, because they grow out of it. I visited LA for the first time however and saw it everywhere, including in my own male cousin and he thinks this behaviour is normal. Then I understood.


“Don’t boycott 2020 mulan just because the main actress isn’t perfect”


This isn’t some weird debate shit where she said something like “I love pineapple on pizza”, no she actively defended police and government brutality against Hong Kong protesters.

People are allowed to be angry and upset about that!


maybe you’re just forming an expectation in your mind about a character design having a pedophilic intent because you very obviously stereotype Japanese people or even Asian people in general as pedophiles or more inclined to pedophilia and if you scream to high heaven that you don’t it sure is weird that you can acknowledge the existence of a racist stereotype and then claim the sweeping judgements you make which are defined in cultural terms just happen to concidentally line up with the aforementioned stereotypes


Anyway, here's 29 year old Kaho Shibuya dressed as Uzaki:

Features of a child, my ass.

thats very fucking clearly an adult and does not look like the animated design

the size and placement and proportions of the forehead and eyes, as well as the proportions of head to body clearly give away the fact that she’s drawn with child features

Yeah, because thats an actual human being. Of course she isn't going to look exactly like an anime character. But she's very clearly got the type of body the anime was trying to portray.

And you haven't seen much anime, have you? Here's an official image of Uzaki

And here's an official image of Takagi, a child character from a similar anime

Compare the head-to-body ratio, hips, legs and thighs. I point out Uzakis massive bust, but apparently that doesnt matter. Uzaki's body is clearly that of an adult's.

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