
Just Wander

@jswander / jswander.tumblr.com


THE MENU (2022) dir. Mark Mylod


The fact that this was originally supposed to be Daniel Radcliffe, and that the movie in question was supposed to be 2015′s Victor Frankenstein will never stop sending me.


I have never yet been tempted to write omegaverse fic I must admit, but I feel I should perhaps do my part in protecting ao3 from scrapers.................

Come to think of it, star wars writers with their kriffs and their transparasteel and their banthashits are all doing their bit starwarsify the data

Writers start watermarking your work with made up words


Do your part for fandom by writing Star Wars omegaverse kriffing with Therm Scissorpunch speaking sweet nothings in Mando’a while fucking Elan Sleazebaggano up against the transparisteel while they vacation on Nal Hutta!




playing a new game where i talk about fandom using words that belong on corporate powerpoint slides like:

✨ we have to align our headcanons to authentically reflect our strategic mission and meet quarterly margin objectives ✨

sorry to everyone who understood that


as per my last 5+1,

Hello team, 

With all due respect, I cross-checked your references with Kakashi from accounting, and the error in your fics was statistically significant. Every fic published in our “Enemies to Lovers” tag after the most recent episode’s air date needs to be updated and reviewed due to new policies issued by the author. 

Please re-aquaint yourself with the source material before next week’s meeting and prepare to discuss the changes. 


you guys are really good at this game


"There's millions of Tumblr users" to you. To me There's only about 12 and we all reblog the same five posts from each other


Tagged by the darling @inkspottedtea to do this picrew!!



Fun! I haven’t done one of these in ages :D Tagging - ah ffs everyone I know is either already tagged or I don’t know their handles. @binaryeclipse @littlecofiegirl @intermundia @himboskywalker @rexismycopilot @icsek @kittonafoxgirl @saratutti


starts talking about my emotional state with 2 degrees of abstraction instead of 7 and the sniper across the street who i pay to keep me in line fires a warning shot thru my little hoop earring


wait can someone explain what this means to me I really want to know

if i am candid about how i feel i will die like john f kennedy


Whenever people try to tell me to ship "moral ships" I like to think about how inherently immoral it is to flirt with service workers at coffee shops where they're obliged to be nice to you so... many coffee shop AUs are like. Immoral. But given that they are a fantasy where this is instant romance without the fear of trapping a service worker in an uncomfortable situation that's tantamount to workplace sexual harassment, I enjoy the cutesy coffee shop AUs immensely.

And that's basically my attitude towards all fantasy. There's lots of things I enjoy in fantasy that wouldn't work IRL. Enemies to lovers. Sudden kisses. Miscommunications in relationships. Codependency. Fight sluts who physically assault each other while emotionally connecting.

Once you start ascribing your morals to the fiction you consume, you tend to miss the issues in even the most innocuous, innocent seeming scenarios. It's easy to judge other people's fictional enjoyment until someone points out your innocent coffee shop AU is romanticised workplace harassment.

But it's all fiction. It's a fantasy. That's why it's fine.

A lack of education around things like consent, healthy relationships, self respect and respect of others, bodily autonomy, etc, has made people think they can rely only on fiction to tell them what right - but that's dangerous. And unsustainable.

You and I. Together. We could take this universe to pieces and put it back together again.

anyone else’s gay ass see this and think that Legend  of Korra had just dropped a live action trailer.


I feel like with the new ~fandom drama~ or whatever going around, I should re-introduce my favorite theory of fandom, which I call the 1% Theory.

Basically, the 1% Theory dictates that in every fandom, on average, 1% of the fans will be a pure, unsalvageable tire fire. We’re talking the people who do physical harm over their fandom, who start riots, cannot be talked down. The sort of things public news stories are made of. We’re not talking necessarily bad fans here- we’re talking people who take this thing so seriously they are willing to start a goddamn fist fight over nothing. The worst of the worst.

The reason I bring this up is because the 1% Theory ties into an important visual of fandom knowledge- that bigger fandoms are always perceived as “worse”, and at a certain point, a fandom always gets big enough to “go bad”. Let me explain.

Say you have a small fandom, like 500 people- the 1% Theory says that out of those 500, only 5 of them will be absolute nutjobs. This is incredibly manageable- it’s five people. The fandom and world at large can easily shut them out, block them, ignore their ramblings. The fandom is a “nice place”.

Now say you have a medium sized fandom- say 100,000 people. Suddenly, the 1% Theory ups your level of calamity to a whopping 1000 people. That’s a lot. That’s a lot for anyone to manage. It is, by nature of fandom, impossible to “manage” because no one owns fan spaces. People start to get nervous. There’s still so much good, but oof, 1000 people.

Now say you have a truly massive fandom- I use Homestuck here because I know the figures. At it’s peak, Homestuck had approximately FIVE MILLION active fans around the globe.

By the 1% Theory, that’s 50,000 people. Fifty THOUSAND starting riots, blackmailing creators, contributing to the worst of the worst of things.

There’s a couple of important points to take away here, in my opinion.

1) The 1% will always be the loudest, because people are always looking for new drama to follow.

2) Ultimately, it is 1%. It is only 1%. I can’t promise the other 99% are perfect, loving angels, but the “terrible fandom” is still only 1% complete utter garbage.

3) No fandom should ever be judged by their 1%. Big fandoms always look worse, small fandoms always look better. It’s not a good metric.

So remember, if you’re ever feeling disheartened by your fandom’s activity- it’s just 1%, people. Do your part not to be a part of it.


this is great!


It also complies with the “killer theory”. I don’t remember exact names, but people in online games are generally divided into four groups:

- explorers research game opportunities, they don’t mind playing alone, usually don’t hurt others, but sometimes they can exploit game weaknesses

- achievers play to win, to gain points, popularity. They need both explorers who know all perks, and socializers - as their followers and support

- socializers - they play because their friends are all here, they like to be together, they are usually most of the players, they can be easily led astray

- killers - for some reasons they come to hurt others, be it hurtful remarks in the chats or disturbing behavior

A tiny amount of killers is manageable and even profitable. (All four types are important). Killers raise stakes for the achievers, give socializers something to talk about in their groups and give explorers incentives to invent something new.

Angered explorers are the top predators here - but they must be seriously offended, and since they play on the outskirts of the game, killers rarely fight them. Killers usually go for the weakest (socializers) or most noticeable (achievers).

But if the game, by its design, somehow attracts to much killers, who scare socializers, leave achievers without their rewards and - by choking the environment - make it boring for the explorers (what I gonna explore here? ten kinds of dick-related-nicknames? Pff!) - they effectively kill the game.

This is awesome. In fandom terms, I think whether a fandom tends to be, in general, a pretty decent place to be with a small tire fire here or there, or one big flaming dumpster fire, probably has a lot to do with who the 1% in that fandom are. If you’re unlucky enough to be in a fandom where a couple of the tire-fire people are the ones who run the exchanges, or the most influential shippers of your particular small pairing, or the big BNF, you are screwed. Even though the vast majority of the fandom undoubtedly still consists of sane and decent people, it’s going to be really hard to avoid the 1%, and they’ll actively drive people out. 

On the other hand, some of my best times in fandom have been in calm, sane corners of fandoms that I knew had raging dumpster fires going elsewhere, but I never had to deal with them because my part of the fandom was quite nice.

Large fandoms are a mixed blessing that way … more and bigger tire fires (and more visible to outsiders), but also, with more people and more ships, it’s easier to find cozy little pockets of sanity in which to nest.


This is a great bit of meta! I liked it so much, I put it on fanlore: Fandoms Have 1% Toxic Fans Theory

oh man, this got so many notes that I missed this- thanks my dude!! I feel honored to have made it onto Fanlore, haha.


I’ve been thinking about this quote a lot lately.  The question he’s replying to is about His Dark Materials, where someone wondered if mothers gave birth to their children’s daemons at the same time they birthed the child, and his response was, “It’s a metaphor.  Don’t force it to do the work of a fact.” And I think this is a huge source of disconnect in Star Wars fandom as well, that for example George Lucas has been extremely clear on why Anakin Skywalker fell to the dark side, which was because he was greedy, possessive, afraid, and refused to accept that life changes and he couldn’t hold onto people, that he refused to do so.  It’s a theme in a fairy tale. Is it true that, in our complex and profound real world, that childhood trauma of being a slave would affect things on a far deeper level than is written into the story?  Yes, of course!  But Anakin Skywalker is written to a theme, not to a fact.  Star Wars is not about real world facts, it’s about themes in a fictional story.  Listen, George Lucas fuckin’ loved his themes, okay.  LOVED them, possibly more than the characters themselves! We absolutely can have fun speculating about what Anakin’s childhood trauma added onto his story, but ultimately it’s not actually a part of the theme and not part of the narrative as it is.  Characters in the story cannot react as if Anakin’s specific childhood trauma is an element in his choices because it’s not part of the narrative, it doesn’t exist to them, because Anakin Skywalker is a theme in a fairy tale, not a fact. I think that’s where a lot of disconnect is coming from when we talk about “whose fault is it that Anakin Skywalker fell!?” or “how could this have been prevented!?” or “why don’t you have more sympathy for the former slave!?” because, while my heart aches for Anakin, it’s not the reason he fell, and trying to make it so is like trying to ask what happens when a mother gives birth to a child in a world of daemons–it’s not the point of the inclusion of that plot element, treating the characters as if it were is trying to make it do the work of a fact, rather than what it is. Such work has its place in fandom, especially in the transformative part of fandom, but it’s not part of the narrative itself and I think recognizing that disconnect might help clarify why there’s so much frustration in why some fans may never see eye to eye.


Guys, it is done!! 4.5 hours long, with around 90 different sound effects. :DD Thank you @nonbinariwankenobi for the fantastic help beta listening and cheerleading! 

[Podfic] In Pursuit of Cold Water: AO3 Link

Fandom: Star Wars (Mer AU)

Pairing: Obi-Wan x Anakin

Writer: @jswander

Reader: Kittona

Rating: M

Total Length:  04:26:33

Summary: Obi-Wan resolves to rescue a very stubborn merman from captivity and back to the ocean.




I was expecting to scroll down to find some very profound and insightful Lumi text regarding the nature of Dooku and Yoda’s relationship and I was like “oh no it’s going to be so deep and well-articulated and I just know I’m going to reblog it and just go EEE LOOK AT THE CUTE LIL TIGER BOY HE’S SO FLUFFY I WANNA SQUISH HIS TOE BEANS”

I cannot express my delight in seeing the commentary on these panels was.

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