
Money spell! Reblog to charge it with your intent; the more people see it, the more powerful it becomes. Magic should be fun!


this actually does work the witches of tumblr really are out here doing something lol


Yesss November come throughhhhhhh!!

Reblogging with all my intent and desire.

I Made $750 For Nothing

I need a transition and also to not be in abject poverty

I too require money.

would like some money plz

reblogging bc after I saw this last time I found out that I haven’t been getting my orphan’s benefit because of an administrative issue, not because I no longer qualify, and got a whole year of back pay

Reblogging because I just got a letter in the mail that there is still some money in my 401k from the job I got pettily fired from and so I’ll be getting somewhere around $650 dollars, thereabouts, in about a month.  I MEAN WHAT.  Witches of Tumblr, my hat is off to you.

fund my surgeries binch


superior magazine, ph. thomas mocka, aminata sanogo


Jack Daniels was created by a slave. Bourbon giant finally acknowledges the truth after 150 years.

The story told by the media for centuries appeared to be fake af. 

The story went that Jack Daniels recipe was created by white moonshine distiller named Dan Call who passed it down to Jack Daniel.

Now the brand has revealed it was, in fact, one of Call’s slaves Nearis Green who taught the young Daniel how to distill.

Slaves made up the majority of men working in the distilling industry who were passing ancient African techniques down through the generations.

However, like so much else appropriated from enslaved African Americans - the distillery owners would take credit for their slaves’ whisky.

The fact that Green invented the original recipe has been known to local historians for decades but was only recently acknowledged by the whisky makers and the public.

Another example of what we call “appropriation”. In this case, I would call it “theft”.

I bet none of your friends really know the truth.

Make it Viral

If this man has any living descendants then they need to start making sure they are getting the money they are owed off the profits of this drink…this man created one of the most popular spirits for mixed drinks out there and they may have stolen the recipe from him and stolen the credit for years but if he’s got any living family right now the LEAST they can do is make sure they get the money they deserve for their ancestors creation

What do you want to bet they checked thoroughly that there were no living family of Nearis Green before making this revelation?


Jesse Williams alluded to it. bell hooks intellectualized it. And Black people have lived with it for hundreds of years. It’s morphed some; it’s no longer just the physical consumption of our Black bodies. Now it is the intellectual cannibalism of our thoughts, innovations, and inventions. It’s the political consumption of our fight against injustice and inequality. It’s the absorbing of our ideology as we fight for the protection of our Black bodies. It’s the devouring and erasure of our creative contributions to the arts. White people have practiced cultural cannibalism in their colonization of the world. So much so that they have no identity except in their whiteness and the power they built around it, and even that is evaporating before their eyes

Cultural cannibalism. Jesse Williams described it at the BET awards as “mining Black gold.” bell hooks called it “eating the other.” At one time, cannibalism was the literal ingesting of another’s heart in an attempt to absorb their strength and knowledge. In America, it’s colonialism, oppression, and white, hetero, cis, male supremacy. It is the utter and complete destruction of a culture that is then picked over for the tastiest morsels that is then shared among the destroyer with the rest being deemed useless and discarded.”

She clocked 240 episodes on Grey’s Anatomy, making her the longest running queer character in television history. After she came out, 227 more lesbian and bisexual TV characters made their way into the world.

Article about Sara Ramirez and her role as Callie Torres (via merdersanatomy)


It might just save your life

Sometimes not even politeness will save you. Tamir Rice didn’t get the chance to be polite. Aiyana Jones didn’t get the chance to be polite. Sometimes it happens with no warning.

Sad truth


MICHIGAN! Ready to join the revolution on Tuesday?

Michigan’s primaries are OPEN, which means it doesn’t matter if which political party you’re affiliated or unaffiliated with. Just ask for a Democratic ballot when you show up to vote at your polling place.

Share this with every Michigander you know. #feelthebern


“I was working as a school safety officer when I met her. She was a teacher. But she kept working her way up. She became a principal. She went to work in the central office. She got her doctorate. Eventually she became the highest-ranking black woman in New York education. She was always taking that next step. I was working as a custodian when we got married. She was making five times more than me. It bothered me at first. It took some counseling to convince me that she hadn’t ‘settled’ for me. I’d been raised on the idea that the man was supposed to provide. But eventually I came around to the idea that money wasn’t the only way to provide. I could support her by doing chores, or taking the kids to school, or picking her up from the airport. Her work benefited all of us, so I could help provide by making her job easier. And eventually she inspired me to want more for myself. She’s the one that convinced me to go back to college.”

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