
@stellarays / stellarays.tumblr.com

stella | she/they | 22

why must I live in a world where no man will ever love me to the point that his honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment he spends in my presence.

How am I suppose to live with the fact that I will never be the bane of someone’s existence and the object of all their desires??!


why does disney own Winnie the pooh? I don’t like that. I think Winnie the pooh should be in the public domain


no offense but how the hell did disney get away with making a multi billion dollar star wars blockbuster film trilogy and not plan out any of the story beats or plot points in advance I didn’t even write essays for school without at least???? knowing where I was going with what I was writing ??? The idiocy,???? The. The incompetence???? sickening

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