
soda boy.

@crt-dreams / crt-dreams.tumblr.com

Paul from Northern Virginia

excerpts from a project on memory that Erich and I immediately abandoned


we millennials gotta let gen z in on whether something is a joke or not they’re out there eating detergent pods bc they took “forbidden snack” too literally

it wasn’t a “tide pod challenge” it was “haha tide pod look like yummy fruit”

cant believe u just “kids these days"d gen z

millenials: why are baby boomers always shitting on us what the fuck!

millenials: *do the exact same thing but with gen z*

me: hey New Generation don’t eat tide pods yall: wow you really hate gen z huh :/


honestly “i’ll do whatever you want” “then perish” is the single most powerful exchange possible in the english language and it’s from some bizarre “hewwo” obama rp

And there was that other post where someone dreamt that Obama said “violence for violence is the rule of beasts” like what is it about Obama that makes people come up with such raw fucking dialogue for him

my mother had a dream where he lived in the forest and she had a cigarette with him and he said “to become god is the loneliest achievement of them all” and put it out and walked into the mist and i’ve never fucking forgotten that


Reboot this post to be blessed with dream Obama’s wisdom

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