
@roguerolls20 / roguerolls20.tumblr.com

Roguerolls20: A blog for Art & Games

Hello there! Like it says on the laziest banner ever (listen I’m not gonna spend four hours in photoshop for the banner, gotta grind some lootboxes myself) - this is a Winter Wonderland/Holiday Lootbox giveaway! ‘tis the season and whatnot (..even if I don’t celebrate Christmas myself. Still.) 



1ST PLACE - 50 holiday loot boxes! 

2ND PLACE - 24 holiday loot boxes! 

3RD PLACE - 11 holiday loot boxes!

Pretty simple.  

and onto the rules - 


- You don’t have to follow me, but, it’d be appreciated. 

- One like, one reblog each. (Psst - there’s no point in reblogging more than once, anyways! Tumblr only ever shows one reblog from you. It doesn’t change your odds.

- RNG decides who wins, not me. Don’t be mean to whoever wins if you don’t.

- You have to have your ask or your IMs open so I can contact you should you win. 

- Gotta be willing to give me your email address so I can email you the gift card codes. 

- You have 24 hours to respond to my message, if you don’t, I’ll pick someone else. 

This will be running from December 13th-December 26th.

good luck! 



Its happened a few times on my dash seeing needles.  I have a strong fear of syringes.  The sight of them immediately stresses me out just like a jump scare does for many.  I know some art features this and hurray for art but BOO on needles. 

Please, tag your shit.  If I post something that stresses you out and I haven’t tagged it, let me know.  


In Lithuanian “trumpas” means “short”. Let’s hope it’s a sign meaning Trump’s short cadence.


No one speak the jinxing words for the remaining days of 2016.  

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