
no we're never gonna go it alone

@roseofthewolf / roseofthewolf.tumblr.com

Hello! I'm Claire. I like some stuff. If you don't like Rose Tyler this may not be the place for you. Not a Moffat-friendly blog. I'm sometimes bad at responding to things. I come and I go.

A Sexuality (1/1)

If there’s a prize for “Slowest Author in the World”, I should probably one of the nominees at the very least. @natural–blues​ posted the prompt for this back in August and I fell absolutely in love with it. Then real life kicked in which made it very hard to simultaneously have both time and inspiration. I was hoping to have it done by Asexuality Awareness Week in October (particularly as @timepetalsprompts​ dedicated the whole week for it), but it appears as if I missed that particular deadline with a few months. Ahem.

Better late than never, right?

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!

A Sexuality (1/1)

Summary: Tonight is the night. The Doctor prepares himself for his first night together with Rose. (Deals with asexuality)


I’ve wanted to do a follow forever type deal for a really long time now, and I figured why not just do it! I’ve been trying my hardest to make my dash a fun, enthusiastic, stress-free place and I think I really accomplished that this year, so thank you thank you thank you to everyone I follow and who follows me for making this year so great! you’re all truly beautiful people, whether you’re on this list or not (that being said if I forgot anyone I am so so sorry this is such a small list because it’s pretty much just mutuals but since it’s so small I’m sure I forgot people and listen I love you all okay I love every single one of you)

like I said this is mostly mutuals but since it’s not 100%, mutuals are bolded


@alderaans​ | @amyscntiago | @banshiequeen | @bilesbilinksi | @bisexualmerlin | @bobbimorxe | @captainblurryface | @carpethdiem | @caswinchester | @catchyourwings | @chris-inthemorning | @christinedaaechagny | @clarkesbellmy


@fychloebennet | @glencaprii | @guerins | @iynqpenned | @jessiecjones | @kingmakings | @kyloskywlker | @lincolncambpell | @lizzymaxia


@malieatate | @marystewat | @neptunepirate | @qrounder | @reesewilkersons | @roseofthewolf | @stiillinski | @theemechanic | @tillthesunbreaksdown | @trishxwalker | @voidhugs
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