
Our Journey

@littlebittylady / littlebittylady.tumblr.com

Amber | 21 | Engaged 01/18/2020 | Elia Joy 12/18/14 2:38am | WTTC

Back at it

Things got busy these past few years! But I need to get back to what I love most - documenting life. My baby girl is now 4, I’m about to graduate nursing school in May, I am engaged to be married in January of 2020, we are house hunting, and things are just plain crazy. I cannot wait to share the rest of my journey with you all. I miss documenting, and I wish I would have documented more these past few years, but it just didn’t happen. Can’t wait to be back at it.


“Money won’t make you happy”

Yeah, financial stability is just horrible


When I was training to be a battered women’s advocate, my supervisor said something that really blew my mind:

“You can always assume one thing about your clients; and that is that they are doing their best. Always assume everyone is doing their best. And if they’re having a day where their best just isn’t that great, or their best doesn’t look like your best, you have to be okay with that.”

Any now whenever anyone in my life, either a friend or a client, frustrates me, disappoints me, or pisses me off, I just tell myself They are doing their best. Their best isn’t that great today, but I have days where my best isn’t that great either. 

this. everytime. this. 


Pretend ur invasive self hating thoughts r being said to u by a 13 y/o boy on xbox live trying to get a rise out of you like “Your girlfriend dumped you because you’re ugly” that’s nice tim isn’t it past ur bedtime

also, if you have intrusive violent thoughts, pretend they’re being said to u by an annoying backseat driver

“drive into that pole” thanks karen or i could not do that



you can also pretend that the Super Paranoid thoughts are being said by that conspiracy theorist in your history class

“maybe they poisoned you” maybe you should fuck off, geoffrey-with-a-g



My favorite for intrusive anxious thoughts is to pretend Spock’s behind you with an answer.

“did I lock the door-”

captain you have locked the door every day for over ten years, and it is very hard for most people to break even subconscious habits, so you most definitely locked the door


I told my new psychiatrist about how I learned this from y'all and his eyes lit up. He didn’t smile but he did nod a whole bunch of times, it was great.

I like to pretend that my intrusive thoughts are being said to me by a super uptight religious white lady

“god hates you because you don’t believe in him” “your failures are too great to be forgiven by anyone” “everything you do is wrong and you are going to burn in hell”

thanks for the input brenda but fuck right off

I would just like to say that I love you all for this idea.


PSA: Cellulite and stretch marks are normal. The only reason we’ve been told that they’re not is because companies want to sell you products to reduce, minimize, or eliminate these very natural body characteristics. Your body is not a photoshop picture. Stop beating yourself up for being human

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