

@thatonecomicguy / thatonecomicguy.tumblr.com

Hello there. I am TheComicGuy. This is basically a place where I will review and talk about different comics. Feel free to ask questions or submit links to comics you think I should review. If there is something you want me to see, I track the tag ComicGuy. Reviews posted every Monday, and be sure to check out my website if you wanna find a particular review right away!

Please Donate or Boost

I was shy 13$ on rent and wasn't notified of my negative balance from the bank until it was too late. I'm a full time college student with two jobs. Please boost or donate to my paypal and/or venmo in the reblog below.

Donations go towards food and gas, which is necessary for my job at Uber, and of course my overdraft fees. As long as I pay a minimum of 30$ a month towards the debt my bank account will survive.

I am also an artist. If you're interested in commissions please email me at madisynstorage@gmail.com . My art is below.


It's down to $750! I have a long way to go but I'm super appreciative of the help I've received.

I now have an official commissions site. If you're interested click the link below.

More example pieces below.


Beam Me Up Tour coming to a city near you. Pre-order ‘Beam Me Up’ album & merch to get early access to tickets. Access to the public begins Friday. Link in bio. See you soooon!

Fingers crossed my roomie and I can attend, had such a blast last time we went to one of your concerts!


A Special Valentine's gift! "Dough See Dough" collects a few mini-comics that take place between Harpy Gee chapters 4 and 5, mostly focusing on Harpy and Humphrey and their blooming friendship. What have they been up to the year after the Winter Festival? Includes various artwork and a ton of fluff!

You can find Harpy Gee in the following places: _______________________________________________


I forgot to post the Harpy Gee updates on Tumblr, the end of chapter 5 *MIGHT* happen next week, so if you haven't checked in for awhile, there's a big chunk of pages waiting for you! _______________________________________________

Starting from the last Tumblr update: https://www.harpygee.com/comic/courage-and-fear-pt-20 _______________________________________________

FYI, I always post updates and news on the day of on Twitter and Discord.



when i started writing this comic, there were courses on duolingo for klingon and dothraki, fictional languages that are only spoken by characters on television shows who don’t exist, but the course for yiddish, a language spoken by jews – real, living, breathing people – for generations, didn’t exist until april 2021.

in 2017 a jewish employee at the anne frank museum was asked to put a baseball cap over his yarmulke. yeah, you read that right – an employee who worked in the house anne frank and her family hid for two years was asked to hide his judaism when he came into work. 

what i’m saying is goyim are trying very hard to pretend jewish people don’t exist anymore, and it’s safer for a man to tattoo a swastika on his face than it is for me to wear a necklace with a symbol of my culture on it.

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