

@stevetomjohn / stevetomjohn.tumblr.com

It will be alright. Ask\\Twitter\\ YouTube

In the early 70s Sesame Street was created with an eye towards educating poor, inner-city children for free, and became a massive hit with all children. In 2016, faced with going off the air forever after facing conservative efforts to destroy public broadcasting since basically its beginning, new episodes became a timed exclusive for premium cable network HBO. In 2022 HBO Max, newly merged with and taken over by reality TV channel Discovery, removed Sesame Street episodes and spin-offs from streaming as a tax write-off and scheme to avoid paying residuals.

Sesame Street's official YouTube channel is uploading the episodes for free, btw. A lot of creators are rebelling against this bullshit.


I also want to put in a plug for the American Archive of Public Broadcasting, spearheaded by GBH in Boston to preserve and make available public funded programming from around the country.  More than 7000 public television and radio programs are available to stream through the website, with more than 40000 hours of programming archived and available to researchers and educators through the Library of Congress and GBH itself.


I recognize that not everyone has the means, but if you can, find your local PBS and/or NPR affiliate(s) and give them money! Most of their money actually comes from members and not from the government, so YOU can actually do a lot to keep the lights on and keep the programs you think they should have on the air. At my station at least, you can make a single donation of any size or start a sustaining membership of at least $5/mo., and if you are a sustaining member it also automatically includes a PBS All Access pass (aka the PBS streaming service).

So yes, PBS is technically free, but only because of the support of other members with the means to donate! If that's you, please do what you can!


I feel like not enough people are aware that Gangnam Style is turning 10 years old this month

15th July.

Are we really gonna pretend this isn't happening?


I lived in Korea during Gangnam Style's popularity and it was the wildest thing because it blew up in Korea like two months before it blew up everywhere else, so I experienced it as this uniquely Korean phenomenon and then was a total outsider for the worldwide fame

Also some key memories:

1.) SM Entertainment running a doomed campaign to get "Gee" to a billion views before Gangnam Style (even now it only has 295mil)

2.) There had already been another silly video the year before called "Itaewon Freedom" so I thought people were just hopping on the train of writing songs about different neighborhoods in Seoul (I still wanna see what some goof would write about Minsokchon as a response to these songs lmao)

3.) The year after that "What Does the Fox Say" went viral a little late in Korea and it felt like everything had come full circle


That is actually basically all they want sometimes, even if they don't like what you have they want to be allowed to find out themselves and they definitely appreciate that you let them : )


We do this with our dogs! Rumba especially loves to be included. He's a curious boy! When I used to pack orders in the dining room (Cat has a work area in the basement shop now) he would "inspect" every package when I was done with it.

Now he only inspects the outgoing mail for Kickstarters, bc we still assembly-line those in the dining room.


My pup loves sniffing anything that comes into the house. We call it the “customs inspection.” I can walk in the door with a box and just shout “CUSTOMS!” and he’ll come running to sniff it.


Americans, I’m fascinated by your weird as shit regional dishes. What’s the weirdest regional dish from your state that is actually good?

Include photo and description if possible.

The reason I ask is that every once or so often I stumble across a tweet or a post of someone going “Man I love ass-to-mouth burgers from DogTown, Alabama” and I’m left speechless.


I hate that every single thing about this dish is exactly the joke you wrote so get ready I guess

This is what we in Rochester, NY lovingly call a "garbage plate." It is a giant pile of stuff layered on top of each other including:

-Some kind of fried potato (usually home fries)

-Mac salad or baked beans

-Hot dogs (either "white hots," another Rochester specialty which are uncured hot dogs that took off in the Depression because they were cheaper, or "red hots" aka normal hot dogs) and/or hamburger patties, cheese optional on the burgers

-Meat sauce (usually Cincinnati-style chili)—this is VERY IMPORTANT because it ties the whole dish together! Especially the mac salad! It tastes amazing with the meat sauce on it!

-topped with mustard and diced onion

But the kicker for me in this particular post is that it's only called a "garbage plate" if you get it from Nick Tahou's because they trademarked the term... even though everyone in the town voted a few years ago that the best plate actually comes from a restaurant called DogTown 😬😅


“That sounds like a good idea…….”-“Is there something bothering you with the idea?”-“No, the idea is GOOD…..🙂”

Can someone explain this to me?

Old people use quotation marks to indicate emphasis, as a substitute for italics (which many of them could not produce on the old typewriters they learned to write on), whereas young people use them to indicate sarcasm or falseness. They’re used as “scare quotes”.

And old people use ellipses simply to indicate a pause, or for some other incomprehensible reason I’m not aware of. But young people use ellipses to indicate passive-aggression.

So an old person could type something like:

how are things going with your “boyfriend”….

and what they mean is

How are things going with your boyfriend? [Im so excited for you, sweetie, and I wanna hear about it]

But a young person would interpret that sentence as

How are things going with your so-called boyfriend…. [I say, while seething with contempt for him and possibly for you too]

The linguistic difference across generations is beautifully explained here thank you


This is why I also don't have time for these arguments on TikTok about what emojis to use (e.g. "😂 is out, 💀 is in") because they ignore the fact that it really is just an age demographic difference. Teens use different emojis than those of us in our 30s and 40s, and neither group is wrong. Millennials telling Gen Z otherwise sound like old farts, and Gen Z telling millennials otherwise are just teens thinking adults are uncool which like. Is what teens do. This is their purpose on God's green earth.

I distinctly remember roasting my dad for still putting noses on his emoticons in the mid-2000s, and he was like "I'm a programmer. I've been using emoticons longer than you've been alive." And for a long time he put extra noses on his emoticons to passive-aggressively turn them into dicks. It's just the circle of life baybee


spore has one of the funniest receptions of any video game imagine literally any other game having its entire fanbase go "yeah 60% +/- 20% of this game completely fucking sucks. the part i like is pretty fun though. this game rules"


oh fuck!!!!!!!!!!!


thats a cool symbol so i drew jesus being crucified on it i hope u dont mind

stop putting him up there he’s too scared to come back down

he loves being crucified. when i pull him down he climbs back up and asks me to do it again.


Pieces of Viking pottery with traces of cat and dog paws, seen at the Musée de Normandie in Caen Castle

“So back in the day pets already ruined their owner’s artwork.” - My sis who took the photo


“ruined”? made better


It’s very humanizing to imagine some poor potter in the past screaming “nnnnooooooo bad kitty” somewhere in Scandinavia


If it was ruined, the artisan wouldn’t have baked it.

That’s… that’s a delightful point you just made.

This person chose to bake and keep their cat’s artistic contribution.


i was in spain once and there was a building with a tile that had been laid down in roman times: it had a dog’s paw print. and the thing was that after the dog did that print, the wet tile was dried, and then fired, and then shipped, and then laid, and for two thousand years every person who encountered that tile thought ‘aw! paw print!’ and kept it. this vast agreement by thousands of people over all these centuries, in memory of a dog only one of us could have met. 

i loved that tile. 


Every comment.

As anyone who has worked with wet clay knows, these pawprints could be removed with a dab more clay and a stroke of one hand.

That they weren’t, says all that needs said.

The hand was too busy stroking something furry that purred or wagged its tail.


Well as long as we’re talking about the ancient internet, who remembers this.


… I just realised that some of my mutuals are Too Young to get flashbacks from this. I hate the internet.


Was I the only one who thought Katy Perry ripped this song off for "Firework"?

The robot unicorn song said "Hold on to the night/there will be no pain" and Katy Perry, to the exact same tune, sang "Just own the night/like the fourth of July"


I know all of these

What the hell are those-

Lets just say, youtube was a very different place oh so many years ago


Y'all I hate that my memory of these videos is "wow, people are actually putting hard work into what they're doing on youtube now!"

...and there were already people back then saying that they were YouTube's grandpa or whatever 😂


hey remember, this stuff is copyrighted, so if anyone is sharing, idk, a google drive full of all their sleep stuff, definitely DON'T click on any links like that. hypothetically


I recognize that this goes against the spirit of the post, but I also did want to let you know that Headspace has one of the steepest student discounts I've ever seen—$10 a year (vs the regular subscription that's like, IDK, somewhere near $100 I think?) So if you're a student (or can convince the app that you are) then it's not as high of a price as it looks!


these new lgbt identities are getting out of control...like tf is this pride flag?

don't even get me started on this one

@bowsersex oh? did you, you fucking sjw?

You literally reblogged my design....

omg i'm so sorry. i'm so fjucking sorry

happy pride <3

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