
sUbVeRt eXpEcTaTiOnS

@rhegar / rhegar.tumblr.com

All Hail Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, first of her name, queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the first men, khaleesi of the great grass sea, the unburnt, the breaker of chains, the mother of dragons. Amy, 24 years old, INTP.

i’m back bitches


well i guess we’re back here bitches lmao


Like I get that it’s a dick move if it’s not necessary. But if you break down in tears because you have to actually go to work you’re a massive fucking pussy.

It’s more like they were given a brief, happier, healthier alternative to being stuck inside a small space for 8 hours a day for a year and a half and going back to that is realizing how awful it really is.

Calling someone a “pussy” for breaking down in tears over being subjected to fresh, unreasonable misery is contributing to the problem of letting corporations dictate our lives and sounds a lot like deep throating the boot. (Aside from the casual misogyny of saying tears, Feeling Things, and apparently not wanting to go to work are feminine and not something a manly man would do).

Dude literally had a year of freedom. He could go outside, go to the park, stay home, just generally go where he pleased. Like a fucking adult who understood he had work to do, and obviously still got it all done because he hasn’t been fired or “laid off”. Now he’s got a collar back on his neck and a chain keeping him at a desk between a set of beige walls and an equally boring ceiling, which was there before, but now he sees it for what it is. And why is it there? Because his boss has a deep insecurity about letting people work without oversight. Because his manager starts to look a little redundant if people can do their jobs without touching base, attending meetings, and generally doing stuff that makes said manager look like a Leader. Because there’s people who think “this is the way my parents did it, and their parents did it, and presumably (but actually not) how their parents did it, so it’s good enough for me and you, and let’s have no more talk of this change nonsense”.

This is why there’s talk of a literal Great Resignation coming, as people who’ve come to appreciate their freedom give the bird to unreasonable bosses who want them back in an office. And other people who actually preferred the structure and routine of the desk look for another one when their own bosses decide to keep the work-from-home model coming. Covid has caused a cultural shift, and ridiculing our fellow man for wanting something better is the stupidest thing you can do.


The whole year proved that people still get enough work done without going in person and we know all that commuting is hell on the environment. There actually ought to be a push to “ban” physical office work; absolutely no business should be able to force you to go somewhere if your work can be done from anywhere at all.

I say this as someone who has never had an office/cubicle job myself, but holy shit the notes are an absolute trainwreck of people thinking office workers have “cushy” jobs they should appreciate better. No, no they do not, office workers have a high suicide rate for a reason. More to the point, you shouldn’t be making any worker’s rights into a “who has it worse” race.


wait are y’all reblogging my post thinking i’m a rhaegar anti? lmao not only am i a rhaegar stan but i stopped apologizing for it and trying to explain myself


i’m gonna bitch for a bit, and i think i’m allowed given the fact that my period, another lower back spasm and my ielts test all coincide in the same 3 days. SPN finale spoilers under the cut. 


Let me put this in the simplest way possible: biden is only behind trump in GA with less than 2k votes. Meanwhile, Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian (third party) candidate, has over 60k votes there. So, if Nevada flips red again, liberal third party voters might have let the election go to trump, again. 

And don’t give me this “MAGA racists are the problem not us1!!!!” bullshit cause racists will be racists and will probably never change (most of them are near the grave anyways) but for liberals to be so privileged they can afford to let the country go to trump again because they just had to vote third party..... that’s just something else.


Let me put this in the simplest way possible: biden is only behind trump in GA with less than 2k votes. Meanwhile, Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian (third party) candidate, has over 60k votes there. So, if Nevada flips red again, liberal third party voters might have let the election go to trump, again. 


mishapocalypse 2: electric homophobia




pure distilled 2012 tumblr has been injected directly into my veins I feel like I’m on crack


shit bro i can't believe i'm back on here,what alternate reality is this,destiel is real,spn

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