


Hey, I'm inactive and don't post anything so don't bother following me. This account is from my edgy 15 year old days so ignore the cringe username.

Liberals and the EPA.

Driving cross country and enjoying the beauty of several different states got me thinking.

Liberals love the over reach of the EPA. All attempts at scaling back and limiting the EPAs power is met with “you hate clean air and water.”

How many of those liberals have drank water right from a mountain spring? How many of those liberals camped on open country air? How many of those liberals have gone swimming in farm pond?

Meanwhile those liberals are the ones running the large cities that are destroying the environment.

We need less environmental control and more liberal control.

Abolish LA and NYC and make these people get jobs in rural area. Pollution problem solved.


A 14-year old Yazidi girl carrying an assault rifle to protect her family from IS, formerly ISIS.

A fucking 14 year old stayed to fight while all the males ran off to fuck up other countries.


They’d rather rape fourteen year olds in Norway because the ones at home have learned to shoot back.


Liberals believe corporations want the moon so they can destroy the earth by throwing rocks at it.

Reminder that Wu is running for congress

Anonymous asked:

did you die? ;(

I'm just inactive. Don't have much time anymore, and I sorta got bored of this site.

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