
@disastarlesbian / disastarlesbian.tumblr.com

hi i'm dani / ⚢ / ♡
Just another lesbian with a talent for being a disaster

this is the most southern fucking thing ive ever seen

If it’s a “southern fucking thing” to respect and pray for those risking their lives to serve and protect our great country… I’ll proudly tell you I’m fucking southern over and over (which I’d do anyway).

im sure the prayers of a 40something-year-old woman running a porn blog will be of great comfort to those soldiers as they commit war crimes

proud American MILF putting these toy soldiers up my ass to honor the troops


catradora is really gonna be the childhood friends to enemies to friends to lovers wlw romance we deserve


if you listen very closely, you can hear the sound of a thousand lesbians sobbing in the distance

this makes me cry like it’s got the dancing through life bit and it’s also got the “unlimited” bit in there and like the fact that it’s when Galinda and Elphaba are dancing together god there’s like 82 different kinds of symbolism in there it’s great and I love it and I’m crying


Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is a Thanksgiving movie because you can watch a horse beat the shit out of some colonizers set to Bryan Adams jams


man black friday really gets me heated. you’re telling me some fuck who makes more in an hour than his employees do in a day is going to sleep in until his wife forcibly wakes him while the people who work for his company haven’t even finished digesting their thanksgiving meal and they gotta clock in for work? nah man, you won’t catch me dead near a black friday sale. every single person who has to work on black friday is braver than any us marine and deserves a congressional medal of freedom and a fucking bonus. 


Adora: *kisses Catra*

Catra: What is this?

Adora: Affection.

Catra: Ugh, disgusting.


Catra: Do it again.

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