
@p1geons / p1geons.tumblr.com

this is a pigeon blog art music comic caps sc_online_t(727548,"%","170ddb");

L.J Silver and his trusty dino 

surprisingly enjoyed doing captain flint- thought it was going to be excruciating, though I got a bit lazy with the feathers.


Veterans Ask Native Elders For Forgiveness At Standing Rock.

I never thought I would see this day when a white man apologizes for the tyranny and oppression of Native American population. This is so powerful. This is the nation that I want - responsible, compassionate and that learns from its mistakes.

God bless them!



men are allowed to be so mediocre it’s insulting on the deepest level

Would you unfollow me if I reblogged this every single day? That is how often I think it.

Mediocre men get to make mediocre movies and write mediocre books about other mediocre men, but if a woman steps outside a door in a sweater and some plain jeans, she “let her self go”, “isnt even trying anymore!”

i literally had a perfect 100% in one of my semesters of calculus & was the only person to ace the final and my evaluation from my teacher was “you’re pretty good, you’ll do well in math.”

meanwhile this boy who averaged like ~95% (i know because i fucking TUTORED him) got recommended to skip a whole year of calc & i had to listen to my classmates gush about how smart he was 🙃

damn, I’m sorry, I’ve been there. I’ve had men raise their hands in class an basically repeat my answers, then getting credit when I didnt, and teachers who, whatever I said, would mock me, but the boys could say the dumbest shit (sometimes they even joked to see how far they could push it) and teachers just answered with a smile and genuine interest… srsly though, congratz on the perfect 100%, that’s really fucking impressive

Back in school my housemaster would go on for ages and ages every house assembly about how amazing the boys were at sports for consistently coming last in every competition. He wouldn’t address the girls’ six year unbroken win streak until I lodged a complaint.

me: forgets birthdays
me: can’t remember where i left anything
me: never knows what i'm supposed to be doing on any given day
me: hey do you wanna hear a super-obscure fact about ancient rome
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