

@moistleftleg / moistleftleg.tumblr.com

My url is an inside joke okay

People talk about needlessly gendered items but one time I got diagnosed with female presenting autism and I’m still losing my mind over it

This is why Autism Speaks studies are invalid. it’s resulted in people thinking that only men can have autism. Thus resulting in stupid terms like female presenting autism.


I refused to give my adhd evaluator my gender/sex so she logged my traits and answers from the questionaires both for the “male” adhd and “female” adhd traits and the results varied so much that even my evaluator was shocked by it bc it was the first time she had done both “genders” for one person (and i think it opened her eyes on how wrong and inaccurate sexed tests/evals are). my hyperactivity, and impulsivity scored lower (aka downplayed) on the female page but had a HUGEEEEE spike for it on the male page, their were things like my emotional dysregulation that were also“less apparent” on my female results than my male ones. Genuinely ask who ever is evaluating you to remove sex/gender from the evaluation process and if they refuse demand that they test you as a “male” and “female” Lots of us esp black and brown autistics and adhders are getting duped out of a proper diagnosis bc white perisex cishet people are seen as the “standard” for literally everything in the medical field 


BPD is not cute. It’s hating the people you love. It’s feeling a seething rage inside you and directing it in all the wrong places. It’s loving people one day and not the next. It’s thinking everyone is against you (even those who are supposed to care). It’s black and white thinking. It’s not taking your medication. It’s hating yourself. It’s feeling like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster ride. It’s self harming. It’s impulsivity in all the wrong ways. It’s pushing everyone away before they abandon you. It’s paranoia. It’s feeling hurt so intensely nobody else could possibly understand. It’s feeling all your emotions to the extreme. It’s becoming fixated on things to the point where they become an obsession. It’s feeling numb and empty. It’s dissociation. It’s not knowing who you are as a person. It’s anxiety. It’s depression. It’s exhausting.

Anonymous asked:

[S] Jesus: Rise

but this raises the question of what jesus’ god tier would be

bible side of tumblr pls help


*cracks knuckles*

well being the literal Son of God he’d have to have a master class. so lord vs muse. he fits muse much better, considering he’s the inspiration for a whole religion.

as for aspect? well that’s pretty easy, it’s life. raising lazarus from the dead, curing people’s illnesses, that all screams life.

so jesus is a muse of life.

happy easter!

well damn if that didnt just get solved. nice work


Do you wanna hear one of the funniest fucken stories?

Pls do tell

So in my town there is this emo satanist community and at some point a really influential emo dude called Raven lived here. Like every emo in Romania knew him because he was somehow the edgiest of them all. He was also a gigantic incel, but still tried to flirt with every goth girl on sight. At some point when he was in his last year of high school, before leaving for college, he tried to hit on an 11 yo girl(gross). It made her rlly uncomfortable. What Raven didn’t know was that this girl’s cousin was the strongest dude in town-2 meters tall, super bulky, literally looked like a mountain. So the girl told her buff cousin what Raven looked like, and one time, while Buff guy was at work, he spotted Raven. Now, funny enough, Buff Guy worked at a children’s playground, and he was dressed up as a clown that day. So he just walked up to Raven, patted him on the shoulder and asked: “Have you ever been beaten up by a clown?” and Raven said, “N-no”. To which Buff Guy replied :“It’s fine. Because you will be.”

there is no possible way to predict the many directions this post took

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