
This is true. The frontal lobe uses as much as 30% of your daily caloric intake. Imagine if every day, you had to max out on frontal lobe usage just to cope with reality. It puts the nervous system into a stress situation and this further affects the body’s ability to use calories efficiently.

Being neurodivergent or disabled means masking, and masking is incredibly difficult for the body. It’s also very demanding on the brain.

Also “you don’t look autistic” is fucking stupid and ableist to say.


Welcome to Sulani - World Makeover Part I

I am working on some large projects right now, and don’t have a backlog of smaller stuff to get out, so I thought I would catch up on my world makeovers (because there is always the odd person popping up and asking about them). Sulani is a big world, and because of that I had to break it into two parts. This world ranges from “lot edits” to custom builds as a lot had good bones, but needed some jazzing up. So here is the first part containing the lots in the Ohan’ali area. Highly recommended grabbing my Island Living Buildmode addon if you haven’t already, I do use it extensively in part I & II.


Haven’t had much of a chance to play with the new pack because of RL obligations and other stuff, but i did manage to make a cute countryside home and abused the world objects a lot. So many nice plants hidden away, and a cool moving water wheel. 


I just think we shouldn’t hurt people on purpose and every single day I grapple with how upsetting and angering that idea is to people. 

People will say things like “if you think we shouldn’t hurt people on purpose that’s disrespectful and deliberately callous toward those who have been hurt on purpose already” and I have yet to find language to express the magnitude of how much that’s not true. We shouldn’t hurt people on purpose. Punishment is nothing. Cruelty is just cruelty and it just makes the world we live in a crueler world.


Kitayama Dining - Japanese-Scandi Fusion with 26 New Objects

So I did say I had a second part to Kitayama, and here it is. I initially started out with the Living room, which quickly grew to include a dining room as well. However, uploading and maintaining large files is a pain, so I split it up. Now I am able to upload, I can share it with all you. Hopefully it’s not disappointing after what was available in the previous part. Really love how this two-part set came together, and it really does leave me open to add more when I am inspired.


Kitayama Living - Japanese-Scandi Fusion with 39 New Objects

This set came about from a Pinterest image where Japanese and Scandinavian style were fused together to create something new. I really loved the idea and was inspired to make a set based on the theme. There are parallels between the two styles, but the beauty is in the differences and married together become of so wonderful. I got so carried away I had to split this set into two parts, or my internet might of thrown a tantrum (and gives me time to organise the other part). So enjoy the first instalment.

Gorgeous, as usual!



This was a little secret I have been keeping for quite some time. I was approached about adding some of my creations to the game for a 21st birthday update. I chose about 10 of my creations from all the way back to my first furniture set, with these 3 items you see above chosen. I really proud that some of my favorite items have made it into a game that has had a substantial impact on my life. It really does give me a creative outlet and the product of that can be shared with an amazing community. 

It’s also nice to know that people that are unable to use CC (like console players or vanilla games) also benefit from a few more items to use. I hope you enjoy these Maxis supported items, but if you are interested in the items I made to accompany these, you can find them at the links below (though you fellow cc addicts probably have them already 😆) 

If you are also interested in getting a bit of background on the items and why I chose them, you can check out my mini-interview thingy here (also all the other contributors too because they are awesome).


Ghilan'nain Vallaslin

Ghilan'nain is called the Mother of the Halla and goddess of navigation. According to Dalish tales, Ghilan'nain was once a mortal woman and beloved of Andruil. She was betrayed by an elven hunter and left for dead, only to be transformed into a Halla and offered apotheosis for her devotion to animals. Ghilan'nain is invoked when the Dalish wish to travel quickly.

Other vallaslin I’ve completed: Mythal / Dirthamen


this blog doesnt condone nor condemn catboy art. i literally dont care. i look at one and feel nothing



Just for anyone still thinking the civil rights movement was “SO long ago!”

Fred Hampton would be 51 this year if police hadn’t executed him at age 21.

Ruby Bridges is 65.

MLK would be 91 (he was assassinated at 39).

Malcom X would be 95 (he was assassinated at 39).

Claudette Colvin (the first Black woman known to refuse to give up her seat AT 15) is only 80.

Mary Louise Smith is 83.

Fred Gray is 89.

EMMETT TILL WOULD BE 79 (he was murdered at age 14 because of a white woman’s lie).

Ask yourself how old your grandparents are. Hell, how old your PARENTS are. How old are the people in most government seats right now?

Miss me with that bullshit of “It’S sO lOnG aGo. Things are better now.” These people and so many more who aren’t able to be here would be distraught at what is STILL fucking happening today. To say things like that is just willfully turning your head away from the injustices that we see today! That’s the that on that.


“How old are people in most government seats right now?” <-!!!! THIS!! People don’t fully digest THIS! MANY many people in the most powerful positions in government WERE alive to hate MLK. They were building early political careers in opposition to the Civil Rights movement, actively oppressing Black people in lower positions of government, fighting to keep segregation alive, etc. And they’re STILL doing it!

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