
The World Is Yours

@down-on-e-street / down-on-e-street.tumblr.com

Cheers is filmed before a live studio audience | mostly stuff on Bruce Springsteen, Al Pacino, and Cheers

If you haven’t watched Blackfish, watch it now. Watch what Seaworld is doing. Watch the stress they put on these poor animals. They’re not saving them, they’re using them, killing them, ruining them. Watch Blackfish and witness the corruption. Do it for Tilikum.


ughhhhh i like this boy that i work with so much it’s starting to hurt:(


Tonight at work I asked this man how he was doing and he responded with “That’s a personal question” and like wow what a mood

was the man ron swanson


Johnny Depp on David Letterman show:

-He'a a legend, He’s Al Pacino. He’s an amazing actor certainty but, you know, the one thing I didn’t really  know about Pacino, prior to the shooting was that he’s certifiably insane. -Oh really, you’ve seen the paperwork apparently. How does that manifests itself? -He has a joke, he likes to tell -He likes to tell joke? -Oh yes, he likes to tell jokes and he liked tell me this one specific joke over and over. And I really didn’t understand it. -You didn’t get the joke. -I did’t get the joke. -And he thought it was your problem that you didn’t get the joke. -Yeah absolutely, he definitely thought it was my problem. -So he keeps wearing you down with the same joke. -He flicked at it upon me and I could feel like, you know, IQ points dropping. -The greater the pressure, the dumper you feel. Did you ever understand the joke? -I finally figured it out yeah. -Do you remember the joke? - Yeah. He used to lean over and go “A skeleton goes into a bar and orders a beer and a mop.” But I mean on a loop. -Over and over again. I must say, you kind of expect a little more from Al Pacino. I’m kind of on your side here. I get it but I don’t want to admit that I get it.

Me, while watching potc5:

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