
Of Girlness And Geekdom

@thelightismine / thelightismine.tumblr.com

I’m back ✌🏻 she / her ♥️ thinks too much, does too little, likes the colour red. I don’t know if this blog is personal or fandom and I’m bad at decisions so I guess now it’s BOTH

we’re going to have to call smut ‘lemons’ again, aren’t we? 



oh you sweet summer child 


I actually made this a button last convention

Gaud I remember when it was lemons, I feel old now

explain pls


What are lemons??


I don’t own the copyright to this, others own the show. All I have is this saaaad little computer and a sketch pad. ^-^ Please don’t sue! I don’t need anymore stress!

Please R&R!!!!!!!

No flames. >///<


lol this story contains slash! Don’t like don’t read. Rated M. AragornxLegolas. lemon. Lololol ^-^ NO FLAMES OR I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY STABBITY SPORK OF Death! -__-

#this post made me age ten thousand years.


Not a lemon but has a twist of lime! ;)

DISCLAIMER I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS, If I did there’d be lots more gay!! ;)))))

As for myself, I revel in all of this. =3


okay but more on Jesse’s body language during the ‘execution’ scene

Jesse was so clearly not down for this, and if the look of horror on his face when Rex brings the news, subsequent impassioned speech, and his whole “Yeah, speak for yourself!” line to Fives isn’t enough to convince you, if you watch him throughout this scene, he is so deeply uncomfortable with what is going on -

After being asked if they would request to be blindfolded, notice how Fives stands solid as Jesse nervously glances his way, perhaps hoping Fives will have his trademark Balls™ and say something to stop this?? Where are the superiors here?? Is this really happening??

This contrast to Fives’ resoluteness is a continued theme, notice how Jesse is the one making nervous quips in the lead up as Fives stays silent:

Then after Fives’ dramatic speech (thank god for that because Rex was certainly not showing any signs of jumping in) and the ordering of the execution, LOOK:

Fives: concerned, surprised, but steady, stayed mostly standing, breaking into a small smile afterwards when he realises what he said worked


Basically whilst Fives may have accepted his fate for the mission, Jesse most certainly did not, and seems pretty peeved that no one is listening to reason (or him! Fives totally dismisses his “who said I was joking” line??). Totally support the theory that post-Umbara he found it hard to process and fully trust Rex/the 501st and may have become an ARC trooper shortly afterwards in order to gain some distance from these traumatic events

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk 


Why does no one seem to be talking about how TERRIFYING it must have been for Fives and Jesse to face that firing squad? To stand up against that wall and face their brothers ending their lives for something they thought was the right thing?

Jesse watching Fives protest again, heart beating fast, mouth dry, hands clammy, staring down the barrels of rifles he knows far too well, Fives trying to persuade the firing squad not to do it, that this is wrong, thinking oh dear god here he goes again running his ARC mouth getting us killed

They came this close to being shot to death by their own brothers at the behest of a cruel leader (and maybe would have been if Fives hadn’t spoken up?? What would you have done then, Rex? How would you have dealt with that in the end?) and no one is talking about how SCARRING that must have been for them??

Let alone for everyone firing at them


i hate when ur in public somewhere and something goes mildly wrong/something inconvenient happens and the nearest baby boomer tries to get you to complain with them

what does this even mean


you are in line at mcdonalds. its really busy and the employees are overwhelmed. it’s taking a long time. you are minding your own business. the old man in line next to you says to you, “boy, this is absolutely ridiculous, isn’t it? these kids working just dont know what they’re doing. Or they just dont care…” you awkwardly nod and take a step to the side

This has probably been said a million times before but:  Defend the employees.

Really, you’re never going to see Karen from Stubenville again in your life, so side-eye her real good and say:

“It’s not thier fault they’re understaffed. Having worked retail before, they’d love to have another three or five people back there helping out.  But since the whole ‘downsizing’ craze of the ninties, companies try to get as much out of thier employees as possible without regard for thier welfare, or the effect on service.  You should really get on McD’s website and complain about the chronic understaffing and tell them you’re willing to pay more elsewhere for better service.  They LISTEN to people like you.”

People love to complain, especially entitled people.  The good news is that they’re easily redirected with mild praise and a shiny new target.  Butter the elders and aim them at the bourgoise.

aim them at the bourgeoisie


you can make nearly any object into a good insult if you put ‘you absolute’ in front of it

example: you absolute coat hanger


as well u can just add ‘ed’ to any object and it’s sounds like you were really drunk

example: i was absolutely coat hangered last night

Meanwhile, “utter” works for the first (e.g., “you utter floorboard”) but somehow “utterly” doesn’t seem to work as well for the second (“I was utterly floorboarded”).


Utterly doesn’t work for drunk because it’s the affix for turning random objects into terms for *shocked*, obviously.

… huh.  I thought that might just be the similarity to “floored”, and yet “I was utterly coat hangered” does seem to convey something similar.

I have to tell you, I am utterly sandwiched at this discovery.


Completely makes the phrase mean “super tired”.

“God, it’s been a long week, I am completely coat-hangered.”

Something is

Something is wrong with our language



An Exotic Dancer Demonstrates That Her Underwear Was Too Large To Have Exposed Herself, After Undercover Police Officers Arrested Her In Florida

Dorothy Counts – The First Black Girl To Attend An All-White School In The United States – Being Teased And Taunted By Her White Male Peers At Charlotte’s Harry Harding High School, 1957

Austrian Boy Receives New Shoes During WWII

Jewish Prisoners After Being Liberated From A Death Train, 1945

The Graves Of A Catholic Woman And Her Protestant Husband, Holland, 1888

A Lone Man Refusing To Do The Nazi Salute, 1936

Job Hunting In 1930’s

German Soldiers React To Footage Of Concentration Camps, 1945

Residents Of West Berlin Show Children To Their Grandparents Who Reside On The Eastern Side, 1961

Acrobats Balance On Top Of The Empire State Building, 1934

Mafia Boss Joe Masseria Lays Dead On A Brooklyn Restaurant Floor Holding The Ace Of Spades, 1931

Lesbian Couple At Le Monocle, Paris, 1932

The Most Beautiful Suicide – Evelyn Mchale Leapt To Her Death From The Empire State Building, 1947

The Remains Of The Astronaut Vladimir Komarov, A Man Who Fell From Space, 1967

Race Organizers Attempt To Stop Kathrine Switzer From Competing In The Boston Marathon. She Became The First Woman To Finish The Race, 1967

Harold Whittles Hearing Sound For The First Time, 1974

Nikola Tesla Sitting In His Laboratory With His “Magnifying Transmitter” more



my type of public transportation 


“Why were you late in today?”

“Oh, I got tied up on the subway…”


I was always 50/50 on whether to reblog this but the last comment pushed it to like 95/5 in favor.

“What’s our stop?”

“You’ll get off when I tell you to.”

you people are the most fucking exhausting i swear it


I say, jolly good show, chaps. And did I panic? I think not.


Jonathan, like Phryne Fisher, clearly hasn’t taken anything seriously since 1918.

And, I would suspect, for similar reasons.


^^^This. Jonathan being in World War I makes total sense. It’s almost impossible for him not to have been. Given his age and background, he probably volunteered in 1914.  

Of course he’s going to not take anything seriously. Of course he can shoot. The drinking, the skittishness, the recklessness, the sense of ‘keeping your head down’, the scepticism about traditional heroism….

The one with more actual experience of death, carnage and fighting is Jonathan. Not Rick. Not Ardeth Bey. Jonathan.

When Rick says ‘I’ve had worse (situation/odds)’ and Jonathan replies “ Me too”. That’s probably true

Drop The Mummy into the real world context and that’s a character who’s going to have seen a lot of his school friends die, along with the myths and tales of heroism they were raised on. Sort of makes the line where Evie’s scolding him for drinking/messing about a lot darker…

Evie: Have you no respect for the dead? Jonathan: Of course I do, but sometimes I’d rather like to join them.


*record scratch*

Wait a minute. Why is it being assumed that Rick and Ardeth wouldn’t have fought in WWI, as well? Johnathan isn’t that much older than any of them–in fact, there is a good chance that he, Rick, and Ardeth are all of an age. Just because Johnathan’s hair is thinning doesn’t mean he’s a decade older.

It was a LOT easier to lie about your age back in the day. So much easier.

Johnathan is the soldier who fought in WWI and became disillusionsed with pretty much everything except wanting to live (most of the time) and live well–and where is the shame in that? He would have seen some of the darkest shit humanity has to offer, and he kept going. And the thing is, though, archaeological digs at that time were DANGEROUS. Not from curses (usually) but from assholes who would turn up with guns to try and steal anything you discovered. Johnathan never really STOPPED having to deal with dangerous pricks, it was just less dangerous than death raining down from the sky in bomb, bullet, and mustard gas form all the time.

Rick grew up in Egypt as an orphan. What paperwork? He joined the French Foreign Legion, which fought in World War I in some seriously critical battles on the Western Front in Europe. Rick is the soldier who quickly grew disillusioned with everything, but he didn’t know how to stop being a soldier. Johnathan had a career and schooling to fall back on. Rick had guns, the talent of not dying easily, and not much else. When the army finally left him behind because he was literally the only survivor of his last FFL battle, he literally didn’t know what to do. At all. “Looking for a good time” was code for “Please someone give me a fucking purpose.”

Ardeth grew up in the desert. He probably never enlisted…but if you think his people didn’t fight against invading forces during WWI, think again: that region of North Africa was swarming with soldiers on both sides, and they alll tried to claim everything they stumbled over even while in the midst of fighting each other. Ardeth spent his entire life fighting to protect what belonged to him, what belonged to his people, and trying to keep assholes from stealing things that didn’t belong to anyone (for good reason). By the time the war was over, Ardeth was disillisioned in everyone except his own people, and seriously fucking done with stupid idiots who stole in the name of archaeology. He is completely (justifiably) resigned to the worst when Rick the Magic Survivalist returns to Hamunaptra.

Source: leepacey

three internet trends i will (regrettably) probably never grow out of:

• typing in a cresCENDO TO EXPRESS EXCITEMENT • …………..unnecessarily……. long……….. ellipsis’ • puttinfh a typo in eveyr other word to shwo u dont really give a fukc but u actually do

  • also unnecessary!!!! punctuation marks??????? like…… ??? what is going on here????? i!! am!!! so!!! excited!!!!
  • and™ totally™ unneeded™ trademark symbols™

personally I enjoy Random Capitalisation to show things are Very Important

  • can we also talk about starting a sentence and then kind of just 

stating something reblog if you agree


dude this isn’t even a collection of memes, this is a demonstration of internet grammar… anyone who says that when you type and communicate on the internet you lose too much inflection to get the real meaning just doesn’t understand internet syntax. the evolution of language in action.

the Rosetta Stone of the twenty first century

Also :) doing :) this :) to express :) bottled :) pain :)

or,,,,,using commas,,,,,, for elipsis’ ,,,, bc,,, it sounds better,,, in your head,,,, than periods,,,,,,,

pu t ting sp a ces in your wor ds at r and om time s because w hat the fu ck


Is it just me, or did anyone else read all of these with different tones of voice, volume, and inflection?


Don’t forget the B I G S P A C E S F O R E M P H A S I S


Someone talk to me about A’den

Does anyone else feel like he could be considered the ‘lone wolf’ of the Nulls?

(One day I’ll go back to this post and research properly with quotes and stuff but I’m currently following a train of thought)

I’ve often seen the Nulls paired up in various combinations; Mereel/Ordo, Mereel/Jaing, Jaing/Kom’rk, Ordo/Kom’rk, Mereel/Prudii, Prudii/Kom’rk - but I rarely find reference to A’den in these brother relationships and he doesn’t appear in much fan work alongside them.

This thought leads me to two possible metas? Headcanons? Ideas? (I’ve been out of the tumblr/rp world for a while) about A’den’s personality and role within the brother dynamic:

  • I can imagine the other Nulls going to him for advice, as a kind of impartial judge. He’s always described as being the ‘easy-going’ of the Nulls, the one who, Darman notes in TC, smiles the most. He’s also happy to remain an NCO, which I think says something about his attitude to power in dynamics. I’m sure he loves his brothers equally, they respond to his relatively relaxed and open nature by asking for his help in matters and he was the peace-keeper in most disagreements. This interests me because I’ve read good meta where people say he should have died instead of Etain and I can see it happening - imagine the chaos the Null dynamic would be thrown into. Now I’m just imagining him checking up on everyone every week and oh my heart
  • I think his nature meant his relationship with Kal was likely the most ‘successful’ of any of the Nulls. (Rethinking this phrasing; in that his control over A’den is not as established) A’den’s relatively relaxed and non-competitive attitude means Kal’s reward-based affection may have had less effect on him, which in turn sees him living a relatively independent life in comparison to the Nulls. I feel like he goes to the lengths he does for his brothers, more so than Kal. He is even described as being physically different to the other Nulls, older-looking and more ‘brazen’, another physical distinction between him and others. He’s also very social, he’s the only Null I remember described as singing, socially, and not the Dha Werda. He has friends, outside the Army, if Ny Vollen can be classed as one. His interactions with Sull showed his negotiating skills, and he expresses outright agreement with the shambles of the administration of the war. Of them all, I get the impression his time in the war was spent more independently than his brothers’ - which may sound odd if you think about Kom’rk being away for like a year at a time, but I feel like he was less at Kal’s beck and call and...I just lost my train of thought

Anyone who can help this shambles of a post please do

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