
Peter Capaldi Eye Shot Appreciation Fanclub

@petercapaldieyeshotfanclub / petercapaldieyeshotfanclub.tumblr.com

it started as a joke, but this fanclub deserves to actually exist.

[echoes of eleven blowing up cybermen to get information in the distance]

People who don’t love Nine are the dumbest.

People think that Nine is dark sullen and a killer. They’re wrong. Nine not dark. He’s light and happy and in love. He wear a leather jacket and is the closest Doctor the the Time War but he is not dark. He is a light person who is fighting his dark past. He knows what he’s done and is fighting to write his wrongs. He just wants everyone to live.

Eleven on the other hand is the exact opposite. People think he’s a puppy in a fez. They’re wrong. He is not happy and joyful. He’s careless. He is having adventures while ruining lives and killing people. He is the man who forgets. He has forgotten the pain he felt after what he did and now is so comfortable killing.

He doesn’t remember Nine. Nine, the Doctor with depression. Nine, the Doctor who fell in love with an nineteen year old shop girl who didn’t need a magic back story to be special. Nine, the Doctor who went and saved his friends without killing. Nine, the Doctor who chose to lose instead of causing loss.

Nine chooses to give up being a god. Eleven pretends he is a god. Nine would make a merciful god. Eleven acts like a vengeful god. Nine is a puppy in a leather jacket. Eleven is a a killer in a fez.


Every November, kids at my sister’s school has to color a turkey of what they want to be when they grow up. When they turned them in, my sister showed me this that one girl in her class made.


friendly reminder that young Peter Capaldi wrote this and now he is the Doctor

dream big turkey Doctor!


Moffat Appreciation Day Countdown:

November 16: Favorite thing about Doctor Who Season 8

Peter Capaldi as the 12th Doctor

With the Casting of Peter Capaldi as the Doctor, Steven Moffat made the best possible choice. The brillance of his character comes through both, Moffat’s writing and Peter’s acting.

The 12th Doctor is different from his past two regenerations, simply because he’s older. As Michelle Gomez said, Peter brings “maturity and gravitas” to the role, without losing the humour. 12 is a Doctor who can be both, hilarious and serious, extremely silly and incredibly darc and sad without losing his credibility.

Favorite scene: There are many scenes I loved, but in my opinion the greatest scene is the one, where he breaks down completely at the end of Death in Heaven. It’s so grounded, the fact we almost forgot through the series - that the Doctor is in fact incredibly sad and bitter because of his loss - appears so straigtly in this scene. With just one scene Moffat makes the Doctor more bitter, more dark and very, very aware of his situation. It’s the most moving scene in the entire series.!

"The difference is this. Pain is a gift. Without the capacity for pain, we can’t feel the hurt we inflict."
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