SUICIDE HOTLINE : 18002738255

@nowselfdestruct /

Anonymous asked:

Hey just wanted to check in on you and ask how you were doing? I hope you're still doing okay.

thank you, anon ♥️

Anonymous asked:

Theres a user, @Helplesselizaschuyler who posted a suicide note and hasn't posted nor has been heard from since.

thank you for bringing this to my attention. i did reach out to her, and she thankfully is alive ♥️


Okay so my good friend , he’s been out of school for the past year cause anxiety, and it’s currently 3 am and he’s going on about how if anything happens to him he loves me and will want the best for me and I’m not dumb he’s suggesting suicide, and I’ve been there I’ve self harmed and tried to kill myself(I’m in a way better place then I was, much happier) and I’m trying to talk to him to and tell him it’s not worth it, he’ll regret it and how giving up isn’t the answer and I’m really scared that he’ll do something anyways , what should I do?

answer: youre a great friend for doing what you can to support him in this time when you must be crazy worried. especially saying youve dealt with this kind of stuff in the past. one of the best things you can do is to call this person, hear their voice, and talk to them soothingly. they may be spiraling and losing sense of reality. just make sure you can get them to a calmer space, and then soon after (but not too soon) you can talk to them about what happened and how to get them help ♥️

Submitted by anonymous
Anonymous asked:

So I've been thinking a lot about killing myself but it's strange bc the only thing I'm 100% sure of in my life rn is that I don't want to die, not yet. But it's worrying bc my thoughts are increasingly becoming centred around these notions and I'm always thinking stuff like "ha look how easy it would be to just /end it now/" when I'm near a high ledge or when I'm doing the dishes and have a knife in my hand. Idk I'm just confused and worried.. Do you have any thoughts on this?

its okay to be confused or have conflicting feelings/intrusive thoughts. when someones depressed for a while, passive thoughts of suicide can become common. even if from a realistic standpoint, you know you dont want to die or kill yourself. it can definitely be scary to realize how easy it can be to harm yourself, and if you ever feel like you want to or are about to act on those thoughts, please call the suicide hotline. they can help you manage these thoughts. im not a professional, so you should seek any kind of talk therapy available, but i want you to know youre not alone or going crazy ♥️

Anonymous asked:

I'm pretty worried about my friends both of them are kinda suicidal. My one friend told me the plan of how she's going to do it and then laughed it off but I'm still worried. The other one is stressed beyond belief and is trying not to apparently she self harmed in the past which I didn't know about im not sure what to do

if your friend has a plan, you need to talk to someone about that, an adult or their parent. even if they get mad at you or feel betrayed, youre doing it for their safety which shows youre a true friend ♥️ for the friend that self harms, maybe you can share with her some other healthy and constructive ways to cope with stressful situations? she might benefit from talk therapy too ♥️ youre a great friend!

Anonymous asked:

Hi so basically I've tried to kill myself 4 times in my life already and 2 of the were only last July, 2 weeks apart from each other. And now I'm feeling exactly the same. I genuinely want to die. I'm stuck. I'm scared. I don't even know if I want help. I just need someone to know.

if youre scared youre not ready to die. so dont hurt yourself. you know what it was like with your past attempts and you dont wanna go through that again ♥️

Anonymous asked:

I just want to feel like I matter in this world. I've cut myself once and I don't plan on doing it again. I ask myself is ending really what I want to do. Honestly the only reason why I haven't done it is because I don't want others to feel the pain. Hotlines don't help. Words from friends don't help. By the end of the summer it just might be the end.

self harm wont give you purpose and ending your life takes away all hope of letting things play out and get better. talking to a professional can help, even if its not immediate ♥️ please stay alive

Anonymous asked:

I feel like I have no one to talk to and I've tried to reach out to multipolar people including family and friends but they just don't seem to care that much. I've tried to talk about my feelings on social media but I'm usually just seen as someone looking for attention or a drama queen. My best friends really close family member passed away md she's the only person I can really talk to about it. But I feel like I'm downgrading her situation by talking about it. I don't really know what to do.

your feelings arent a competition, its just important youre both there for each other. it can be super helpful to talk to a professional because theyre trained to help people who need someone to talk to ♥️

Anonymous asked:

Do you ever get tired of trying to convince people not to kill themselves? After a while of trying to convince myself to to kill myself, I find myself wondering why we even value lives that don' want to be lived.

everybody has points in life like that when we start wondering whats the point but i believe that every life has value and even if im not feeling my best, its not hypocritical to try to convince another person to stay alive because i truly believe it

Anonymous asked:

There is someone on tumblr who has been playing the blue whale challenge which is an online app or game that has been convincing young teens to harm themselves and eventually commit suicide. I am a stranger to them and through anonymous asks I have been trying to convince them not to kill themselves over a broken heart. I don't think they would contact a suicide hotline if I sent them one. Do you have any advice on what I should do?

im not familiar with this "game" maybe you can tell them to message me and we can talk?

Anonymous asked:

how do i help my self i feel kind of worthless i don't want to kill my self i just hate how i'm feeling. i feel numb all the time. and again i hate that also. every thing feels different now ever since i stopped talking to my friend and i feel like i have no worth anymore. i feel like trash

these feelings are common in people with depression whether it be situational or major. id definitely recommend seeing a therapist to talk about it because if this friend and you arent talking anymore, bottling up the feelings wont help ♥️

Anonymous asked:

I know someone just said that they've been thinking about suicide and you told them to message you the other day, but I'm not doing great and I'm worried. Are you here to talk?

im always here to talk!! its such a good step to reach out, just talk about whats going on!


I'm scared my best friend committed suicide and I don't know what to do.


have you been in contact with them, their parents, or anybody else close to them? if you are very nervous and have the means to do so, stop by their house to check in

Anonymous asked:

How do I run away from my problems? Will they come back for me ?

there is no true way of running away from problems. they always come back, usually in a worse way. what are you talking about specifically though? you can message me off anon to talk!


I don't know if you have any professional knowledge when it comes to helping people who are on the edge of committing suicide, but there's a blog, whose url is sherrybomb, whom my friends and I are very concerned about. We've reached out and tried our best to help, but she seems set on killing herself and we definitely don't want that. She's in an abusive situation, and her abusive father tracks her phone calls, so she is unable to contact a hotline. Thanks for your help!


for people in abusive situations like that, there are multiple crisis hotlines that you can contact over text or online messages that can later be deleted. great job being a friend and looking out for her! i do not have any professional knowledge, only my own experience


I need help.. my friend msged me saying she wanted to kill her self and that she wanted to dissapear. Me, who is a suicide surviver tried to help every thing i could to help. Then she says "i wish i was just gone" and she hasnt replied since.. what should i do?? I tried to contact her boyfriend, but got nothing from him.. idk what to do


did you call her cell phone, house phone, parents? maybe you can go stop by her house just to make sure she is okay! you're a good friend for being so supportive!

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