
Maximilian Roland Cooper

@rosaofthorns / rosaofthorns.tumblr.com

26 years old / queer / writer, artist, voice actor (sometimes) dusting this off for now, how's things been everyone?

society really lost the war when dressing nice / slutty = “gay” “metrosexual” “is he 💅🏻”. we had decades of men wearing crop tops and short shorts without blinking an eye and now it’s ye ole pilgrim standards and talk of scandal if they show their knees

they were FASHIONISTAS!!! and we SHAMED them!!!

the fact that men used to be able to dress like that and no one said a thing but chris pine stepped outside in this and there’s dozens of articles about him & his reaction to the criticism?

stand UP kings. bring back the thighs and the tummies!!!!!!


imagine if doorways grew back like scabbed over with fresh drywall and you had to keep carving them back out with a jabsaw to keep the doorway clear etc


Imagine if the membranes recoiled in pain every time you did this. Imagine if over time, some doorways became accustomed sensation. Imagine that very rarely, some even seemed to enjoy it.

*sleepover host voice* imagine if you two went to sleep

Oh for gods sake kids it’s like piercing an ear - that’s why you put a doorframe in - you don’t hang a door in drywall, you gremlins. You frame the door. It’s like those gauges that people put in their ears - the hole stays. It won’t scab over with a doorframe in it. You’ve lived around doors you whole life, you little clowns. Lights out


Honestly be pretentious as fuck about the stuff you create. Do a press release for your fanfic updates. Do a Q&A about your webcomic. Make fake merch designs for your OCs. Commission "official" book covers. Very few of us will ever get to a stage where something we've created Makes It Big but even if you have an audience of 5 people plus a shoelace fucking indulge yourself and pretend!! It's the only way to live!!


me constantly releasing press junkets about my OCs like they are actual celebrities and i am their PR agent


worried that thing you put in your art or writing or game or music is too self-indulgent, too self-referential, too niche for anyone but yourself? fear not! you can do whatever you want forever. and you should.


YCH "Fallen Angel" style icon and gif!!!

For just $30 USD I am willing to draw a character of your choosing in the ending style for Panty and Stocking!

I take payment with PayPal only!

My other art commissions are open on my VGen page, which you can find here: https://vgen.co/TheFuchsiaFallacy


The lack of respect was the closure. The lack of apology was the closure. The lack of care was the closure. The lack of accountability was the closure. The lack of honesty was the closure.


YCH "Fallen Angel" style icon and gif!!!

For just $30 USD I am willing to draw a character of your choosing in the ending style for Panty and Stocking!

I take payment with PayPal only!

My other art commissions are open on my VGen page, which you can find here: https://vgen.co/TheFuchsiaFallacy


It’s always insane to me when people DM me to yell at me about breaching their DNI because I reblogged a post from them

Like how chronically online are you that you’re checking the blogs of everyone who reblogs from you

And I genuinely mean that. Even if the post only has like 10 notes at best. How much free time do you have to check the blogs of all 10 of those notes, and then go OUT OF YOUR WAY to message anyone who doesn’t fit your strict guidelines for human interaction. And I know some of y’all don’t just check but you DIG, because some of the stuff I get DMed about is not advertised on my blog as soon as you look at it.

How do you all survive outside of the internet when every persons political opinions and stances on fictional content aren’t displayed to you right off the bat.

Like I’m not kidding. That’s not normal. You are not the normal one in this situation. Please put your phone down for at least a week and go outside.

I love how someone got SO mad at my post that basically boiled down to “If you’re digging through the blogs of strangers who reblog from you, on the strangers reblogging from people website, to dig up dirt on them - that’s not normal behavior and you should stop” that they sent me a paragraph of anon hate

Yeah man you’re real normal. You won. I was a fool to think that perhaps that was unhealthy behavior.


I recently had surgery, and at the time I came home, I had both my cat and one of my grandma's cats staying with me.

- Within hours of surgery, I wake up from a nap to my cat gently sniffing at my incisions with great alarm.

- I was not allowed to shower the first day after surgery, and the cats, seeing that The Large Cat is not observing its cleaning ritual, decided I must be gravely disabled and compensated by licking all the exposed skin on my arms, face, and legs.

- I currently have to sleep with a pillow over my abdomen because my cat insists on climbing on top of me and covering my incisions with her body while I sleep (which is very sweet but not exactly comfortable without the pillow). She also lays across me facing my bedroom door, presumably on guard for attackers who may try to harm me while I'm sleeping and injured.

That's love. 🐈‍⬛🐈❤️

cats are so very unclear on what is wrong with us but they want to help

Last time I had a really bad migraine my cat curled herself round my head and purred sympathetically, and actually stayed there through two of her normal mealtimes. It wasn't until I was able to stagger to the kitchen and grab a protein bar for myself that she gave a very small, polite miaow to the effect of "while you're up... could you get something for me too?"


“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” my side hustle is relaxing so that my body and brain can heal from by this nose-to-the-grindstone bullshit. I refuse to feel guilty for being a human with the need to relax sometimes. my side hustle is no.

whenever i hear about hustle culture i always think about this post on r/antiwork


Because everyone keeps asking about it.

These Bastards are available as prints, cards and postcards over on RedBubble.

I’ve had a go at making stickers out of these and it’s bloody horrendous. So I hope you all can suffice with prints for now.

Please also have a look over on my INPRNT store for more artwork x

Rude Raven ‘Fuck off’ has been retired and replaced with Rude Raven no. 16 aka AHHHHHHHHHHHH

With Parliament of Rooks a thing now, these are more relevant than ever :D


aren't gorillas gentle giants or something. i stay out of his way, he doesn't maul me, we have a nice time picking out clothes together in opposite sides of the mall

Male gorillas are super aggressive and territorial. Also they interpret nearly every human mannerism as a sign of aggression or a challenge. Smiling and eye contact are both things that zookeepers have to be taught to suppress when they’re in the vicinity of gorillas.

Well unless the mall is his native territory I think I'm fine, I wasn't planning on smiling at him


This is all irrelevant because the obvious answer is five black mambas. I mean, that’s not actually very many snakes, and malls are fucking huge. And unlike a gorilla you can definitely outrun a snake if it does show up. Find an open space in the mall where you can see any snake coming and just hangout out there. Fucking easy.

Misguided! I would much rather have a mallmate I can easily see and hear coming. I'm confident I can stay out of the gorilla's way, but if I step on a snake or one otherwise gets the jump on me, it's all over.

It's not just about the physical danger either, it's about my mental health. One gorilla, unless he's actively mad at me, I just keep a healthy distance between us and make sure I never get trapped. With the snakes, it requires a lot more constant vigilance

They should substitute "chimpanzee" for "gorilla" in this hypothetical.

if it was a chimp i'm taking the fucking snakes

Black mambas have a reputation build on being very venomous and very fast. I'm not sure why you would think you could outrun one (or five) in an enclosed space like a mall.

Malls usually have pretty slick floors, and escalators. I’d choose the gorilla simply because I think that would make an more interesting story (and a better-selling autobiography, I Survived the Mall Gorilla) but I think I’d stand a pretty good chance at avoiding the mamba. They’re fast and aggressive and will chase you but unless we started immediately beside each other I think my sneakers would have the terrain advantage over scutes.

this is too good to leave hidden in the replies

fucking enamored with the implication that this gorilla is fully intelligent but is trying to manufacture plausible deniability like the movie barnyard

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