
@kitchiris / kitchiris.tumblr.com

“OH, YOU KNOW me; I always find some way to manage.” It was difficult, juggling school and theatre and part-time work, but he was making it somehow. No burnouts and breakdowns yet for this semester, so that meant he was doing a-okay! After setting the box aside, Tino leaned against Chiri, chin upon her shoulder.
“And you don’t have to apologise for not being able to visit. A teacher’s life is a busy one.” He flashed her a wide grin. “If you do need help checking your objective tests, I’m always willing to lend a hand. Promise I won’t doodle stars and smiley faces this time.”

“That’s genuinely a relief, I wish Tane was half as self sufficient as you, I swear I can’t leave her without supervision for long.” She sighs,but her lips are softly cuved into a smile. It’s nice, this kind of interaction, she had missed this side of family interactions--for Chiri has many faces to her family, the one she made chosen, the one she made of her students, the one she’s tied to by blood.

“Tell me, are your professors being nice to you? Reminder that if you ever need me to violently vouch fo you to the school faculty, you just have to say the word!” Emphasis in violently.  

“……” He actually didn’t mean to say it out loud, but the cat was out of the bag; he guessed he couldn’t deny the truth, especially to Chiri.
A hand passed through Archer’s hair; he might have been a bit embarrassed. Especially since he was still pretty sure he didn’t want any children; this woman just made him have some dreamy, fleeting thoughts.
“… let’s say if you want children, you do not need to go to a bank to get a donor.”
That kind of answer is in poor taste, that’s quite like him. She laughs half-hearted, but the sound is bitter, because he is not joking, and Chiri is unsure if it would hurt more otherwise or not. Her expression sours, her brows furrow and the surprise turns into something different, but also the same. “Honestly, do you even think before you speak or is this part of your need to be as blunt as possible? ” She’s usually gentle, even her sharper edges are loving but this time, she is not gentle at all, it’s cold and stern.

“Remember when I told you what I felt, but you were not mine? That applies for both of us, Archer. Even if you love me as you say, as things are, I am not yours. You agreed, I agreed. Stop acting like you can have everything–like my children, for crying out loud–without compromises. Maybe in the kind of shallow, corrupted world you live in you can get away with things like this, but go ahead and try that attitude with me, mister and I will destroy you.

In her eyes, there is sadness blurred with her emotions. Of course there is. She knows of heartbreak, it’s branded on her flesh and bones from a love she clingged to like a lovesick fool, a past that she holds dear, but she has learnt from the mistakes of it. And this is the time where it shows, where she can love without being bound to the betrayal of her own happiness.

“The only person I’ll ever ‘have kids’ with is going to be my spouse. So...no, thank you.”

Silence fell again right after Chiri spoke. Archer was more embarrassed than anything. And on top of that her presence was enough to have his heart rate grow higher. He couldn’t get mad at her, nor could he actually reply to her.
He just didn’t speak at all and gently put his hand around her waist, so they could resume their walking without a sound.
She’s so cute he could die.

Chiri says nothing either, but she smiles at him with fondness in her face.

He is endearing indeed, in a way she knows he doesn’t realize. Archer regards himself a man born and nurtured in corruption and vile--not that she disagrees--but that same fixation to fit one role makes him prompt to an cetain kind of innocence when he is outside his element, like a man who didn’t know he could feel more than one emotion at once.

“You really need to work with that jealousy of yours, specially about him.” She says with a hum, her head tilting slightly as it rests agains this shoulder. Of course, Chiri is talking about her former teacher.  “My juvenile feelings aside, he was an influence and a guide to us, myself and my class. If you like the me I am today, you cannot take his credit away for putting us in the right path.”

THOUGH TINO AND his co-actor friend had only known each other since the start of production, they’d become fast friends and were thick as thieves by the end of week one. Now, three months in, he could safely say she’d enjoy the gift, both as a “joke” gift and as a “serious” gift. Of course, despite that certainty, he’d still wanted a second opinion anyway.
Although, Chiri… probably wasn’t the right person to ask about it. Just her luck she’d been the one visiting his apartment at the time.
“Right. Definitely not the person I should be asking,” said Tino, mostly to himself, but loud enough to be heard by Chiri. He folded the present back up and returned it in the box. “She’s probably going to like it. She’s your age but totally unlike you in almost every way, so… if you’re not going to like it, she’s going to like it.” He leaned over to plant a quick kiss on her cheek.
“How is my sweet, sweet sister.”

She hardly enjoys being compared to other people, but when it comes to this boy, Chiri can’t find it in herself to get peved at his antics...most of the time, at least. The kiss on her cheek is sweet, and she chuckles at his ever swift talent to get the conversation moving on. “Aside for you dragging me into your juvenile shenanigans?” Her voice is a proper as ever, but there is an obvious light-hearted tease in it. “Well, I’ve been fine, I suppose.”

“How is school going? I’m sory I haven’t had time to go visit you as much lately, I’m always worrying if you are managing.”

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