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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit euismod convallis. Integer auctor dolor ac mauris adipiscing volutpat. Praesent vehicula metus sed ullamcorper iaculis. Praesent blandit sed quam nec lacinia. Integer mollis nulla eu ipsum venenatis luctus. Quisque dolor nibh, feugiat eget nisl quis, fringilla aliquet nulla. Cras fermentum tincidunt fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et mattis tortor. Donec aliquam in magna ut sollicitudin.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Morbi eros nunc, dignissim non eleifend et, sagittis sit amet eros. Sed feugiat sollicitudin urna, at sollicitudin eros tempus adipiscing. Phasellus in metus at augue volutpat porttitor sed at augue. Curabitur vel felis ac quam iaculis egestas suscipit non quam. Morbi pulvinar enim et nulla mollis, et molestie odio imperdiet. Quisque vitae elementum nunc. Nunc eu pharetra risus. Praesent turpis lectus, tincidunt nec risus ut, porttitor porta sapien.

Integer lobortis aliquet tellus, nec imperdiet turpis varius eu. Sed dictum aliquam tortor, quis pharetra turpis convallis quis. Nam ullamcorper vel orci sit amet aliquet. Cras metus dolor, viverra et nulla eget, sodales posuere massa. Mauris lacinia nulla sed euismod elementum. Nulla varius urna erat, at aliquet ante bibendum nec. Nunc ac sem in metus imperdiet mollis quis at orci. Integer fermentum quam dolor, vitae condimentum velit convallis nec. Praesent nec ante vitae nisl porttitor sollicitudin eget sed quam. Curabitur nulla nunc, varius non lectus et, egestas tincidunt quam.

Cras non tortor mi. Nullam ullamcorper interdum purus, et ultricies ipsum volutpat at. Morbi aliquet at mi nec blandit. Nulla facilisi. Quisque faucibus eros nec ipsum vulputate, eu adipiscing leo tempor. Pellentesque iaculis purus sit amet enim malesuada, vitae ullamcorper urna tincidunt. Mauris elementum eros sit amet metus posuere, at euismod nisi suscipit. Nam aliquam viverra urna. Nullam scelerisque ultrices lectus, fermentum malesuada ligula ullamcorper a. Fusce id adipiscing elit, sit amet sollicitudin elit. Duis at eleifend ante, ac aliquet nisl. Curabitur vitae fringilla erat. In semper commodo felis, vel lobortis ligula bibendum nec. Pellentesque velit diam, ultrices ac elit ut, rutrum varius sapien. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In vitae rutrum sapien, eu tempus nisi. Phasellus rhoncus justo sit amet malesuada consectetur. Nunc aliquam ipsum purus, et lobortis mi suscipit ac. Nunc nec mauris laoreet, vestibulum augue sit amet, tincidunt erat. Ut erat eros, commodo vitae magna et, elementum tincidunt nibh. Vestibulum tristique egestas urna. Nunc arcu sem, aliquam a lobortis eget, porta quis tortor. Sed dapibus iaculis eros, congue sodales felis. Integer hendrerit diam et accumsan fringilla. Duis mi orci, gravida sit amet massa vitae, posuere malesuada dolor. Nunc nec mi sagittis, porttitor ipsum sit amet, commodo turpis. Vestibulum a pellentesque enim. Curabitur ut dui ut enim feugiat semper. Nulla porta sagittis libero, non mattis nisl porta non. Nullam est elit, aliquet ac ultricies quis, sollicitudin et dui. Nam ut risus nisl.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed accumsan elit purus, tincidunt tempus sem ornare quis. Etiam vulputate, urna quis commodo volutpat, nisi dolor pretium metus, a pulvinar odio ante eget quam. Aenean facilisis tortor eget velit interdum, id lobortis tellus molestie. Etiam congue cursus ante, at consectetur nulla volutpat ac. Curabitur pulvinar commodo tortor sed iaculis. Sed iaculis tellus vel dolor blandit, vel tristique dui elementum. Ut dignissim felis sapien, sit amet auctor massa euismod vitae. Cras aliquet massa non laoreet gravida. Nullam at tincidunt nibh. Nullam molestie condimentum orci eu fermentum. In et mi ut felis eleifend egestas tempor id est.

Vivamus euismod felis a sagittis venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus tempus dolor non enim cursus, in consequat nibh rutrum. Etiam convallis massa leo, non laoreet sem viverra ut. Phasellus aliquet arcu sed rutrum laoreet. Duis adipiscing velit tortor, nec condimentum urna ultrices pellentesque. Nam hendrerit felis condimentum odio porta elementum. Nulla ut nunc at nibh vulputate tincidunt. Etiam vitae urna leo. Mauris posuere arcu nec nisl feugiat cursus. Nullam et porta dolor. Vivamus gravida ante eu magna tincidunt, a varius quam pharetra. Nullam vel eros semper, venenatis turpis vitae, bibendum mauris. Integer commodo odio magna, vel placerat risus mollis eu.

Fusce accumsan, turpis sit amet volutpat laoreet, quam turpis porttitor orci, eget scelerisque massa augue ut mi. Aliquam lobortis leo faucibus, pellentesque augue quis, ultrices ligula. Suspendisse auctor ipsum nec porttitor fringilla. Nunc id est at turpis eleifend pulvinar vel at purus. Integer imperdiet eu sapien eu aliquet. Duis nec pharetra nisi. Morbi at hendrerit risus. Nam iaculis volutpat pellentesque. Sed pulvinar mi risus. Pellentesque id purus non nibh vehicula auctor ut at lectus. Fusce elementum, erat ac vestibulum pellentesque, arcu lectus pulvinar eros, sed ornare sem odio nec nunc. Praesent facilisis, urna sit amet condimentum fermentum, nibh velit venenatis diam, vel cursus velit lectus et ligula. Donec vehicula leo risus, a viverra magna posuere non. Nam cursus eu sapien vitae pellentesque. Quisque dignissim lorem at arcu tempor, at tincidunt ipsum tristique.

Aenean vitae erat sed enim posuere laoreet. Pellentesque vestibulum non sem euismod rhoncus. Cras eget suscipit urna. Proin adipiscing dolor at ligula blandit viverra. Quisque ut metus in ipsum sagittis blandit. Nulla mollis arcu vel lorem malesuada tempus. Nunc tempus eros a dignissim iaculis.

Pellentesque fermentum, diam vitae interdum rhoncus, dolor justo rhoncus tortor, quis mollis risus enim ut mauris. Fusce scelerisque orci sapien, quis vehicula risus vestibulum at. Proin sed velit malesuada, facilisis lorem sed, luctus odio. Fusce imperdiet metus eu lacus facilisis accumsan. Vestibulum aliquet, quam eget convallis ultricies, mauris nibh ultricies ipsum, sit amet ornare risus elit ac quam. Curabitur volutpat sem nisl, eget venenatis orci cursus at. Nam euismod pellentesque sem, ut blandit turpis blandit ac. Nulla a dui ante. Vivamus in lacus quis metus sollicitudin ullamcorper eu ac mauris. Proin et ipsum congue, venenatis urna volutpat, tincidunt nulla. Sed nibh tellus, ultricies ac tempus non, tristique at elit.

#( tags and stuff#here's more tags#lots of tags#tags for a text post )#i need to max out#the tags#so here are some more we're watching star trek right now#and my husband really loves it but tbh i think it's a bit boring#and i hate the fake space jargon#but i love space and sci fi#really more of a star wars girls tbqh#but my husband insists#Aenean vitae erat sed enim posuere laoreet#Pellentesque fermentum diam vitae interdum rhoncus dolor justo rhoncus tortor quis mollis risus enim ut mauris. Fusce scelerisque orci sapie#more tags#eu lacus facilisis accumsan. Vestibulum aliquet quam eget convallis ultricies mauris nibh ultricies ipsum sit amet ornare risus elit ac quam#lacus facilisis accumsan. Vestibulum aliquet quam eget convallis ultricies mauris nibh ultricies ipsum sit amet ornare risus elit ac quam. C#nisl eget venenatis orci cursus at. Nam euismod pellentesque sem ut blandit turpis blandit ac. Nulla a dui ante. Vivamus in lacus quis metus#m. Curabitur volutpat sem nisl eget venenatis orci cursus at. Nam euismod pellentesque sem ut blandit turpis blandit ac. Nulla a dui ante. V#tristique at elit.#lacus quis metus sollicitudin ullamcorper eu ac mauris. Proin et ipsum congue venenatis urna volutpat tincidunt nulla. Sed nibh tellus ultri#udin ullamcorper eu ac mauris. Proin et ipsum congue venenatis urna volutpat tincidunt nulla. Sed nibh tellus ultricies ac tempus non tristi#Nam euismod pellentesque sem ut blandit turpis blandit ac. Nulla a dui ante. Vivamus in lacus quis metus sollicitudin ullamcorper eu ac maur#s metus sollicitudin ullamcorper eu ac mauris. Proin et ipsum congue venenatis urna volutpat tincidunt nulla. Sed nibh tellus ultricies ac t#Proin et ipsum congue venenatis urna volutpat tincidunt nulla. Sed nibh tellus ultricies ac tempus non tristique at elit.#posuere laoreet. Pellentesque vestibulum non sem euismod rhoncus. Cras eget suscipit urna. Proin adipiscing dolor at ligula blandit viverra.#diam vitae interdu#urna. Proin adipiscing dolor at ligula blandit viverra. Quisque ut metus in ipsum sagittis blandit. Nulla mollis arcu vel lorem malesuada te#s eu lacus facilisis accumsan. Vestibulum aliquet quam eget convallis ultricies mauris#enim ut mauris. Fusce scelerisque orci sapien quis vehicula risus vestibulum at. Proin sed velit malesuada facilisis lorem sed luctus odio.

Carice van Houten 

I don’t believe you can get into somebody’s character but more that somebody comes in you. You just use yourself. In everything I play, I feel like it is me. I just say different things on different times and look different.

"There is no light inside of a broken heart."


             “If your heart were truly broken, my lady,                     you would be dead. It is a falsity we outgrow.                 Hearts do not break —————- they fail.

                                “Hurt tempers the heart. It is a light of its own.                                                           use it.


"I'm tired of being afraid."


          “of course you are, my lady.            fear is a wearying habit to have.

                               The  Priestess  smiles,  sacarine  and  secret :                              “We  begin  to  understand that they  think  that                               we  are  made of clay. We are  convinced  that                               we  must  bend when they mold us or  else our                               bones  will surely break. People of power  have                               a primal fear themselves that they cannot stop-

                 fear that a thing might be naturally strong.             you will not be afraid forever, sweet girl.


                 ’ i have told you already,                            ———red woman.

              the wildling hisses when pale grey stares

              at piercing red, fighting the strong urge

                 to FLINCH.

                       ’ there is no need  for you to visit                      the babe. ‘


          "Lady Val -------- "

                  She does not quicken at that c r u d e epithet nor                   at the last stubborn venom in the Wildling's words.                   Red Woman. What they name her is of no matter                   so long as they are talking ---- and yet she does                   prefer it to their saying that is some shadow of his.

                                     red ------ yes.                                            a woman, once.                                                   but a shadow?

                              "please, do not upset yourself.                                        I have come only to assure that the child                                        remains healthy. The  cold  and  c l o s e                                        quarters here are perilous for a babe and                                        such a shame were they to take him ----"

         --------------- before the  f i r e  can.


hurts| starters

"Never give up, it's such a wonderful life."
"Some things are best left unspoken."
"Do you know how it feels to let you go?"
"I feel so lost."
"Talk to me. Tell me your lies."
"Just take my hands. I'll make it all better."
"I don't feel safe."
"All my life I've felt this way, but I could never find the words to say."
"Since the day I left I see your face in every crowd."
"I feel lust like a sick disease."
"I know you need me too."
"I'm going home."
"Remember when it was just you and me?"
"Don't bring me back to life."
"Such a beautiful lie."
"I need somebody to die for."
"Love is not that easy!"
"Someday when you wake up happy you'll thank the Lord that I'm gone."
"It's a long way down when you're alone."
"I'll forget about you."
"Don't cry, please don't cry."
"I came so close to giving up."
"When I go, you will be someone new."
"There is no turning back."
"I've got nothing left to live for, but no reason yet to die."
"I see you when I close my eyes."
"Can you hear me?"
"I'm tired of being afraid."
"You'll be better off on your own."
"All I want for Christmas is New Year's Day."
"Home is where the heart is."
"You know I love you."
"We all get hurt by love."
"I can't sleep."
"I will give you my devotion until the end of time."
"I have no reason to forgive you."
"I'm afraid of myself."
"Nothing that I do will ever be enough for you."
"I wish that I was stronger."
"I could never live without you."
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Why are you out by yourself so late?"
"I'll never leave you again."
"My heart is empty."
"There's nothing left to lose."
"I'd rather be lonely than by your side."
"Look at what you've done!"
"Don't leave tonight."
"I can't hold my head up high with the weight of the world on my shoulders."
"You will never be forgotten with me by your side."
"Carry me away from the pain."
"Is this the end of the love that had just begun?"
"Things we never say are often best left alone."
"I can't cry any more tears."
"I wish I could stay with you tonight."
"Things are going to get better."
"Things aren't going to get better."
"Time waits for no one, so do you want to waste some time tonight?"
"I've been waiting my whole life to tell you how I feel."
"There is no light inside of a broken heart."
"No matter where they take me, death I will survive."
"Don't let go."
"I need you."
"I don't need this life."
"Stay with me. Please."
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