
Odds & Sods

@spevvy / spevvy.tumblr.com

Spev. 29 and a bit. Unapologetic Fangirl. I love a lot of things and a lot of people. All about feminism, body positivity and nice things. Safe place for all humans irrespective of gender, sexuality or ethnicity.

as someone who was practically in love with travis from old yeller as a kid, tom blyth as billy the kid hits different


Oh god now I NEED to see this show, why the hell are America being so mean and not sending it to the UK???????

Update: America have now sent Billy the Kid to the UK and I am not well.

Tom Blyth is literally like if Tommy Kirk and Joseph Quinn had a lovechild. The Savage Sam era Travis Coates vibes are so strong in this man I cannot begin to even.

Also, was anyone gonna TELL ME that Joey Batey was in the first episode as Billy's dad and would thoroughly break my heart into a basquillion pieces or was I just supposed to find out by being happened upon by an unmistakable gigantic pair of sad blue eyes BY MYSELF???????????


sometimes you dont eat fruit for awhile and then you eat some fruit and you're like oh fuck its fruit


I personally think tim and riddler would despise each other bit absolutely enjoy the snarky rebuttles they could dish out to each other

batman is quiet. Nigma gives sass and batman doesn't reply. Tim and Riddler? Oh they're beefing. Especially if it's a tech savvy riddler who's really good at coding and tech.

Tim trying to bypass his code and a giant question mark comes up "ha! silly boy wonder! you thought it would be that easy! think again"

tim is on the verge cause this is like the fourth time for him and oracle combined trying (also the boy wonder mention is a stab in the heart)


sunsets after 7pm now !!!!!!!!!!! we made it guys !!!!!!!!!!!!


Guys those greedy bastards in the northern hemisphere are stealing our FUCKING SUN!!


It's only a lend, we'll give it back in September.


my problem as a writer and as a roleplayer is that I always want characters to do that thing where you hold your hand out, palm to the ground, and kind of tilt it quickly left and right to express uncertainty or a "kinda-sorta"/"yes and no" vibe. but I don't know an official term for this so I always just call it the Noncommittal Hand Waggle

somebody appears to have responded to this post... via the contact form on bandcamp, using the burner email "fake@fake.fake"

It is the sign of the scales. The scales have not settled and they waggle back and forth. Like this like that.

and you know what. I never thought about that before but it's probably right. why the fuck would you tell me this via the bandcamp contact form of all things, and why would you phrase it like you're writing an esoteric treatise encoded via metaphor


I'm not being funny but I am 100% gonna use the phrase "noncommittal hand waggle" next time I'm writing a character who isn't sure about something, that's an absolutely genius description.


do you think your pet would send anon hate?



i dont have a pet


Absolutely not.

Wilby is a genuine angel and would never have a bad thing to say about anyone, all he wants in the whole world are treats, to sit by an open window to enjoy the breeze, and for everyone to be happy (Also he would quite like to have cuddles with Fonseca and to be in an episode of 60s Batman, but I think world happiness is probably a little more achievable). He doesn't have a hateful fibre in his being.

Benny, on the other hand, is NOT a genuine angel. However, I can categorically guarantee that if he had a grievance with anyone then he would ABSOLUTELY say it right to their face, and in such a way as to make them wish their great-grandparents had never been born so that their family honour would have some vague chance to redeem itself. He also has the loudest, most soul-crushing yowl I have ever heard, so you can be sure that if he has any hate to send, none of it would be anonymous, and EVERYONE would know about it.

Also: both my boys have been brought up not to be cowardly pussies, so they would never hide behind a keyboard to say anything they'd never have the spine to say in person.


Learning that Jason was Red Robin first (during Countdown to Final Crisis) and that Tim actually stole that name and costume has made my entire week. Honest to god Tim Drake is the funniest character of all time. Imagine getting your ass beat for stealing from a guy and then doing it again anyway, top-tier character choice. I think he should take Red Hood next.


How Bruce sees Tim: genius kid with a terrifyingly fluid moral compass and who therefore must be equally protected and feared at all costs.

How Alfred sees Tim: cheeky young rascal with boundless potential to be far more than he realises if only he'd sit down for half a mi...oh he's gone off again.

How Dick sees Tim: His own personal protégé/little brother of his heart, handpicked by... well... technically Tim himself... But anyway IT WAS DICK THAT TIM WENT TO WHEN HE FIRST NEEDED BATMAN/ROBIN-RELATED ADVICE SO THAT MEANS TIM LIKES HIM BEST!! Also: Notably admirable pun skills.

How Barbara sees Tim: Science/Tech Nerd Bestie, impossible to stay angry with no matter what level of outrageous stunts he pulls or how bad his puns are.

How Jason SAYS he sees Tim: Pain in the ass vigilante equivalent of that Single White Female movie. Grows on him like mold. Epic tier pun game, though.

How Jason REALLY sees Tim: scrawny smartass rich kid who is actually way more badass than anyone gives him credit for. Dude has gigantic balls of steel for everything he's done to become the incredible Robin (regular and Red edition) he is. Tim's a great guy and a great hero and Jason is proud to call him his friend. Just..yknow...not out loud, cos that'd be weird. No need to make a Hallmark movie out of it, jeeeeeezzzus.....👀

How Tim sees Tim: Just a regular guy who wants to be Jason Todd when he grows up 🥹🫶🏻 **fanboying intensifies**


Greg Morris and Peter Lupus made a very specific acting choice in this scene—and that choice was "Barney Collier and Willy Armitage are a lot of things, but straight isn't one of them." You can cut the sexual tension with a goddam chainsaw, it's that thick!!

Mission: Impossible really is some of the gayest television of the 60s*, which frankly was already a pretty damn gay televisual time period. Glorious.

(*yes this episode is from 1973, it still counts, those two have been married since the pilot episode in 1966!)

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