
Holy Moley!

@mother-fudging-billy-batson / mother-fudging-billy-batson.tumblr.com

This person is a Bad Influence and cannot be trusted. Likes comics, loves the Marvel Family in particular. May also post original fictional stuff.
Another time, Jack took a call. A voice on the other end said, ‘There are three of us down here in the lobby. We want to see the guy who does this disgusting comic book and show him what real Nazis would do to his Captain America’. To the horror of others in the office, Kirby rolled up his sleeves and headed downstairs. The callers, however, were gone by the time he arrived.

Mark Evanier, Kirby: King of Comics (via nerdhapley)

It’s Jack Kirby’s birthday, so here’s that story of him being bad ass all of the time.

True fact: during WWII Kirby was assigned as a scout due to his art skills, meaning that he went in alone and unarmed, ahead of Allied attacks so that he could draw enemy fortifications.

Once he was ambushed by three Nazi soldiers, all of them with guns. He killed all three with a knife he stole from one of them.

Dude was verifiably grade-A stone-cold badass.

(via froborr)

And that’s why Jack Kirby was the King.

Badass Jews!

(via agnella)

its relevent to note that jack kirby was, like, five foot three or something

A five foot three barrel of whoop-ass filled to the brim.


Latest Lego Batman Trailer: Joker

The gang behind him L-R: King Tut, Kite-Man, Crazy Quilt, Man-Bat. I don’t know who the guy with the cylinder head is or the red guy.


Condiment King?

I dunno about Red Boy, but the cylinder guy is definitely the Eraser!

(there were some weird gimmick villains in the Batman Rogues’ gallery back in the day)


ayn rand failing to understand that sesame street is for young children

god this is missing the best part JIM HENSON I think Ms. Rand and my character Oscar the Grouch would have a lot to talk about actually. I am laughing out loud at this idea. AYN RAND Why would I want to talk to him. What has he achieved or trying to achieve. JIM HENSON He has achieved what I think is the ultimate goal of your way of thinking.



Jim Henson was almost the first to say Lol


Because of the incident last night where I was attacked, my disabled mother and I are being kicked out of my place and am homeless again. If anyone can help out with a few shekels for a hotel while I look for a new place, I would really appreciate it. I have a go fund me, but I can set up a you caring if people have issues donating to gofundme. I also have paypal (Gil dot short 84 at gmail dot com) . This is just a huge emergency and I’m desperate. Please help me and my mother out.

What’s the gofundme?



If you don’t support GFM, there is a youcaring here!

Guess what? My mother’s disability was abruptly cut off a couple weeks ago and while I’ve almost gotten it straightened out, I need some help to make it until it gets restarted. Right now we just have my income which barely pays the rent, let alone food and other bills like phone and storage, and now due to me getting sick a couple days I don’t even have that. If anyone can help I would appreciate it a lot. I also have Venmo and Cash if you prefer those




So someone just used my debit card number for something and now I’m completely broke and I need at least $85 by tomorrow. If anyone can send that much to the cash.me account at least temporarily I would appreciate it so much.

This month has been a dumpster fire

I appreciate all the help from everyone. I’m still struggling, so any help from anyone is again appreciated, even if it’s just a reblog.

I still think the cash.me account is fastest, but any help at all is more than welcome.

So while I’ve moved forward with disability with my mom, and it seems like it’ll be processed, it may take up to two weeks (!) to get her income going.

I need at least $85 TODAY just to keep a roof over our heads. Please help if possible. Cash.me is the best to use. Thank you.

Please help.

I did get help for yesterday (thanks!) but this nightmare continues. The weekly rate for the cheapest hotel in the area that accepts dogs is $85 a night or $450 a week. My account is currently negative because I had to pay storage and the phone bill . And unfortunately SDI is sitting on their thumbs while we are risking losing the only shelter we have left so if anyone can continue to donate until this is taken care of it would be greatly appreciated. If you do it through cash.me I can even keep records and pay back what people loaned me once we’re back on our feet.

(The cash.me goes into my mother’s account)

Thank you.


Look, I don’t mark for a lot of stuff in wrestling these days, mainly because I just don’t have the time to watch it like I used to.

You can imagine my surprise, then, to hear that Goldberg’s returning for one last match. I’ve never gone from grown-ass man to 6-year-old supermark so quick.

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