
Lets Freak Out Together

@eyepulp / eyepulp.tumblr.com

Alexander / 24 / The Patron Saint of Bullshit

saw a white woman refer to sam nordquist as "kid" - of course, little black boys are "young men" but grown black men are "kids." acknowledge him fully for what he was: a BLACK TRANSGENDER man. his blackness and transgender status in combination were what made him so vulnerable to this brutal abuse and murder. do not infantilize him. and furthermore do not erase his blackness to spotlight only his transness. this was a hate crime which shows yet again the compounding effects of transphobia and antiblack racism. it is not a coincidence that all five accused murderers are white, and can be linked to white nationalism on public social media profiles (such as emily motyka's confederate flag profile picture).

also, if you're going to share pictures of sam, show what he actually looked like as himself - not the pretansition photo picked by basically every fucking news outlet. pre-transition and non-op/non-medically transitioning transgender people are obviously still trans, but that was not his current situation at all, and it's so profoundly disrespectful to latch onto an outdated photo to represent him. here's what he looked like in actual recent pics he chose to share on his own social media:

and if you can, help his family with their expenses. nobody should have to worry about associated costs while processing such a horrific loss.


may god guide the glorious philadelphia eagles in their holy war against the infernal kansas city chiefs

god has granted the philadelphia eagles victory and crushed those agents of satan beneath his righteous heel

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