
The Lamest Adulting Nerd


Jake-Alberta-Canada- Mostly a humour blog, but also video game stuff and the day I don't reblog puppies is the day I'm dead.

Bahhh not that it really matters but I’m deleting the app. I guess the account will still be up but idk I just find I’m never on anymore and the last 2 times I’ve gone on the whole damn place is just so hateful and gross so honestly just moving on I guess.


For anyone asking is this cute, I’m going to say yes.

1. That is a very strong animal. If it wanted her to put it down, there is no way she would be holding it.

2. The position of the ears shows relaxation.

3. Nibbling at hair is how horses show affection. In a herd, they nibble at the base of each other’s manes (the very best way to pet a horse is to scratch the base of the mane about halfway down the neck). With a human they like they go for the hair as the closest equivalent.

So, yes, horse is enjoying cuddles.

Human is also very strong!


FUCK aliens ! we got these crazy shits under da sea and we’re not payin any attention!!!


“the colony can regenerate injured parts or continue growing after being broken apart. Unless all individual clones are killed at the same time, a colony can theoretically live forever”

This thing is fucking mythical



This made me think of all the “rules of etiquette” that my parents and grandparents generation always tried to drill into us but when we asked “why?” all they could answer was “because it’s polite”

So I looked up how these rules got started

-Don’t wear a hat inside: Medieval knights were more vulnerable if they removed their helmets. Because of this, removing it in a church or in the presence of royalty felt like a respectful act of humility. It’s rude to wear a hat indoors because 1500 years ago some soldiers wanted to show God and King that they trusted them not to stab them in the head

-Don’t put your elbows on the table: In the middle ages European royalty didn’t have dining tables in their banquet halls, they used a long board balanced on trestles and covered it with a table cloth. If you leaned on the table it would unbalance and topple. People are still telling kids not to put their elbows on the table because 1500 years ago some nobles didn’t want to be embarrassed by knocking over a make-shift table and ruining a feast

-Men should pull out a woman’s chair for her: There were several periods in Western history when fashion for high society women was so restrictive that they literally couldn’t bend over when dressed for dinner. Men are told it’s polite to pull out a woman’s chair because women used to have to wear clothing that made it impossible to do that herself


my favorite thing about welcome to night vale is how FAST it goes from “funny-cool” to “fucking creepy”. best example i can think of is in the episode ‘homecoming’ at this part

like the sudden jarring “wait what” is always omnipresent i love that so much


love my terrible wife who wants to kill me so so  bad

i come home from work every day and narrowly dodge one of her many death traps . when we eat dinner ill smile and say “poison again ?” and she will shrug mischievously but we both know it is very much poison


when u scratch a cat’s chin and they lift their head up reblog if u agree

when u scratch a cat’s cheek and they lean their head into ur hand reblog if u agree

when u put your hand in front of your cat’s face and they gently headbut u reblog if u agree

when ur cat runs just a lil bit faster to get to u reblog if u agree

cats reblog if u agree


tag urself I’m the millennials’ morbid fascination with death

I have never heard anyone, regardless of age, say “my phone’s battery has gone”

Columbia University Student Will Drag Her Mattress Around Campus Until Her Rapist Is Gone
“I think the act of carrying something that is normally found in our bedroom out into the light is supposed to mirror the way I’ve talked to the media and talked to different news channels, etc,” Emma continues in the full video which you can watch here.
So, I just want to go into HOW MUCH Columbia and the NYPD has failed, and revictimized, Emma Sulkowitz.

What I really love about this ‘mattress performance’ is that other students helped her carry her mattress across campus.

All those people reminded her that she didn’t have to carry that weight alone. That’s amazing.

this is her at her graduation

At her fucking graduation. God damn.

I’ll never not reblog this

This is about ten years old. Wonder what she’s doing now

Performance art and anti-rape campaigning, according to her Wikipedia article.

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