
Fear the Darkness I am

@hybrid-withtheheart-ofsteel-blog / hybrid-withtheheart-ofsteel-blog.tumblr.com

Zakarus Monteon ll Nearly a thousand years old ll 985 years old/Forever 27 ll Occupation: Blood Analyzer for the Police Department ll Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid

Maia was out on a walk and she was listening to her music. Headphones were plugged in and that’s when she thought someone said something to her. Pausing the song, she turned to face the person. “Did you say something?” She asked wondering.

Zakarus was pleased when he finally got the girls attention. He approached her, hands in his pockets as he smiled. “Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me with finding a certain pet?”


“But it’s so fuuuun to do new things. Isn’t it? Admit it! It’s refreshing! And it makes you feel so alive.”


“Not when you have zero clue on what is happening half the time. It makes me feel alive, I guess.” she was right. She did make him feel alive again.


“That is so true, but I love my kitty. Your dog can lay some stinky poos.” She stuck her tongue out in return. “Nope I chose last time. It’s your turn tonight.”


“I know you do that is why I rarely tell you these things. You love those damn cats that’s for sure. And don’t even! I pick up his shit as soon as he drops them.” he stuck his tongue out at her back. “Fine, we’re watching the first Taken again.”


“Get better with words then!” She laughed out loud,”That’s true, but I have been a live long enough to know there’s no point fretting on something if you don’t even know what the other person wants.”


“Yeah, let me get on that right now.” he rolled his eyes. “Point, so I guess I need to suck it up and ask her what she wants. Go from there. God, I can’t believe I’m getting relationship advice right now. This is so out of the ordinary for me.”


“Hey now! I make sure to clean his litter box often so it doesn’t get to stinky.” She retorted with a soft laugh. “Zakkie that is not even a question! Come on you know I’m always up for a movie.”


“Well cats stink up that shit within seconds. This is why I’m a dog person.” he stuck is tongue out at her. “Of course! Now what movie are we watching?”


“Don’t hurt yourself thinking too hard.”


“Ugh so gross. Totally nasty little things.” She agree with her nose scrunching up in disgust, “Why wouldn’t you? I don’t really see you as a commitment kind of guys anyways.”

“Don’t be rude little one.”


“Well you’re right. I’m not a committed sort of guy. That is why this time around...I’m not so sure what to do.”


“Mmmm I’m not sure. What do you want to bet?”


“Ok thanks. What? I’m in public school, those boys talk far worse than what I just said. What do you waant to be with her?”

“Let me think of something. My old mind needs time to think.”


“True, high school boys are so gross.” he made his voice high. “I just might but...I haven’t had a real relationship in so long. So I’m not sure if...I should or not.”


“No…I guess it’s not, but one can hope.”


“You would think with my amazing sniffer I would be able to find him, but nope…nothing. Meh he will come out eventually.”


“Maybe he’s trying to cover his scent. I mean his litter box is always smelling up this place.” he chuckled. “He will but for right now would you like to watch a late night movie?”


“Fifteen bucks? That’s it? For a good cane? Alright deal.” She nodded, “I do wanna bet.”


“I am deeply struggling with the third person to invite. By lady friend do you mean a girl that you sleep with, but aren’t anything else with? Sounds perf to me.”

“Yes only fifteen.” he chuckled. “Well what would you like to bet?”


“Well I have my offer if you can’t find the third person. First off, you’re like...sixteen now? You shouldn’t be talking like that. Second, not really but I don’t know what we are to be honest.”

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