


What's up I'm Andy, I'm 24 and have the most amazing fiancée ever. I'm a huge comic book and super sentai/Kamen rider fan. Always looking for new nerd friends !
Please feel free to chat, I love talking with people and making new friends.

You know,

If you would have listened to the friends you had who had nothing but your best interest in mind you wouldn’t be in this situation. Instead, you threw us away for some dipshit who could give two whole fucks. Also, you wouldn’t be in the situation you are in now. The reason people don’t respect you is because you let them do whatever they want to you without setting any type of boundaries. None of the treatment you receive should surprise you. This does not in any way justify any bad treatment but no one else can be expected to care when you don’t even have an ounce of care for your own well being. We don’t know where the hell you learned that this is an ok way to be treated but you need to get past that ASAP or you will never get to where you want to be. We tried too help you and you flat out ignored us and lied straight too our faces. It is also totally ridiculous that you allegedly have absolutely “no problem” with everyone you know including your coworkers and managers thinking you are super easy and willing to jump on everything with a pulse. They have no respect for you and they never will. You will never get anywhere if you do not have the ability to gain respect from people. I never even told you to stop doing what you are doing what you were doing with whom you were doing it with because I know you won’t. All we tried to tell you was to be safe. Good advice you blatantly ignored. You act like you have this “I don’t care at all”, boss ass bitch attitude but the people who have been there for you going on two years now know that you really don’t have that at all. Try telling your followers that side of the story you use to desperately try to get their sympathy, we hope you realize the only reason you even get it is because you ever so conveniently leave out the side where we were incredibly good friends too you by trying to give you advice even going so far as to buy you condoms to at least try to keep you somewhat safe even though you fought us tooth and nail the whole way. And by the way, there is equal responsibility in providing condoms. Just because you “are the girl and since you don’t wear them you shouldn’t have to buy them” doesn’t mean anything. You should be more concerned for your personal health and pregnancy prevention especially since you admitted too us that he wouldn’t stick around. Oh how wonderful it must be to be so blissfully ignorant. Seriously, you need to grow up. Yes, wow, what terrible friends we are. But no they don’t hear that side. All I have to say to them is that they can come down here and deal with all the lies since they think we should still be sticking around. I can almost guarantee you they wouldn’t stick around either. You are making a very toxic life for yourself and we can no longer be a part of it. We all have our own things going on and we are trying to make good lives for ourselves and we are way too old to be dealing with this nonsensical foolishness. We wish you the best in the future but we can no longer be a part of it. And another thing, stop using us as an excuse to tell your parents for where you are at night. Do you not realize that they randomly see us at our jobs and they do speak to us for a short time? All it would take is just forgetting to say the right thing and your whole life would pretty much be over. Not on purpose because we have no intention of ruining your life. You are doing that perfectly fine all by yourself. Also we do not want to have to deal with anyone coming to us to try to find you if God forbid something bad happens. Do you not realize that the first person they will come to is the person you said you were hanging out with? No one appreciates being used and it can get people in serious trouble if the wrong things go down. It also isn’t cool to use your friends who have been around since high school to get a summer booty call set up. I’m sure if they realized all of this they wouldn’t be so eager to help you. We are not stupid and it is actually really insulting that you think we are. We have figured every lie out and the only mystery left is how you can be so blissfully unaware. If you want to ruin your own life than by all means go ahead. But do not drag us into your downward spiral. What you are doing is just childish and ridiculous and you need to understand that you deserve better than that. You will never get better than that until you finally accept that. We were better friends too you than you deserved but all you did was use us so now we are 100% done. You need to learn that you cannot do that to people and expect them to stick around. You are an adult now dear, and I hate to break it too you but if this is how you continue to act towards anyone who is a good friend to you than you will end up completely alone. And allegedly that’s not what you want. If that is true than you need too start acting like it. You are not a child so stop acting like one. Try telling your followers the truth behind all of this and see how much sympathy you get then. Oh that’s right, you would rather just lie to everyone. Good luck with that, you’re going to need it.

For anyone who is wondering about this post it is about a person who became toxic to the friend group and we have stopped communication with. She knows who she is and I know that chances are she will come across this at some point so I feel no need too tag anyone. Good luck with your future.

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