
@odaeira / odaeira.tumblr.com

Caeden | beginning Hellenic Polytheist | He/him pronouns | Bisexual | Worshipper of Persephone, Haides, & Aphrodite FAQ

idk if that makes sense at all but my main pet peeve is people mixing up mythology and religion? like. myths, aka the stories, are mythology, but deities are a part of a particular religion, not “mythology”

example: Zeus flooding the earth is a myth (myth of Deucalion). The myth of Deucalion is, thus, part of Greek mythology. Just like the Abrahamic God flooding the earth in Genesis is a part of Jewish and Christian mythology. There are people who believe that those myths happened just as they are told and there are people who believe they are allegories. 

but! Zeus isn’t a part of Greek “mythology”. Zeus is a deity of a religion, the ancient Greek religion. If you wouldn’t say the Christian God is a part of “Christian mythology”, why do you do that with Zeus, Ra, Izanagi or Odin? Why do some religions get to be religions while the rest are just mythology?


If you are respecting Hera by disrespecting Zeus, you are not respecting Hera.

If you are respecting Zeus by disrespecting Hera, you are not respecting Zeus.

Maybe their marriage has not been one of bliss and perfection, far from it. But you are in for a rude awakening if you think you’re earning the favor of either one by being blatantly rude and disrespectful towards the other.


MYTHOLOGY: Phobos and Deimos

Phobos is the personification of fear in Greek mythology. He is the offspring of Aphrodite and Ares. He was known for accompanying Ares into battle along with the ancient war goddess Enyo, the goddess of discord Eris, and his twin brother Deimos. 
Deimos is the Greek god of terror. Deimos was the son of Ares and Aphrodite. He is the twin brother of Phobos and nephew of the goddess Enyo who accompanied her brother Ares into battle, as well as his father’s attendants, Trembling, Fear, Dread and Panic. Deimos is more of a personification and an abstraction of the sheer terror that is brought by war and he never appeared as an actual character in any story in Greek Mythology.
me: *takes a deep breath*
me: i lo-
anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: Yes, you love Persephone, we know, you love Persephone so much, she's the light of your life, you love her so much, you just love Persephone, we KNOW, you love Persephone, you fucking love Persephone, okay, we know, we get it, YOU LOVE PERSEPHONE. WE GET IT.

Hecate // Goddess of Magic & Witchcraft

Hecate was a goddess in Greek mythology, considered to be the goddess of magic and witchcraft. She was often depicted holding two torches or a key. She was the daughter of the Titans Perses and Asteria, and she was honoured in the households as a protective goddess who brought prosperity.


Nyx // Goddess of the night

Nyx was a primordial deity in Greek mythology that preceded the Titans and the Olympians, and was the personification of the night. She was the daughter of Chaos, out of which all creation originated, and the sister of Erebus, Gaea and Tartarus. She was married to Erebus and had a number of children, including Nemesis, Hypnos, Thanatos, Geras, Eris, and Charon.



Ares is often overlooked as a bloody, gory, hate-filled god. While He can possess those qualities, it’s not all He is, and it’s hard to sit back and watch Him be portrayed that way. Ares practically saved my life when I was at my lowest point, and for that I couldn’t be more thankful. He instilled passion to survive into me, gave me hope and the drive to try and get better. Though the time we shared fighting together was short, I still find Him in just causes all the time. When I turn on the news and see protests, I know Ares is standing among the signs and mingling with the voices. During rallies, opposing the unfair and wrong, Ares empowers everyone. He is anger, the flesh ripping fear of being put down. He is amazing, and I refuse to let my god be put down to a simple god of slashing throats. He appeared to me in a dream once, and He made me feel proud. Proud that I had gotten through my mess. And I did it beside an incredible, furious Theos. He had been as pumped up and angry as me. If not more so. This post is getting pretty long, but what I’ve been trying to say here is that Ares is more than I ever could have asked for, and I’ll be damned if I stand by and watch His name get slandered.


Modern Polytheism

•wearing jewelry made of rocks and minerals associated with your deities

•wearing the color associated with your deity on days you need luck, or a confidence boost, etc

•devoting a blanket or stuffed animal to your deities so when your down you can snuggle with it and feel better

•silently offering your food before you eat it

•having a blog filled with pictures and words that remind you of your deities

•whispering goodnight to your deities before you fall asleep

•turning an empty box into a shrine and keeping it in your room/at your desk

•having a playlist that reminds you of your deities and listening to it

•celebrating religious holidays whenever you can and loving that you can

•buying something nice for your deities when something good happens to you/you just want to show appreciation for Them

•doing research on the mythology and history of your religion, spending nights hunched over your laptop with multiple tabs open with conflicting stories

•listening to meditative music you found on YouTube

•sharing UPG with other polytheists and discussing your practice

•knowing that you always have a place in your religion


Advice for the baby Hellenic Polytheists

I’ve got just about a year under my belt now, so I’m very much still a baby myself. But here’s a few things I wish I’d known, or think might be helpful.

  • Just make khernips with a match. No really. It’s the extinguishing of a flame in the water that makes it lustral. Don’t worry about the rest unless you really want to and have the time.
  • You don’t have to introduce yourself to any gods. They all want to be worshiped; just get to it.
  • We’re not as intimidating as you think we are. We just…read a lot. You can read a lot too. You’re welcome here. We’ll even help.
  • Books are expensive. Theoi.com’s library is free.
  • Statuary is nice. It is also wicked pricey. Here’s what you need on an altar: A bowl for offerings, a vessel for khernips (can be near the altar rather than on it)
  • Wine, olive oil, honey, water are pretty universal libations. You’re welcome.
  • Dispose of offerings however works for you. Just do it with respect, and you’re fine. Oh but don’t consume offerings to cthonic (underground) deities, alright? That’s bad times.
  • The gods demand Arete. That is your personal best, not the best of the person next to you, or your mother, or somebody you idolize on tumblr. Do your best.
  • This is a religion of Kharis. When you ask the gods for something, give them something. Then, do not forget the thank you. Offer again if you are granted what you asked for.
  • Our tumblr community is pretty great, but we also are sometimes wrong. Find sources, and for gods’ sake do not try to replace your studies with Tumblr. Read for yourself, learn for yourself, build your religion such that it best honors the gods and works for you.
  • If you’re like me, you’re constantly moaning “How do you pronounce THAT?”. I know, friend, I know. Try a couple of these lessons on the ancient Greek alphabet. It is NOT fool proof. It is an incredibly complex language, and pronouncing it ain’t easy. But boy it will help with those particularly tricky epithets.
  • Oaths are serious business. Gods are easy to fall in love with. Be careful. Be patient. 
  • Real life pagans are way, way nicer than the ones on the internet. Go find them.
  • There are exceptions to most rules. Most of those exceptions are Dionysos.
  • “I don’t know what to say” “I don’t know how to write a hymn” We basically have a hymnal. 
  • No, ___ will not get jealous if you also worship ____. It’s a fear of us recovering monotheists, but I promise it does not apply to this religion. It’s kind of what POLYtheist means, and plus, most of our gods are related. Show the whole family some love.
  • “What is [god name] like?” They’re pretty fucking cool. Go find out for yourself, and bring gifts.
  • The gods know we are mortals, and that mortals make mistakes. Apologize. Bring gifts.
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