
Look at this Baby Bird

@lookatthisbabybird / lookatthisbabybird.tumblr.com

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Oldest Known Black Swift Found in Colorado

This story from the field comes from Bird Conservancy of the Rockies biologists Rob Sparks and Colin Woolley: “On August 1st 2023, we were excited to recapture a female Black Swift at a nesting site in Colorado, where it was first banded as an adult (after-hatch-year) bird in 2005! That makes this swift at least 19 years old, breaking the longevity record set in 2022… by this very same swift! That’s right, this swift has been returning to nest at the same site since at least 2005, and has been recaptured 14 times over the years. Research like this highlights the importance of long-term monitoring projects and what they can reveal about a species’ site fidelity and lifespan. Right now, this swift is likely in Brazilian airspace, soaring over the Amazon Basin, where it will remain aloft for the entire overwintering period. Here’s to hoping this bird returns to nest in Colorado in 2024!” All banding is being conducted under a federally authorized Bird Banding Permit issued by the U.S. Geological Survey’s BBL.
Me: I'm going to give you a harmless plastic band for identification purposes, Bowie. It won't hurt.
Bowie: Mother is... evil? Mother is unyielding? Mother is incapable of love? I am flying away. I am packing my little rucksack and going out to explore the world as a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this household.

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