
Kara Kiro's Universe

@karakirouniverse / karakirouniverse.tumblr.com



Apparently people have been adopting dogs and either killing them themselves or dropping them to a kill shelter (and one even said they were flying them to poor Asian areas to be eaten) under the Twitter hashtag #pitbulldropoff

This is completely cruel and evil and word needs to get around about these demons so everyone knows what these demons are planning to do to dogs once they get ahold of them.

If you know someone or if you yourself is planning to give away a pitty by craigslist soon, DONT and wait for awhile!!!! They act like they’re going to adopt them and act all nice then they get rid of them, don’t be fooled!!

DM me for uncensored names!!!!!!!!

Someone should tell these people I will fucking end them.

What the actual fuck?!? This is outrageous and disgusting!

BOOST THIS even if it doesn’t match your blog theme please

This may not be lbgt related but I couldn’t not reblog it to here. This blog is a platform that gives me a voice and I’m using it. Spread this. please.

The reason these “demons” are killing pitball puppies is because of how many children/babies pitbulls have killed

Every single breed of dog has the potential to kill. Every. Single. One. I have encountered far more violent dalmatians, chowchows, chihuahuas, and others compared to pitbulls. You are disgusting if you think the reported pitbull attacks can justify killing off an entire breed you vile excuse for a human being. 

I am a veterinary science major who has studied many breeds and their behaviors and other traits. You don’t think labs have killed kids? That goldens haven’t? Pitbull attacks are the ones that are showed to media the most, while other instances of breeds attacking is kept on the downlow because of the appearances and stigmas around the breed. The main reasons for pitbull attacks? Their owners. Either they were abused or were not kept inside. Many attacks by dogs are also energetic excited pooches wanting to play but not knowing their strength (it’s how my doberman has left me scratched up).

 I have been attacked by chow mixes, labs, collies, etc, but never a pitbull. I have a pit and she has only ever saved my life MULTIPLE times. You can’t justify the murder of an entire breed.

Killing a breed won’t save kids, responsible dog owners will.


Say it louder for the assholes in the back


wow. i’m fucking disgusted.

I have a feeling these same people are racist as well (especially after the Asian comment). Sick fucks.

I’m sorry I know we don’t know the race of these ppl but my heart is telling me white because no one is as delusional as white ppl, this shit is fucking sad. You say you’re saving ppl but look at the way they write about these defensless animals smh fucking crazy

Why would yall block out their @names?

Is this a crime? It should be.

Ayooo if we can get racists to lose their jobs and find out where they live and find all their information, we can do the same damn thing to these mfs. What the hell is wrong with people???

Why are their handles blocked out?

Yo wtf

Disgusting. Those people need to be locked away forever.


Alinaa-chaan I wanted to ask you something! I've been searching for a softer texture for shading my comics (skinshading especially) and then I saw your Nalu DJ again on dA and I was wondering how/where you got your textures from. Could you please tell me? *^*


That is indeed a very good question lol. unfortunately, the Site where I got them from doesn’t seem to exist anymore. But there are many great screentones out there, and they are very easy to use and modify with photoshop. I guess it works with any version, but I remember using PS7 back then and it was very, very easy to do. As for the screentones, you should google “screentone pack for (program of choice)”. I’ve never used anything besides PS, so I dunno of there are screentones for other programs, but I just googled it myself and found many great screentone packs for PS. Also, in PS it’s possible to soften textures yourself. In the beginning, I only had like five screentones and I darkened and lighted it manually, as well as roughed it up or softened it. You can also expand or narrow a texture for some nice effects. The best way is to just play around with it a lot until you get the results you want. Hope this helped a bit, sorry I can’'t give you sources :)


helllooooo, I've been following you at dA since 2001-ish? or something like that! I miss your art q vq glad to see you active again!! and if it's too much to ask, sorry for being curious in advance, but why did you left? Or didn't you? I also went into a hiatus so I could have missed important news from all my idols T uT


Oh gosh, that’s a hella long time! I didn’t even realize I’ve been on dA for that long lol. But thanks so much for following me all this time, I’m so happy ;___;

well, I went on hiatus because of personal stuff. And also a little because of technical difficulties haha. But I’m back now, and I’m trying to become as active as I was on dA!


Sorry for the lack of WIPs on this pic.  Here are jpg’s of all the steps (with not-so-very-clear notes).

All the work was done in GIMP.


Wait what? A grayscale shade layer??? What layer option do you use though, let alone change the color successfully?

This is a really effective way to color, actually. I do it all the time. When you make shade layer, make sure you’re ONLY shading SHADOWS and basic diffusion — NOT object/material color values (like, just because the socks should be a dark color, you’re going to completely ignore that in the shading layer.) There are two ways to mix the shading afterward. You can place the shading layer over the flats layer then set the shading to Multiply, OR put the flats over the shading and set the flats to “Color” blending. Then, you just paint some small variances in hue to whichever layer you’ve set blending mode to.

This is a great way to color because it eliminates the need to mix new colors as you pass from one flat to another. It gets less of a painterly look, but in this type of art you’re not going for that anyway. Excellent for comics.




From last week’s JUMP, Summer Picture Diary special. (Public raws)

28th August, Friday

The volleyball club had a test of courage. I wasn’t able to act scared for the senpai, so they probably thought I wasn’t worth scaring. (This is probably Kageyama saying it. XD)

Thanks to donamoeba for help with the translation.

By the way, there’s no JUMP this week due to the Obon holiday. Haikyuu!! will get a color page next week when it resumes. ^^


I loved your hinayachi doujin so much! I ship them so hard ♥ thanks for the amazing art!


Awww thank you so much!! I’m glad you liked it! 


Does anybody know if the first prototype Haikyuu manga was ever scanned or published in the tanks? I’m not referring to this one, but the one where Kageyama is trying to persuade Hinata to join the boy’s volleyball team. 

Because it looks sweet.

Compared to the two works that followed it, they turn out to be rather good friends. 

It was first published in Jump NEXT Winter 2011.






AND SO (they let you get super detailed)

It lets you store 100 characters (you gain 2 extra slots whenever someone uses your referral code) and 10 images per character. You can even make GROUPS to organize them a little more— per RP or something. Image files can’t be too big either.

BUT if you want more file size, more character slots, and more other stuff, you can get a subscription! Don’t worry, subscriptions are super cheap (take notes, deviantART)!


pssst dudes charahub is really cool for character reference stuff. i have one, i should really make more use of it.

Anonymous asked:

thank you for the hinayachi comic I died from the cuteness goSH

You are very welcome! :)

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