

@miacott / miacott.tumblr.com

Mia's art blog! Lots of Pokemon, Warriors, MLP, anthros, and occassional humans. Do enjoy and feel free to ask questions!

The Delta Warrior

Once upon a time I drew designs and made up some lore for my own Pokemon AU for Undertale, Poketale! You can find all the old art and read up on the lore for it here! Fond times.

Now we have Deltarune, and I've wanted to design Kris as an Eevee since chapter 1. Now that I've played chapter 2, that inspiration came back full force.

So...Pokerune...? Where Lightners become shinies when they jump into Dark Worlds!

If I get hit with more inspiration in the future, it'd be cool to draw more for Pokerune! But please don't expect a dedicated project. ; v ;

And for fun, I had to draw the main three side-by-side for comparison~

(Kris is a teen so their neck fluff is thinner than the other two!)

Anonymous asked:

Can you give me a sum of everything on your tumblr?

Define “sum” and define “tumblr”? <xD The story of Destinyverse?


R u still doing Pokétale art? Love it btw!


I appreciate your Poketale love! Unfortunately, I’ve long stopped drawing content for it, as I’ve moved on to other projects! Thank you for enjoying my Poketale content nonetheless!



Eventide Twister and Dream Flow share an intimate moment together on Hearth’s Warming Eve.

*NOTE: This chapter contains in-story music! For the full experience, do listen to the song that’s linked later in the story before or during the scene in question! Thanks!

Story and Description Under The Cut



*And with this art dump, I’ll like to officially state that if having a trans character - or any LGBTQA character in this story for that matter - is a problem for anyone, all I can say is that this story and space is not for you. As an artist and story that supports all LGBTQA identities, I’m not here for transphobic or homophobic comments and discussions. I’m also not here to read about whether anyone “disagrees” with Terra Rosa’s identity. End of story. Anyone who decides to disregard this message will risk being blocked entirely. This is my warning.*

And with that out of the way; give a big warm official welcome to your friendly neighborhood transgirl, Terra Rosa~ Also say hi to my first fully colored art dump, holy-

   1. A young Terra Rosa leaned more towards playing with girls her age. But on numerous occasions, she would find herself feeling out of sorts when referred to as the “boy” in her friend groups. Over time, Terra became increasingly more self-aware and uncomfortable with the apparent physical differences between herself and her own mom. And while this lead to curious questions about these differences, Twilight Sparkle and Timber Spruce only thought of them as normal inquiries of a child.

It wasn’t until the day Terra excitedly dressed up - hoping to better resemble her beautiful mother - that she saw the image of herself in a mirror and so much seemed to click in place all at once, for herself and her family. Of course, enjoying feminine clothing didn’t necessarily confirm what Twilight, Timber, and Aunt Gloriosa were beginning to suspect. With much love, support, and gentle coaxing over time, it became more and more clear to the Spruce family that they, in fact, had a sprightly lil’ daughter on their hands.

   2. All of Terra’s close friends know of her identity. It’s just another part of Terra that is widely accepted and loved unconditionally~

Much like their equestrian counterpart, Terra’s friend Monochrome Dashielle had confusing, iffy feelings about their own gender identity. Where equestrian Mo opened up to their parents at a young age and discovered their nonbinary identity that way, learning of Terra’s circumstance both helped confirm that other identities even existed but also had Mirrorverse!Monochrome conflicted as to whether they had to choose one gender or the other. It took them a few self-conscious years full of hesitance and turbulent emotions before Ellie and Terra had a little heart-to-heart talk, from one transgendered kid to another. With lots of encouragement from Terra (and jokes to cheer up her friend and ease their stress), Ellie too came to sort out and accept how they really felt.

While Terra, Monochrome, and Summer Rush are a very close trio of friends, there’s a special unspoken extra layer of companionship and comfort between Terra and Mo as fellow transkids.

(PS: I had no real reason to include Astral finding out about Terra’s identity since that conversation basically consisted of him asking questions to better understand and then essentially going “Okay cool”.)

   3. The origin story of Terra’s pink/blue/white obsession. As stated in her bio, Terra will literally hoard anything that remotely has the color combination and will spontaneously and aggressively throw down money if it means adding to her collection. She also has an affinity for merchandise of the popular video game “Panda Party”.

   4. Honestly, listening to “You Need To Calm Down” and “Me!” by Taylor Swift on repeat had me thinking of Terra and this image would not leave my mind.

At the end of the day, patience and love went a long way for our girl. She’s been on hormone therapy for years and while body dysphoria likes to rear its cruel head, she desperately tries to be all about that positivity and self-love.


“Gems and Flora”

  1. “S-she’s really pretty…” At one point in time as a child, Astral Dusk’s younger sister Eventide Twister was also brought over to visit the human world. She had a harder time adjusting to the other dimension compared to her older brother, but at the very least she got to meet Astral’s friendly and pretty friend Terra Rosa. It didn’t stop little Eve from hiding behind her brother or any objects in her field of vision every chance she got. That visit was Eve’s first and last dimensional-hop. Like her father who was able to visit the human world once before with his wife, Eve prefers standing on all four of her hooves. And while Eve had developed an itty bitty kiddy crush on Terra, it was a short-lived one as the two never really saw each other as often as Astral and Terra did.
  2. After the expulsion of (most) magic from the Mirrorverse, Princess Twilight tried to keep the Crystal Mirror’s existence as obscure as possible, only allowing Sunset Shimmer (and eventually Astral Dusk) free passage between dimensions. But upon Terra Rosa’s eager request, and after gaining Princess Twilight’s approval, Terra was given permission to visit Equestria as a sort of one-week cultural field trip! After crossing dimensions, to both Astral and Terra’s surprise, it turned out her pony form was that of a unicorn’s! Astral would’ve been lying to himself if he had claimed he hadn’t felt even a tinge of envy, being an aspiring researcher of gems and magical properties who couldn’t wield magic himself. But Terra was having a blast with her new form, and well, that’s what ended up really mattering to Astral. Meanwhile, it’s preeetty uh…weird to enter a world where being naked is a norm.
  3. While meeting her alternate dimensional daughter was surreal and rather mind-boggling for Princess Twilight, Terra Rosa was filled to the brim with excitement over meeting not only her pony-mom, but her technical half-dimensional brother, Nova Spark! Nova didn’t…quite share the same sentiment, preferring to stare at Terra bug-eyed and fluffed up from behind his mother’s leg. Though to be fair, having a strange energetic kid appear from another dimension and call your own mother ‘mom’ would be a little alarming. Just a little. Astral didn’t really appreciate the distrusting glances the brat prince would shoot at his friend whenever she gushed and rambled at the three of them over the new sights around her. He especially didn’t appreciate catching a soft mutter of “weirdo” from Nova when the younger colt thought no one was listening. It took everything in Astral not to trip the snobbish boy right then and there. Safe to say while Terra found her younger half-sibling adorable and huggable, Nova as a child waaasn’t really about that. Weirdly enough, Astral found the boy avoiding her whenever she treaded his castle while simultaneously watching her from a distance around corners.
  4. Terra came to visit Equestria at least two to three other times after her first initial visit! While her visits couldn’t be as frequent as Astral’s were to the Mirrorverse, she and Astral used the Equestrian-visits to the fullest! Showing Terra more of their world, giving her a few magic lessons thanks to Sunset, and of course…some collaborative research action~ Astral can’t go one scientific project without wearing a lab coat. It’s like a thinking cap, allowing him to channel his inner researcher whilemakinghimfeelreallycool,shh. Naturally, it only made sense if Terra joined in on the scientific channeling. The sessions mainly contained crazy idea pitching and aimless notes for the endless possibilities of combining flora and gems and magic. Whether they really got anywhere with their combined efforts was really up in the air, but at least they had fun~
  5. Entering their teen years, both Astral and Terra were granted part-time jobs as junior counselors at the family camp, Camp Everfree! The job mainly consisted of assisting with activities and easing the burden of keeping track of a class of kids from Terra’s father Timber Spruce and aunt Gloriosa Daisy. It was around this time that Terra managed to see old photos of Sunset Shimmer back when she and Terra’s mother were high schoolers. Sunset’s old leather wardrobe, as well as a childhood photo of Astral wearing a tiny leather jacket, had Terra demanding that Astral bring the leather back!! Immediately!! While Astral gave in (quietly swearing he’d only wear it indoors), Aunt Gloriosa kind of just…gave him her infamous disapproving squint. Terra always seemed pretty unaffected by “the squint”, but for some reason Astral always found himself wanting to duck in a corner in the face of Gloriosa’s authoritative side as head Camp Counselor.
  6. If you haven’t seen the glorious scene this is based on, please do oh my gosh. Astral wasn’t sure how many hours had passed in the aftermath of the apparent war Terra had waged on the ring toss booth. Astral realized that day the lengths his friend would go for her fixations. He was left feeling weirdly exhausted, but Terra’s bright beam and the hop to her step as she nuzzled her plush made it all rather worth it. Twilight and Sunset always got a kick out of seeing their kids getting along and working well together…to the utmost degree.
  7. Welcome to “I might be feeling things for my best friend but I don’t want to ruin what we have so I just won’t acknowledge it and cherish things as they are” the unholy novel. Neither of them ever realized the other had the exact same thought.

Name: Terra Rosa Spruce

Nickname(s): Terra (common), Terri, Terri Rosie (dad and close friends)

Family: Twilight Sparkle/SciTwi (mother), Timber Spruce (father), Gloriosa Daisy (aunt), Shining Armor (uncle), Flurry Heart (cousin)

Occupation: Student/Botanist/Part-time Camp Everfree Counselor


  • (Origin): Twilight Sparkle and Timber Spruce dated through college and it didn’t take long for the ever-gifted Twilight to land herself a job as a computational engineer. After the two married, Timber moved out of Camp Everfree to settle down with Twilight in Canterlot City. Despite the greater travel distance from the family camp, Timber loyally stuck to his job as co-camp director of Camp Everfree alongside his sister Gloriosa. 
  • Once Terra Rosa was born, Timber took over the role of stay-at-home dad and Twilight served as the family’s breadwinner~ He made plenty of weekend visits to Camp Everfree during this time, showing off their cute-ass baby to his sister and presenting the tiny tot his usual stomping grounds~ When Terra was old enough, Timber returned to his work at Camp Everfree. It was a little hard, but Twilight and Timber did their very best to balance out work, family, and the beloved family camp.
  • Terra is an optimistic and friendly girl ready to have fun and leap into action. While she’s very playful and social, she possesses a quirkiness that makes it slightly difficult for just anyone to keep up with her. She possesses a small group of close friends as a result and affectionately gives her pals nicknames. This includes Dusky (Astral Dusk), Sunny, Chasey, Ellie, and Te! Four out of five would be characters you’re familiar with~
  • Terra grew up an outdoorsy kid much like her father before her. She was all about scraped knees and catching grasshoppers and jotting down every detail she could possibly learn about every beautiful plant possible. It’s no surprise Terra developed a fixation on plants. Camp Everfree never failed to amaze her in the nature department. Twilight and Timber did everything they could to support Terra’s interests, such as giving her informational books on flora, helping her get into flower-pressing, and joining her in identifying new species. Unfortunately, the extent of her interest would lead to plant-tangents and humor that other kids her age couldn’t quite understand or relate to. Even with friends she loved deeply, this left Terra feeling disappointed and even somewhat lonely. She thankfully found a best friend in Astral Dusk, who suffered from the same conflict in his own dimension.
  • While raising Terra, the one thing Twilight and Timber always clashed over was the amount of freedom they could give their daughter. It was hard finding a middle ground between someone who spent his whole life freely exploring and running through the woods and someone who spent most of her time cooped up in a room to study. There were times where Twilight would worry over Terra doing something, only for Timber to defend her and trust that she’d be fine. It never lead to heavy arguments, but it definitely created frustrating disagreements. Over time the two had to learn together through trial and error the right amount of freedom and clear safety precautions to give their girl, especially after the events in “Paralleled”.
  • Terra has had nonallergic asthma (notably exercise-induced and stress-induced) for as long as she can remember, although an asthma attack she suffered from as a toddler exists as the corners of her memory. Her parents take her condition seriously and have kept a plan to help strengthen her lungs and control her symptoms. Along with an inhaler she always carries with her, our girl also possesses a face mask for when the temperature drops due to cold air being an asthma trigger. Thankfully she hasn’t had an attack since.
  • Terra had a bit of a case of ADHD as a kid that tended to clash with her asthma with how much she loved zooming around. While she’s always had an intelligent mind and could understand concepts ahead of her grade, she also suffered (and still does) from absent-mindedness and a lack of time management. Terra can be unintentionally impulsive as a result, as well as have difficulty focusing on schoolwork. This, plus a dash of test anxiety, can lead to completing work at the last minute and impairs her grades more than what she knows she “should be capable of”. She plays it off with a laugh, but in reality, it’s something she finds deeply frustrating and embarrassing as the kid of two brilliant scientific minds. She works hard to manage her ADD.
  • A blue/pink/white color combination is Terra’s alternate obsession. If her eye catches anything of the sort, she’ll be distracted in mere seconds and has a 98% chance of impulse buying it no matter the impracticality.


Feat.  Astral Dusk, Terra Rosa

To help her son make friends, Sunset Shimmer brings Astral Dusk on a camping trip in the human universe. There, he’s introduced to human Twilight’s energetic daughter, Terra Rosa. And while the two discover their similarities and forge a friendship, Astral becomes a little too aware of their differences…to the point of questioning if they will last.

Story and Description Under The Cut (this is a long one!)



Feat: Terra Rosa

This idea has been on hold for the longest time now, ever since I saw this particular video. I knew it’d give me an excuse to draw daddo Timber Spruce serenading his kiddo Terra Rosa (or, as Timber likes to call his little babe, Terri Rosie~). Baby Terra is oh-so-fascinated by Papa Timber’s singing and guitar skills~ Off screen, Twilight is peering in on this little scene and giggling to herself over her lovable dorks. To clarify, Terra Rosa is the next gen of Timber Spruce and SciTwi (humanverse Twilight Sparkle, for those not as familiar) and is Astral Dusk ’s childhood friend. She’ll be getting her official in-story introduction in the upcoming opening chapter of Astral’s arc~! Looking forward to writing for this bean. uwu Fun facts! TwiTimber is my favorite (canon) ship and I’d go as far as to say that Timber Spruce is my favorite male character in the FiM/EQG universe. Like, if you haven’t seen Legend of Everfree where he’s introduced, just know he is the most darling of dorky dears, oh my God (his intro is enough evidence). He’s such a charming nerd who’s stupidly in love with SciTwi and I will never understand the hate he garners (totally respect people who ship Princess Twilight with Flash Sentry, but it boggles my mind that there are people who downright despise Timber for “replacing Flash” when Princess Twilight and SciTwi are two completely separate entities. I have ideas behind why, but meh I’ll end that thought there <xD). Timber’s a genuinely sweet character who shares some adorable-ass chemistry with Twi! And his little romance with Twi developed way more naturally than most other on-screen crushes, probably due to that adorkable chemistry.  I just have a lot of feelings for Timber and want him to be appreciated man. At least his Terri Rosie admires the heckles out of him.



Pokemon designs I drew for Dream Flow (shiny Ralts), Eventide (Eevee), and Skychaser (Dartrix) for question 20 of my Deviantart Destinyverse Q&A (which I’ll be posting here soon!)!! I couldn’t resist throwing together actual designs. uwu  I think they’d be called Team Destiny/Destinynote. Blue accessories with some sort of music note design are their theme (and each accessory has some design-relation to their actual cutie marks). While I can imagine Dream Flow being the leader who recruited Skychaser as her partner, followed by Eventide, I’m also fond of the idea of Eventide being leader and learning about leadership and confidence and all that!


*breathes in* HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!

I was on vacation during this time last year and didn’t get to draw anything for it- BUT HERE WE ARE IN 2019!

While these darlings aren’t all of the LGBTQ chars in Destinyverse, I decided to draw some the ones we’ve come to know so far \;w;/ Gives me a chance to officially state the sexuality ideas I had for them!

Let’s break it down!

Skychaser - Pansexual Evergreen Glade - Gay Dreamaria Flow - Demisexual Eventide Twister - Lesbian Nova Spark - Demisexual Monochrome - Bisexual And of course, the AroAce Squad~!

Venture Gale - Aro/Ace Rainy Daze - Aromantic Caramello - Asexual

No matter where you are in figuring out your sexual or romantic identity, you’re all wonderful and valid <3 ;w; Have a wonderful Pride Month!!

“Can you hear my heartbeat? I can hear yours too, Shuichi. It's my favorite melody."

ShuichixKaede for my soul.

I finished watching a Let's Play of Danganronpa V3 and lemme tell you that game is beautiful insanity. But most of all, these two absolutely fucking wrecked me. No other Danganronpa game has ever gotten such a gut-wrenching visceral reaction out of me. DR2 held that place for the longest time, but n o p e. I'm still not over Shuichi and Kaede's story and I don't think I'll ever be, so I had to draw happy fluff to cope. SO, this is based on their special non-canon Love Suite scene cause it's the closest to these two being together that I'll ever get- *lays down* They deserve so much happiness.




“Wowzers, looky you! I knew you were the mare for the job! Ehehe~~”

“….” *nods*

Eve’s self-conscious, but well, a job’s a job.

  • Unfortunately by the time Eve finished basic schooling, her struggle with anxiety had taken up so much of her emotional and mental health that she had yet to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. Even with her fast-flying talent, not a single suggestion related to her talent - trying for the Wonderbolts being a common one - struck a chord in her. It didn’t help that despite her medication and poetry therapy helping with her more severe anxiety symptoms, Eve’s internalized distaste for her own voice stayed as she struggled with emotional expression and just about anything social. She could blame it on her deep-seeded insecurities, as well as her newfound sense of caution and emotional distance from others. And yet, despite this, a certain mare managed to catch a glimpse of what Eve was capable of with her speed and took GREAT interest. Derpaline Hooves, AKA lovable local muffin-lovin head-mailmare Derpy, was eager to tumble into Eve’s path and excitedly recruit her to join Ponyville’s Post Office workforce! Eve naturally was nervous, but with encouragement from her parents to give it a shot, Eve accepted the position. Derpy loves her new mailmare, and while she can sometimes awkwardly forget that Eventide isn’t much of a talker, the sweet mare never forces her employee to speak and tries to work with her.
  • Eve has proven herself to be one of Ponyville’s best mailmare’s. She delivers local mail and packages quickly and efficiently, to the point that her mail rounds are quite timely and a pony can usually expect when she’ll pass by each day (outside of busier holiday seasons).
  • Thanks to the nature of her job, Eve usually doesn’t have to worry about conversing and resorts to one or two-worded answers for the sake of work when necessary. Meanwhile, being a mailmare has also led most of Ponyville to become familiar with her face and, of course, her silence. Most citizens have come to accept her rare speech and social avoidance as a norm, chalking it all up to simple shyness in her case. It’s an assumption and simplification that bothers her, but well, the concept of anxiety seems to be elusive for some ponies. Ponyville citizens are friendly to her regardless, though deep down, she feels they must find her unpleasant. Her everyday routine, doing her rounds and being politely greeted and left to her own devices by townsfolk, became comfortable…yet lonely.
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