
love me if you dare.

@rosywonderland-blog / rosywonderland-blog.tumblr.com

Rosy.19.Italy.Really obsessed about everything.
“Non ho mai sentito di appartenere a nessun posto. Ma tu mi fai sentire come se ci fosse un posto per me.”

Shadowhunters, Cassandra Clare (via insanity-99)

“Trentamila giorni a guardarti dormire, a sapere il freddo o il caldo del tuo corpo, a capire cosa ti faceva male dentro, ad amare ogni ruga in più che nasceva. Trentamila giorni di te e me, di questa casa che un giorno abbiamo dichiarato nostra, di difficoltà e di ansie. Trentamila giorni in cui tutto è cambiato e nulla ci ha cambiati, delle tue lacrime così belle e tristi, delle poche volte in cui la vita ci ha costretto a separarci. Trentamila giorni, mia vecchia brontolona adorabile. Io e te e il mondo, e tutti i vecchi che un giorno abbiamo conosciuto sono ormai andati via insieme alla vecchiaia. Noi siamo ancora qui, trentamila giorni dopo, insieme come sempre. Insieme per sempre. Trentamila giorni in cui ho disimparato tante cose, amore mio. Tranne ad amarti.” —Pedro Chagas Freitas.
“I don’t think stage fright is important, but I think it’s really important that you don’t think you’re great. Because once you get to that point, you just fuck everything up. You think that everyone’s going to think you’re great all the time, and that’s rubbish. Artists and bands that I’ve grown up loving, they get a certain amount of success and they’re like, “Oh, this is easy.” And I’m like, “I don’t like you anymore. I like your music, but I don’t like you.” And if you don’t like the person, why are you going to let them into your life? It’s a whole package, which is what I think an artist should be. With my stage fright, I just don’t want to let people down. I get so nervous onstage that I don’t have the guts to improvise or anything like that. But also, you know when you go to a show of someone that you love, and they play a record that you absolutely love, but they play it so many different ways that you can’t even sing along? One of my favorite things about going to a gig and, doing a gig, is the singalongs — the crowd gets to sing with you and you get to sing with the artist. Like, that’s one of my favorite things personally. So I would never want to perform a song completely differently.“ [x]
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