

@elizavq / elizavq.tumblr.com


If you’ve been waiting to buy OneShot for whatever reason, now’s a good time since it’s 50% off on Steam for the next 2 days! http://store.steampowered.com/app/420530/OneShot/

Also, later tonight at 5pm PST we (the devs) will be doing a stream of the game with commentary, since it’s the 1 year anniversary since the Solstice update came out.  Come check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/elizagamedev

@nightmargin @elizavq and myself will be there.  Also, banner image above was drawn by @nightmargin


Gosh I've been neglecting Tumblr haven't I :c sorry


Here’s a side-by-side if my Alula Cosplay that I got to showcase at Holiday Matsuri this year!! I’m so happy I got to finish it in time!! I barely got any photos this year but HOPEFULLY TOMORROW my friend will hook me up with them good photos 👌👌👀 So look forward to that. Hopefully soon I should have a mini OneShot group with some amazing and wonderful friends!! 💕💕

And huge thank you to @nightmargin, @girakacheezer, and @elizavq for making this amazing and wonderful game and art!! I’m so glad I got to experience such an emotional and beautiful game such as yours!! 💕

Overall Alula Cosplay Progress photo dump coming soon!

Anonymous asked:

hey, im sorry if this is a dumb question but what pronouns do u use? i know youre trans but im not sure and i dont wanna use the wrong ones by accident aaa

she/her c:


OneShot Banner

ONESHOT IS SUCH A GOOD AND PURE GAME OH MY GOODNESS! i love this game a lot, especially its fourth wall breaking elements. the protagonist is a super adorable cat (and yet not cat) little cutie. i love this game to bits and it deserves so much more attention. i really hope it wins pc game of the year. love love LOVE it (and if any of you have seen this on steam it is because i drew it a while ago and posted it under Dragonia40 there. I even got a comment from NightMargin which was awesome! to think the artist for the game thought my art was cool! :3)

Oneshot is made by these lovely people:


o: could I use this as my Twitter banner?


Nobody draws this person, but… why? They look so neat with these glasses! So, I’ve decided to fix it and to draw them)) Also if I draw the shepherd, why not draw their crazy sheep? I remember how it freaked me out when I firstly herd it’s voice… no, it’s still freaking me out… so, that’s why I draw it so angry (I’m pretty sure there is Satan in this sheep).


I got a weird influx of questions about Niko’s gender in the past couple days so I guess I’ll answer this question again.

Niko’s gender is unknown. Given that it’s unknown it’s not possible to rule out nonbinary as a possibility.

As far as we can tell Niko is okay with “they” though.

Anonymous asked:

Hey is the OneShot merch on fan gamer there permanently or is it a limited time/supply kinda thing?

It's staying there c:


I'm quite nervous about the job interview I have today. This place so far seems like a good fit for me. I don't want to blow it.


Someday I’ll be confident enough to post selfies and talk about more stuff and go to cons and do whatever. I wanna be more outgoing and engaging instead of a recluse. Soon maybe.

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