
Meanwhile, in Newfoundland...

@shadsasaur / shadsasaur.tumblr.com

It is a Shads, your local bog and forest monster! It/they.

Some silly light hearted fun at Flocessy Ranch! Always thought it was wild you can meet wild Riolu just hanging out in the tall grass.

As for that dwebble following them… everybody’s aware of their little passenger. My guy just wants to collect rocks and live in Blitzle’s saddle like a pocket friend. Litwick’s terrorizing them, like some sort of territorial cat.


This refusal to mask to protect lives reminds me of how that one old timey surgeon was like "hey I noticed that mortality rates go down when I wash my hands between handling corpses and delivering babies, maybe try it?" And he got treated viciously and shunned by the entire medical field because "a gentleman's hands are always clean" like by default so they shouldn't have to wash them.

And just this obvious but often unspoken idea that contagion can never be spread (and definitely not seriously suffered) by someone who thinks of themself as like inherently "pure" and how these ideas link up with white supremacist and ableist/eugenicist concepts of who is "dirty" and who is considered pure/clean by default even without cleaning themselves (and how Calvinist predestination never really left us and people think they're "good" because of their own special essence rather than what they DO) and like who generally gets blamed for widespread contagion and how those who are ill long term are suspect and are either fakers/exaggerating/"using it as an excuse" or deserve to suffer somehow or both and how all this cognitive baggage makes it possible to see thousands dead every week and decide that's not a big deal

Which is a lot of why anti masking started with christofascist white supremacists!!

Anyways if you consider yourself a leftist or like even a decent person you should back that up with your actions!!

Be willing to put up with literally just looking a little weird, that is the lowest cost you'll probably ever pay for potentially saving human lives and I'm sorry but if you let your feelings of AWKWARDNESS get in the way of living by your principles you need to suck it up. I have intense social anxiety and it is not a good reason to refuse to take the most basic precautions for a deadly and disabling illness.

That's assuming you HAVE principles and value human life... Idk maybe you kinda believe that your convenience is worth more than other people's survival because you see anyone who might get very sick or die as part of an out group that you can't bring yourself to care about!

And if that's the case you need to work that shit out bc I'm sorry but it's shitty of you to see the world that way and you can do better.

“No one is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart: for his purity, by definition, is unassailable.”

James Baldwin


i wanted to post the full picture but i only have the edit i made where the mom is smoking


probably my most powerful interpersonal communication hack is to, whenever possible, ask either/or questions rather than yes/no questions

for example, when chatting with coworkers, i’ll often ask if they have any fun weekend plans. but let’s be real - we all feel like friendless losers when someone asks that question and we go “uhhhhh… no.” so instead, i phrase it as “so, do you have anything fun planned over the weekend, or are you just going to enjoy having some time to relax?”

phrased like this, there’s rarely any awkwardness. you’ve presented two options & given both equally positive connotations, so your conversational partner has an automatic “out,” so to speak

but it works for higher stakes conversations too!!!! my mom was saying this weekend how she and her neighbor both like walking around the neighborhood & that she wanted to suggest they take a walk together sometime, but was worried about how to approach the conversation

so i said “how about you just say ‘i’ve noticed we both like taking walks! would you be interested in going for one together, or do you use walks for some precious alone time?’”

now Walking Neighbor has an automatic “get out of jail free card” if she wants to say no!!!! which means my mom doesn’t have to worry about the conversation being uncomfortable, because she’s set it up to go smoothly

either/or questions rather than yes/no questions. it is really like magic


scylla Mouth perfec t size for put sailor in to s\ail! inside very Soft and Comfort sailor sail safely put sailor in Scylla Mouth. Put Sailor In Scylla Mouth. no problems ever in scyylla mouth because good Shape and Support for sailor ship weak of big ship mast. Ascylla Mouth yes a place for a sailor put sailor in scylla mouth can trust scylla for giveing good love to sailor. friend scylla

Anonymous asked:

I'm always thinking about how (it seems that ) Laios was The Only One in the party who tried the kraken meat

Everyone just went "well if you say it's bad then we won't eat it ig"

But I was wondering if it's possible that he is just allergic to squid/octopus and to others the kraken meat would've been fine

He haven't tried either before and he said that there was a "stinging sensation in his mouth" which sounds like an allergic reaction to me

It's true! I guess since they got the parasites they didn't bother trying the kraken.


real giant squids have a high level of ammonia in their blood which would produce a very similar sensation and be very bitter to eat. (dont eat ammonia)

its likely this is what kui was referencing here!

I forgot about that!


Hey, no homo, but I am sitting on the broken swing set out back in the perfect, quiet, 2:00am blackness and picturing the softness of your voice and the darkness of your eyes with such perfect and terrible clarity that it feels like I'm choking on my own heartbeat.

Now I'm eating croutons straight out of the bag.

Still no homo ?

I'm gonna level with you, friend: I am eating these croutons gay style.


✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨


Here’s all the mass effect redesigns/variations I’ve done so far! Thought it would be a little neater to keep it all in a single post, rather than three different ones 👁️👁️ 


One advantage of not really having a strong sense of gender identity is that you’re very [shrug emoji] about how people gender you. Sometimes people call me by she/her pronouns and sometimes they go with he/him pronouns and on the internet people often default to they/them, and neither option is entirely right but also, fuck if I know what would be right, and I don’t particularly care. Therefore I’m perfectly happy to outsource my gender identity to the people around me who actually need to figure out which box to put me in. I don’t need to talk about myself in third person, so really my pronouns sound like a you problem.

My pronouns are I/me and the rest is for someone else to deal with because I have better things to do.

Very fond of macrolabels, like “queer”, that provide zero extra information. Is it genderqueer? Is it romantic/sexual orientation queer? Is it queer as in “none of your fucking business what’s in my pants and what I do with it and with whom”?

This is actually probably the first time I’ve ever read something that accurately describes my relationship with gender--ie, ‘my gender is me and my pronouns are a you problem’--so thank you for that!

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