
Demetri Volturi.

@demetriel / demetriel.tumblr.com

From blood and pain come perfection. Indie Twilight RP.

All of you are amazing. I still remember all of you, and so glad you are all here. Though I did accidentally log onto this account, but I’m not disappointed. So much has happened, including meeting my actual face-claim and having in depth conversations with him. Not even going to begin with how awkward it was speaking to someone you’ve used their face to rp on tumblr with for years during your teens....


Wow, how much life has changed.


holy shit man

holy shit man i cant believe Demetri hibernated my whole semester and two months deep into sadness and denial saying im back every time but then the darkness has him again


vladimir and stefan only turning up in breaking dawn to find out when exactly the volturi’s coming so they can go to italy and burn down their castle

Anonymous asked:

Would you consider writing a Drabble or one shot on how Felix and Demetri’s friendship began? I apologize if I’ve sent in this request before. I can’t remember if I asked already or just made a mental note to ask :/. Thank you and I love you blog 💜.

Yes you did ask me!! I will definitely write that, I didn't answer the request right away because I thought I'd have time to write but I will do it for sure when I get everything else in my life done!!


i: fortius quo fidelius // “Strength through loyalty.“ ii: oderint dum metuant // “Let them hate, so long as they fear.” iii: astra inclinant, sed non obligant // “The stars incline us, they do not bind us.”

Anonymous asked:

Where do you think Demetri's fear of commitment comes from? Is it because of the whole Amun thing or is it related to something that happened in his human life?

I imagine that Demetri was a guy who liked to have fun in his human life. He was casual and irresponsible and a flirt; he genuinely had no practice with happy relationships. Oh sure, he had his friends, but deep down, he knew the whole dynamic was based off of rebellion and escapism, not compatibility. As a result, any meaningful connection freaked him out a little bit. 

Then, as you say, his immortal emotional life was characterized by abandoning Amun and joining Aro. To this day, he doesn’t get what happened there. It’s a moment of murky emotional confusion, so he tells himself that his feelings about Amun couldn’t have been real. And, if something that felt so genuine actually wasn’t, then clearly, he must not be capable of commitment at all. (Of course, he works very hard to prove his worth to the Volturi, so he’s not even committed to the idea of being non-committed…) 

In short, Demetri has his issues. Like all Volturi vampires. It’s a whole, organization-wide thing. 

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